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Final Fantasy XIII

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Well hello there! I currently bought FFXIII for the Xbox 360 console and I was playing through it for about...hmm... 4 hours? Then my entire console froze. At first, I figured my 360 crashed, then, I restarted my game, and it froze in the exact same part! I couldn't play 2 minutes without it freezing. Now I know what your thinking, "Oh it must be your Xbox" or "Oh, you just got a bad copy of the game" but no. I exchanged my copy 5 times. YES 5 times. And all 6 copies froze on the same part. I tried all 6 copies on MULTIPLE Xbox 360 consoles, MULTIPLE as in 5. And bear in mind that all these consoles were different versions (Original, Elite, Super Elite, And 2 Kinect-Ready 360's) And no Xbox/FF13 Combination would work. It's not my Xbox that is the problem, as it has frozen on 5 different ones at the same part(Disk 2, Chapter 1). I thought the problem lied within the game, but I exchanged it 5 times and all 6 froze. All of my copies were purchased as "New" also. All of these supposedly "New" copies were scratched a little bit and VERY dusty before I even took them out of the box, as if they had been used already. All of my other games run perfectly and the only one I seem to have an error with is Final Fantasy 13. I have no idea what the problem with the disk is. I have yet to find a new copy of this game that didn't have any scratches either.


I appreciate all help!

Thanks, Lightning

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You're lucky. My copy of FFXIII actually gave my 360 the red ring. I managed to fix it, put it back in, and it crashed at the exact same part, giving my 360 a red ring again, and this time I had to send it to Microsoft.


That was what made me say "F**k it." and buy a PS3.

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"Maybe something went wrong with that whole batch of disks?" I already though about that. But after the Gamestop copies didn't work, I got 2 from Wal-Mart, and 1 from H.E.B. And they did the same thing.

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