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Wolf on the Run

return of the keyblade

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'' Don't do that again. Ahtxson now knows you need to kill Quentin. Me and you will go and kill Quentin. If you fail then I'll kill him myshelf and your soul will scatter.''said Uxie as he look at Azura who started crying.'' If you don't want to lose your sight then you'll have to kill the one you love.''said Uxie as he look at Azura.

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Azura felt tear slip.She felt her heart ache as well.She looked at Uxie and glared at him with all the hatred in her heart."I would prefer to go blind and die than to ever harm Quentin!Especially kill him!!!"Azura says as she was angry and furious.She thinks for a while and then dissapears.Then she re-appears infront of Ahtxson."AHTXSON!"Azura says furiously.Athxson steared at her with a glare."You promised that my friends would stay out of harm if I were to join you!I kept my part now you must keep yours!"Azura says.

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'' I did. Its just I don't want you to go blind. Here.''said Ahtxson as he made Azura's aura eye's disappear.'' Now you won't go blind. Now. Go to Twilight Town. Kill heartless to keep kingdom hearts alive.''said Ahtxson.'' If you meet your friends don't make contact. Wear this blackcoat. It will hide your face.''said Ahtxson as he handed Azura the black coat.

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Azura calmed down and grabbed the coat.She putted it on and raised her hood over her head.Azura steared at Ahtxson and gave a small bow.She then dissapeared.Then reappeared in Twilight Town.She looked around and went to search for Heartless.She ranned around until she found a whole bunch of Heartless infront of the clock tower.Azura got her blade ready and started to fight Heartless.

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Alex saw as Quentin fell to the floor holding his chest. "Quentin, are you ok?" He nodded and got back up but it still looked like he was hurt. "Alright, if we run into any enemy's me and Joe will handle 'em." Joe nodded. "Ok then, we should start at the main gate. I don't know why, but I have a feeling we should go there." They all then head to the entrance.




Raxus and Ojex where at the entrance to Radiant garden. "Ok so where is this reverse armour?" They look around, but couldn't find it. They both then look up to find the reverse armour. "So that's where he is. Ojex, you can take care of this." Ojex nodded and started to fight. Five minutes later Ojex was still fighting while Raxus was sat down watching them. "C'mon already, you still not finished. The superior left me to train you. But you can't even defeat a reverse armour." Ojex looked angry. "Fine, I'll do it." All Raxus did was raise his finger and pointed it at the reverse armour. A beam of pure darkness came out and completely destroyed the reverse armour. Raxus shook his head in dissapointment. "You need more training, you'r still not strong enough. If you stay at this level any longer, you will never be stronger than Joe." Just as they where about to leave, Alex, Joe and Quentin appeared. "Oh, speak of the devil."

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Quentin could barely move the pain was intense. He saw Ojex and Raxu, they suddenly turned towards them. Raxus sighed.

"Lets get this over with." Raxus said, he puled out his weapon, Ojex summoned his keyblade and glared at Joe and Quentin. They both summoned they're keyblades. Quentin stil felt the pain, but he needed to keep going.

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Azura fought off the Heartless.She jumped and threw her blade and destroyed 5 Neoshadows.Her blade came back to her hand and she kicked a few and slashed about 6 more.She moved her hands and dark aura wolves appeared and started to kill Heartless that were coming her way.After about 10 minutes the Heartless were gone for the moment.Azura looks at the sunset.She looks down.

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Joe and Ojex clashed for a mment, they kept slashing towards eachother who either blocked or ducked. Raxus slashed towards Alex, who also avoided and retaliated wih a flurry of slashes. Quentin saw a couple eartless go towards him, Quentin slashed through one and then fired magic at them, they dissipeared into darkness.

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Azura saw some kids coming by.She gripped her hood and pulled it down over her face as far as it could go.She walked around and was about to leave.But she then turned to see the Clock Tower.She turned and started to head out towards the Clock Tower.She ignored the fact that she could just teleport to the top and went walking around the stairs.After about 10 minutes she finally gets to the top.She sits on the edge and watches the sunset.

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They fought against them for a moment until Raxus looked at them then created a portal, he and Ojex left. Quentin then thought about something.

"Hey Joe, if your full nmae is Joseph, doesn't that mean Ojex has a longer name?" Quentin asked, Joe simply replied by glaring at him.

"Never mind." Quentin saw more heartless around.

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After a few minutes.She stands up and goes off to fight more Heartless around the town.As the hours pass she defeated all the Heartless that she could find.Finally Uxie told her that it was enough for the day and to return to teh Base.Azura looked around and saw that it was night already.She looked up at the stars and then dissapeared.She reappeared in the Base's loundge.Everyone steared at her."Mission accomplished and blah blah blah."Azura says as she walks away towards her room.

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Five minutes later the heartless where defeated. "Ok, let's keep searching." Joe and Quentin nodded. The three continued there search through town.




Raxus and Ojex appeared in TWTNW. "Man I guess you where right they have grown stronger. We had better tell the superior." Raxus and Ojex then headed to the round room. They sat in there seats. The superior was waiting for them. "Raxus what has taken you so long, you where gone half an hour. That mission shouldn't have taken so long." "Sorry superior, there where light wielders. Joe, Alex and Quentin where there, they seem to be looking for Athxson." "Hmm, interesting. Did you defeat them?" "No superior, they where stronger than what we thought, it seems they are all master's." "Master's... that is interesting. Well you and Ojex must get stronger, I asume that you defeated the reverse armour." "Yes, I did because Ojex took too long and couldn't defeat it." "Very well, Raxus train him and make sure he is stronger than Joe." "Yes superior." Raxus and Ojex then left to train.

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Azura was at her room when Angel knocked on her door.Azura opened it."Mission."Angel says as she hands over a paper."But I just came from one."Azura says."Well,you missed an Orca."Angel says.Azura sighs and nods.She looks at it."Main Plaza?Oh.What a perfect place too steal hearts."Azura says as she dissapears and reappears in the Plaza.She looks around."Where are you?"Azura asks.Suddenly the Orca rises up from the ground and appears behind her.Azura turns."Oh.There you are."Azura says as she summons her blade.

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Alex, Joe and Quentin continued there search around Radiant garden. "C'mon, there should be something here." Alex then looked down a alleyway., he saw someone in a black cloak. Alex wispered to the others. "Hey guy's, look." They all look down the alleyway and see the man in the black cloak. "Ok, let's follow him." Making sure not make a lot of noise the three follow the man in the cloak. The man then looked around to make sure he wasn't followed, he then put his hand up to a wall. there was a panel and it glowed. "Ok, so that's where he is." Alex said making sure to keep his voice down. A part of the wall dissapeared and the man walked in, the wall then closed itself up again. Alex, Joe and Quentin then walked up to the wall. "Ok if we go in we won't be able to come back out untill this is finished. Are you guy's ready?"

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The Orca roared.Azura got ready to fight."Let's go."Azura says.She charges right in and the Orca tries to punch her.Azura jumps out of the way and makes wings with her aura.She flies up high and attacks the Orcas on the head.She slams her blade at the head.The Orca roared and punched her.Azura got slammed against the ground.She moved her hand and a giant dragon attacked the Orca.Azura stood back up.

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"Lets get this over with" Quentin said, they enterred the portal, they then found themselves in a very dark city. It wasn't lke twtnw, it seemed dark for other reasons, like perhaps it was underground, Quentin saw a beaten old sign, the text on it was faded. they looked out and saw a ladder to a building, they climbed it and saw how large the city was.

"Big town huh?" Quentin said looking out.

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Azura slasmed her blade against the Orca one more time.The Orca roared and faded away.Leaving a giant heart to float up to the sky."There."Azura says.She dissapears and reappears in the base.She sees Angel."No more missions?"Azura asks.Angel shakes her head."Good."Azura says with a smile.She and Angel walk around and laugh as they tell eachother of their missions today.Then Angel said goobye and went to her room.Azura did the same thing.She went to her room and layed down.Shadow jumped on her and licked her face."It's been a long day boy."Azura says.Then she thinks of Quentin and frowns a bit."It's been a long day..."Azura says as she turns around.

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joe looked around after walking throw the portal then realt something strange in his heart "ojex must be getting stronger" joe then looked around again "this place seems so dark how come and its not the world that never was so where are we" joe turned to alex "you've been to more worlds then any of us do you know where we are"

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Alex looked around trying to figure out where they where. "Sorry, not even I know where we are. At first glance I thought it was TWTNW, but then I realised this place is much darker than that." Joe nodded. "Ok, well we had better look for some directions." Quentin and Joe nodded. They then sarted to search the dark city.




"Good Ojex, you'r getting better. At this rate, you'll be stronger than Joe in no time." Raxus said as he trained Ojex. "Alright, it looks like you've mastered that step. Now I'll show you how to power up you'r keyblade. Powering up you'r keyblade can be most affective in battle, as a matter of fact that is how Alex defeated me that one time. But I won't let it happen again. Now pour you'r energy into you'r keyblade." Ojex then tried to power up his keyblade as Raxus watched.

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They enterred the dark city, Quentin looked up, they were boviously underground, because there were no sky or clouds, The city seemed a bit uninhabitted for years, and now just suddenly got turned on, there were lamp posts at the streets. Quentin saw heartless appear. Quentin summoned his keyblade.

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joe looked around "dam this place is weird" joe then saw heartless appear he summons his keyblade and begains to fight them he cuts a few down then sees another type of creature appear with a different symbol on them to the nobodys and heartless "what are theses things"

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"No clue." Quentin sighed, he slashed towards a dusk and then used strike raid on another heartless. He was recovering a bit, but still felt this dark pain. What hapened to Azura? He slashed towards another heartless and vcasted Thundaga ont he others. HE dis-sumoned his keyblade and then got back to the others.

"Well that went over well." Quentin said, Joe glared at him.

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Shadow fell asleep.Azura was tired.But she couldn't fall asleep yet.She looked at the cieling.She thinks about her friends.About everything.When she met all of them.Each one in a different encounter.She remembers when she met Quentin.The meeting was kind of funny since he had fallen through the window into the old mansion.She remembers when he helped her fight the demon.When their hearts linked as one.Azura felt sadness in her heart.She couldn't see them again.And if she tried to do something.She might end up getting them killed.She closed her eyes."I wonder if they'll ever forgive me for this."Azura says.

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"Ok guy's, let's keep moving." Alex was raring to go, but Joe kept looking at Quentin for some reason. "Umm Joe, what's wrong with ya?" Joe then shook his head and was ready to leave. "Ok then, let's keep going." The other two nodded and they continued there way through the dark city. Alex was starting to remember things for some reason. "Hey you know what, I think I've actually been here before." Quentin and Joe looked at him. "Ok you see it's like this. A couple of years back, Athxson was once a member of the Organization, but then he started to follow his own ambition's and left. While this happened a squad of three members of the Organization where sent out to either capture o'r kill Athxson, I was a part of that group. We followed him to Radiant garden and we followed him down here, but that's all I can remember. I'm pretty sure then that was the time I lost my memory and started acting this way, with no memory of what I had been doing for the last three years what so ever."

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"Strange... maybe Axshton did it to you?" Quentin asked, Alex shrugged.

"This place is so large, it seems lie it goes on forever... " Quentin said, they walked through an abandoned street, there were old turned over cars, Quentni went by one. He saw a keyblade near one, it was on the ground discarded, there wa also a blood stain. He knelt down and examined it.

"Hm, have you seen this before?" Quentin asked, Alex looked down at it.

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