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KHBbS Help!!!

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I'm not sure if there is a thread like this and I haven't been on this site for a while.


After a long period searching for the Xenanort Reports I have finally found them... But I am currently fighting Terranort and I am really struggling. I can't beat him and I am too scared to fight the second part. Please someone help me

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For the first battle i would recommend D-link Zack (leveled up of course) he will be down in a second. For the second battle i would recommend shotlock prism rain

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What part are you on for final Episode? The first battle or the second one? If the first one, use Zack's D-Link if you have it maxed out. For the second battle, when he is using the attack where the shadow comes out of the ground use a shot lock on him

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Ok max out these three abilities: Dark Screen, HP Boost, and Cure Boost and get the Once More Second Chance abilities. Also go into the Mirage Arena and get through the Wheels of Misfortune and A Time to Chill, both give Aqua Max HP. Deck Commands should consist of multiple recovery spells (Curage) and items (Hi Potions, Elixers, etc.) For offensive commands Magic Hour and Time Splicer, Time Splicer can be found in the Rainbow Falls area in Never Land, while Magic Hour can be Melding either Aeroga and Barrier Surge (add in a Pulsing Crystal and get Second Chance) or Meld Zero Graviga and Blitz and add in a Shimmering Crystal for Dark Screen, your choice. SAVE your Shotlocks for the second part against him, don't worry about the second part of the battle, it is easier than the first. Keep at it, I know you can beat him.

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For the second battle, dodge diagonally left and right to advance on him while dodging the... the... whatever he shoots at you. Slap his shit. Retreat after a few hits or when you get hit. If you have good reflexes, this battle will be easy peasy. when the Guardian rushes at you, quickly block. When the Guardian disappears, that means it will rush up from under you. Make sure to dodge this at the right time because the timing for that attack can get a little tricky, especially because it repeats itself a few times until it hits you.

Other than that, It's pretty much looped. Oh, and watch out for the occasional fast+powerful keyblade combo when Terranort rushes at you. Shotlocks are pretty much useless btw.

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