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Final Fantasy VII Remake Spoilers Chat

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but Otti, how much of that ending stuff was there in comparison to the whole game?

So like if the whole game is 40 hours let's say, how much of that new stuff was there that caused this whole thing?

cause to say that it was false advertising and bad business practice would imply that at least 50% of the game was different than the original

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cant wait for all this to make sense when i get to it haha, but i think i have a general idea

but in your opinion, it's not an actual sequel since the still end at the same place as they did originally and the majority of the game is still Midgar

It's just that one part

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It ends exactly where the og did regarding the Midgard section

I mean, it did do some questionable stuff in the last hour

I am never gonna deny that part

And there is a chance they will change the whole thing completely

But after playing this one? I genuinely don't believe that

They pretty much added all of the Midgard stuff from the og and then made it better

I see no reason for them to do something completely different for the next games

And if they do...well then I am wrong

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I am surprised at the differences between the critics and fanbase

Like a few critics had an issue with the ending but a lot of them didn't mention it and still gave the game a high rating

So I am guessing they liked it somewhat

Then the fanbase is like....a meltdown

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