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Final Fantasy VII Remake Spoilers Chat

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I find the topic of satire and comedy to be iffy... I don't have an issue with satire or comedy but I find that the danger of satire and comedy is that when the points make sense the people listening can take it as weapons for harassement (strong words but i dont have another one that fits better)

Like for example Dave Chappelle says sth that completely makes sense in one of his comedy specials... he says in the context of a joke. So we cant take what he says as his motto of life or his actual way of acting irl. But some of his points hits home to some ppl, like the whole idea of like "your body your choice, my money my choice" it makes sense in the context of his jokes and also does in a certain way. But then u have dicky mcdickdick who impregnates his gf and goes like "my money my choices"

And that's like taking a message in a whole other meaning

And I think that's my fear of certain satire skits.

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