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Kingdom Hearts Dark Road Chat

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Could someone who beat the tower show a video of their level 100 run start to finish along with the cards they have and the +stack value of the used cards? I am getting error where enemy is double attacking me and it’s canceling my moves. I’ve reported it but devs ignored it last tower and now it’s gotten worse. I’m getting double attacked more so I’m trying to see if other people are having this happen or just me. Basically after the first turn ends the game desyncs and the enemy stacks two hits in a row leaving me no chance to heal the damage.

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Yeah mine is broken I only get one or max two hits between enemy moves so my heal is only once before he hits me two times and I lose. Is the triple stack from maxing out the stacked cards? Like having +10 on everything?

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I'm not seeing anything w/ defense down on it, but I do see attack variations, so that may be it. Interestingly enough, I think the Demon Tide is susceptible to paralysis if you have that.

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No I have a hard time selecting the cards fast enough so my turn doesn’t get skipped but I can try

So when my turn comes up I pause and select to have heal always trigger first right?

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You still have to tap the refill the deck.

As soon as you get the third card, tap the options button as the next three cards are popping up so you can get an idea of the best three to use and which order to use them and unpause to select them before pausing again.

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It depends on whether or not you have any w/ sub-abilities, which would get selected second or third to go into effect. They only last ten seconds, so you have to be quick, but you don't necessarily need to get buffs that high.

It's not timed or turn-limited.

You just need to survive and be able to heal a lot in between doing damage.

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Oh good

You have wind & light, which are its weaknesses.

Your strength and magic stats are higher than mine were when I faced it.

I think that Mickey and that Sora have sub-curing/healing.

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Yep they both have cure subs so I usually put them 2nd or 3rd

So for attack do either wind or light slot 1 then sub heal then anything not wind/light as third or if no sub heal I’d have to put heal first then wind/light then anything?

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I can’t finish it. I got it 3/4 the way then double attack happened so unless they fix glitch I can’t do it. I tap as fast as I can to load cards but still only get one or two attacks in so enemy is going way too often and even goes before it’s supposed to. Is there going to be a lower level tower in offline mode I can do later? This is way too hard.

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Lame wonder if they will even look at my support ticket before it ends. I recorded video showing the desync but hard trouble sharing it since my iPad says it’s 500 mb for 3 minutes. I had to put on google drive to get the link to send in.

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Do you think it will run better with blue stacks on a desktop? I’m sure I have specs but never did emulation on blue stacks before. My friend suggested it to see if maybe lag might go away.

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