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How have you been affected by self-isolation?

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Just as the title says. The forced self-isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted millions around the whole world, and I was interested in seeing how everyone here was affected.

Personally, for me: once I heard everyone had to be quarantined, I thought I was gonna stress eat out of control and become overweight. Strangely, the exact opposite happened. I started maintaining a healthy diet and losing weight, and all I had to do was keep a positive attitude. That’s the main thing that kept me from going crazy this whole month, is to stay positive and make sure the self-isolation doesn’t keep me down.

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Honestly, I haven't really been at all affected. If anything, I've been able to get some much needed down time.

You see, I have two jobs, one at a hospital and one at a barbershop. Due to the barbershops closing because of the pandemic, I'm able to have Fridays and Saturdays off from there, so I can take a breather! I work at the hospital from Sundays through Thursdays, so I at least still have one job.

Now that I have Fridays and Saturdays off, though, I just unwind and relax and binge the hell out of the many shows I'm watching and am catching up on my reading and whatnot. And I go outside on walks around the neighborhood and just contemplate nature around me. Working seven days a week for over a year was crazy, so having this brief respite has done wonders for me.

Don't get me wrong, I miss the barbershop and I want this pandemic to end as much as the next guy, but I do appreciate the breather I've gotten.

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Other than having to adjust to the new normal I haven't really been affected too much. Grateful that I'm able to wfh, and I have a lot more down time so I'm using that to do things I enjoy, catch up on movies, shows, and games I didn't have the time for before, and video call my friends every now and again to keep my sanity haha. xD 

I'm hoping things will open back up sooner rather than later, but I also don't want them to lift the shelter in place until it's safe to do so. In the mean time just trying to stay positive myself. 

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I’m in a weird place because I started doing better mentally when this whole self-isolating thing started.

I mean I’m not happy at all about the situation and obviously I’m worried (about the people I care about, and just the world overall. Where I live things seem to be decently under control but that’s not the case in some parts of the world and that makes me sad).

But just in terms of how I’m doing? I know this sounds bad but it’s almost a relief that for once I’m pretty much just forced to stop. Been feeling like I haven’t gotten anywhere with my life recently, so it gets a bit better when you know you aren’t really supposed to anyway right now. Although I guess in the end I’m just justifying my own laziness with this situation... and I do aknowledge that it’s a luxury to even be able to take a break... : /

Plus the fact that it’s hardly anything new for me to just stay home and not talk to anyone for weeks might be contributing to why I cope with this relatively well lol. Now it almost feels like I’m interacting with people more since others are lonely and bored too. 

Oh, and playing P5R has made me super happy too.

(This got kinda long. I’m sorry.)

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I guess I've been affected a fair emount. I got laid off last month due to the pandemic, but since then my country's emergency financial assistance has kicked in so we're doing okay money-wise.

Mainly it's just been my boyfriend and I hunkered down in our apartment, playing games, watching movies and TV shows. I've been rewatching Bob's Burgers and before that I rewatched Bojack Horseman. I've also been doing a lot of reading, writing, crocheting and cross stitching. I also started replaying the KH series again. Initially I replayed KH1 and 100 percented it for the first time in honour of my mom. She passed away a couple of months ago and she loved the first Kingdom Hearts. To be honest she's been on my mind a lot, and without my job to distract me I've had some rough days. Being unable to visit my family hasn't helped either. Thank god for my boyfriend; he's my rock and he's amazing.

So I guess all in all, I've been affected, but I'm not going stir-crazy yet. I'm an introvert so having to stay inside for long periods of time doesn't really faze me. This just had rotten timing.


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I’ve decided to watch a movie called “Tous les matins du monde” for a school assignment.

And I couldn’t have been any more bored.

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My aunt's dad is in the hospital, and he's not doing so well. He basically has his kidneys starting to shut down, and...none of my family can visit him, due to you-know-what.

I think that's the worst part of this whole thing; when a loved one needs the love of another the most in this time, that's only possible via prayers or distant communication.

I'll admit I was closer to my aunts, uncles and cousins than my aunt's father, but my prayers are with him and the rest of my aunt's family regardless.

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On 6/19/2020 at 7:16 AM, Jingilator said:

UPDATE: My aunt's dad died a while back. May his soul rest in peace in God's paradise.

Wish I saw this earlier, but I'm sorry to hear this. :( I can only imagine how hard that must be especially with COVID-19 placing restrictions on things. I hope you and your family are holding up okay. 


Little update for me....last week there was a case in my office. I've been working from home since March, so I'm definitely safe, but there are a few of my colleagues that opted to work in office once stuff started re-opening, so that's pretty scary. It's one thing to hear about it on the news or what have you, but when it happens so close to you it becomes all the more real. :'(


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