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KHBbS X-Blade

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Hey guys! I was playing through BbS and it hit me. So we know that "x-Blade" sounds like "Keyblade" right? Well in the x-Blade Graveyard (See what I did there) MX talks about the x-Blade. How does TVA know that he is talking about the "x-Blade" and not a "Keyblade"? It's not like they had subtitles like we did.

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i believe that what Nomura was trying to do was use the greek letter X because if you try and spell it with rest of word X-blade it actully sounds like 'Keyblade' and seeing that some people cant spell exactly right he changed it in to the original which is 'keyblade',

for example my name is 'Xifos' people may read it zifos but its ksifos which is the greek word for sword.

so it must sound something like H-blade for people that leave in the U.S or Canada may not be understandable but here in greece people cant spell H like an H they spell like X i hope i made myself a little more understandable its not easy trying to explain it like this.

(i Spell the H right because i know to speak arabic)

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Well. Terra and Aqua were told about it (a tiny bit) by Ven, just before MX showed up, so they knew that MX wasn't talking about any old Keyblade.

Ven actually questioned MX about the X-Blade, thinking it was a Keyblade, and MX explained the pun to him.

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How does TVA know that he is talking about the "x-Blade" and not a "Keyblade"? It's not like they had subtitles like we did.

He explained it. When he first mentioned it to Ventus, Ven responded "Keyblade?", then Master Xehanort explained that it wasn't the regular type of Keyblade that he and Ven used but a different type of Keyblade pronounced Key-blade.


Later, Ven told Terra and Aqua that Master Xehanort wants to create some kind of X-blade. By what Ven just said Terra and Aqua could understand that Ven was talking about a special type of Keyblade. But what Terra and Aqua probably never released was that the Keyblade Ven was talking about was pronounced Key-blade.

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This reminds me of Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker.In the story they had a group named Cipher(which is Arabic for zero)and the pronounced it as Cipher not the way it is said,it is actually pronounced Cepher more of an effences(sorry don't know how to spell it)on the e while they switched with a ''I'' and goes sipher or like Seifer from Twilight town and FF 8.

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This reminds me of Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker.In the story they had a group named Cipher(which is Arabic for zero)and the pronounced it as Cipher not the way it is said,it is actually pronounced Cepher more of an effences(sorry don't know how to spell it)on the e while they switched with a ''I'' and goes sipher or like Seifer from Twilight town and FF 8.


yeah that's right i havent played peace walker i am going to buy today actually, many words are wrong pronounced and mispelled in gemes.

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