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Final Fantasy VII Remake Spoilers Chat

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That ^

And I also think the japanese might have misunderstood the term remake for actually

remaking the plot from scratch post midgar


Like to me if I was in their place in their position it makes sense to me

Like this reminds of the comic fans of Marvel that really didnt like the avengers

Cuz they threw away some comic book tropes

And changed certain characters

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That's an interesting way to look at it

But I guess with comics it has had that history of rebooting and doing stuff all over again in different ways for so many years

Goes for both DC and Marvel with that

FF7R on the other hand is doing something huge like this in a game is a first

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but these changes make sense to me from a artistic creative standpoint, to be able to have the flexibility to change certain elements enables you to drastically change the experience or to remove/add elements especially considering that there were so many OPTIONAL stuff outside of midgar


This ^ is even more of an important point

When I played the original game I forgot about Vincent until disk 2

Wutai was completely optional too

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I guess it depends on what they do from here.

Will they continue following the story of the OG and add a bunch more stuff to enhance the story like the first part did or will they change the story completely but keep the characters in? I am still hoping and believe it's going to be the first part, but after the ending of Part 1 there's a chance they might just go bonkers and do their own thing


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to me it feels like they could have waited with while fate changing shit... like they instroduce the idea in part 1 and in part 2 they could have built to this... I think that would have quelmed the frustrations. But then again. I really dont see then deviating on the path... and it could be even more satisfying but wrenching if your actions throughout part 2 can lead to different endings or even u are told that u can change fate and destiny just so that un the end firetruck u things happen the same way


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oh is that the petition you mentioned above? that is amazing haha

but yeah im with you on most of what you say wasabi. you bring up great points

the one little issue remains is that poor Nomura is gonna get blamed for everything as soon as something changes when he wasn't the lead writer for this one haha

and people are still scarred from DDD so time travel just has a bad taste in many people's mouths now

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