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Wolf on the Run

return of the keyblade

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Azura watched at the cartoon.She couldn't help it and laughed a bit.Quentin steared at her."Sorry.Can't help it."Azura syas.The train ride lasted for quite a while.Azura had fallen asleep.Finally the trained reached to Hollow Bastion.Azura and Quentin gotthe package and headed out.They looked around."Where does he live?"Azura asks.Quentin shrugs.She looks around and sees a Moogle."Escuse me.Do you know where Merlin the 24rth lives?"Azura asks.The moogle nods."He lives right down the street.Kupo."The moogle says."Thanks.Come on."Azura says as they keep walking.

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They carried the package and walked towards a building, Azura knock on the door.

"One moment." a voice said. They waited for thirty seconds, she knocked again.

"I'm coming c'mon." He said, still nothing, she knocked one more time and the door openned. they saw that the man they saw on TV was mixed up in some electrical gear, it actually held him down, he was trying to reach for a wand.

"Are you Merlin?" Quentin asked, the man nodded.

"Well these are packages from Cid." Quenti cid laying the packkages on the table. he nodded. he was still reaching for the wand. Quentin walked over and handed it to him. he took it.

"I had it, I'm not that old." He said. he used magic and got out of the equipment. He then lookeed at them.

"Let me guess, you're the new keyblade weilders?" He said, Quentin and Azura stared at him. Quentin saw on his desk a strange book, it had WINNIE THE POOH written on it.

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Merlin steared at them.He looked at them for a while."Well.I guess in the last 1000 years the keyblade wielders aren't as strong as they used to be."Merlin says."Hey,we're strong."Azura says.Merlin looks at them."OK.Just hold on a second while I bring the munny to pay back Cid for bringing me this.Merlin says as he walks away into another room.Azura crossed her arms and saw the book."What's this?"Azura asks.She picks it up and looks at it.She was about to open it.

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"Er Azura, I don't think you should-" She opened it.

"Open it." He finished suddenly the book opened and they were sucked in. Next thing Quentin knew, he was in a strange place, it looked like the woods back in twilight town, but it wasn't as creepy... In fact it looked like cardboard. Azura wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Where am I?" Quentin asked, suddenly he saw a cat jump repeatively, he jumped onto him.

"Hello, My name's Tiggr." He said, Quentin stared at him.

"That's T-I-Double Guh-Er... That spells Tiggr!" He said excited, Quentin kept looking at him.

"Er right... I'm Quentin." He said. The Tiger chuckled and got off. Quentin slowly stood up and dusted off his pants.

"Pleased to meet yah, so what brings you to the Hundred-Acre-Wood?" He asked. Quentin looked at him.


Suddenly the camera goes up and then the title Hundred Acre Wood appears. The Winnie the Pooh theme plays.


"Alright I found my... checkbook." Merlin said seeing they were gone.

"How could they've been gone so fast?" He asked puzzled, not realizing Azura opened the book.

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Alex was still fighting desperately with his alternate personality in the station of serenity. They threw dark firaga's at each other but they always hit each other at the same time and were mirror images of each other. The real Alex sent a shock thunder right towards the other Alex, but he dodged and did the same. Alex dodged and then stopped moving. "What. are you giving up?" the other Alex said. "not quite." Alex said closing his eye's. An aura of power began to form around Alex and then a shine of light and darkness radiated from Alex's keyblade. "what the hell are you doing? are you insane? you would put you'r intire being into an attack just to defeat me?" "I'm not putting my INTIRE being into an attack. you said I hung in the balance I finally figured out what that mean's. You think i'll fall to the darkness, don't you? well I won't i'll make sure of that." Alex then compressed the power inside his keyblade and ran towards the other Alex. "My name is Alex, number VI of the dark organization and...I WILL PROTECT THE LIGHT." Alex then slashed through the other Alex and defeated him. "you'v done well Alex, it seems you'r destiny is to be ruler of this body and my destiny is to help on you'r journey. Remember this Alex, if you ever call me in the future I shall lend you strength." Alex then woke up gasping for breath. Alex looked around and found no one here including Azura. "they must have gone on already and Azura must have waken up. I had better get out there and find them." Alex then gathered his stuff together in his bag and set out to find the other's.

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joe looked around merlins house after azura had openned the book both her and quentin were gone "owe thats just great i just get back and now they disappear" "owe my dear boy are you hungry" merlin asked "howd you know that" "i can see fron the look on your face and i heard your stomach" joe laughed and rubbed his head "guess im hungryer then i thought" merlin then summoned some food and him and joe began to eat and wait for azura and quentin to return in that time joe told merlin about his time on earth

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Alex had left the hotel and began have to look around town for where the other's went. "they must have left when I was still asleep." Alex carried on looking around until he had found cid. "hey gramps do you know my friend's went?" "MY NAMES CID NOT GRAMPS, and they went on a delivery run for me." "really, where are they now?" "there in hollow bastion to deliver a package to merlin the 24." "ok. Is it alright if I can stay here until they get back?" "sure, but don't tuch anything." "ok." Alex was waiting inside cid's shop. "I wonder how the other's are doing." "they should be back soon if you'r concerned about them." said cid. "but if you really wanna find out, then you should go." "right, ok i'll go see them then, thanks cid." "anytime." Alex then left and equiped his armour and threw his keyblade into the transforming it. "ok to hollow bastion we go." Alex said and then left the world. Minutes later Alex had arrived in hollow bastian. "ok first things first I gotta find merlin the 24." "you say you'r looking for merlin, kupo." Alex turned around to find a moogle standing behind him. "Are you a part of the group of people who came by earlier, there was a 2 boy's and a girl." "yeah thats them they went to merlin's house." "yes, they aked me for directions. merlins house is the one on the end." "alright, thank you." Alex then arrived at merlins house and knocked on the door. "hello is anybody here." "yes there is and who might you be?" "I'm Alex, I believe a couple of my friends had arrived earlier, I was wondering if you had seen them?" "yes I had, but two of them seem to have dissappeared." Alex then noticed that Joe was in the room. "hey Joe I guess you'r back from earth, huh."

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Azura opens her eyes.She sees that she's in a strange world."What the heck?"Azura asks.She sees the trees."Are those even real?"Azura says.Then she hears some tiny screaming.She looks around."Who's there?"Azura asks as she stands up."Up heeeeeeeeere!"says a voice.Azura looks up to see a pink...thing.Flying around because of the strong wind."Huh?"Azura asks.She sees that the wind stops blowing and the thing falls down.It lets out a scream as it falls.Azura started to run."I got ya!"Azura says as she throws herself into the ground and catches it."You're safe."Azura says.Now that she sees it up close.It looked like a little piglet."O-O-Oh dear.T-T-Thanks...um..."The thing says."Azura."Azura says."T-T-Thanks Azura.I'm Piglet."Piglet says.

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joe turns to see alex walk in the door "hey alex ya and beleave me talk about about trouble after you guys left i got stuck right in the middle of a war seemed some dark weilders had found there way to earth and where out to try and tring to cover all the worlds in darkness by using some kind of darkness bomb kind of weird but me and the doctor managed to stop it in the end"

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"Well,nice to meet you Piglet."Azura says.She kneels down.Since compared to her.Piglet was quite small."I-I haven't seen you around here.What are you doing in the 100 Acre Woods?"Piglet asks."I...don't even know myself."Azura says.She rememebers opening the book and next thing that she knows.She's here.She looks around."(Did he got sucked in too?)"Azura thinks wondering if Quentin was in this strange world as well.She looks at Piglet."Hey.I think I lost my friend.Have you seen him?He has blond hair and blue eyes.He also wears a green shirt with a crown symbol on it."Azura explains.

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Quentin slowly took all this in.

'Hundred acre wood... a world is located inside a storybook?' Quentin thought, he looked at Tiggr.

"So, why are you here, you know Sora?" He asked, Quentin looked at him.

"Er no... who's Sora?" Quentin asked, Tiggr's face dropped.

"He was an old pal of mine, he hasn't visited us in a while." He said, he puled out his paw and started counting.

"Okay... I'm looking for my friend." Quentin said realizing Azura might be here.

"Alright, what does this pal look like?" He asked, Quentin looked at him for a moment.

"She's about this tall, has brown hair, and wear's blue clothing." Quentin said, Tiggr started thinking to himself.

"Anything else?" He asked scratching his chin.

"Her name's Azura... She's er... really pretty." Quentin said blushing. Tiggr nodded and started bouncing all over the place, Quentin realized they were in front of a house. It belonged to a Mr. Sanders. Tiggr bounced by it.

"Maybe Pooh bear might know this friend of yours." Tiggr said, he imediately openned the door. Quentin heard a crash, he walked in to see Crashed 'Hunny' pots, and a pudgy yellow teddy bear with a red shirt underneith Tiggr.

"Hiya there pooh bear!" Tiggr said happy, Pooh stared at him.

"Oh... bother." He said, Quentin sighed.

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"Yeah that does sound like a lot of trouble, but you weren't the only one going through a tough time. It turn's that I used to be a dark wielder, don't worry I'm still on you'r side." Alex said to joe. "Hey Joe, so where are the other's?" Joe explained to Alex that they where sucked inside the book. "Right so that's where they went. Alright, I'm curious about this book so I'm gunna look inside ok, see ya." Alex was then sucked into the book and wound up in the middle of a clearing. "where am I?" "well this is the hundred acre wood." Alex then looked down and found a small kangaroo looking up to him, Alex bent down and talked to the kangaroo. "Hey there what's you'r name?" asked the kangaroo. "I'm Alex, how about you?" "Nice to meet you Alex, my name is Roo." "Hey Roo, have you seen any of my friend's around here." "hmmm... no I haven't, buuuut... we could go look for them." "yeah let's do that." Alex and Roo then went looking around for Quentin and Azura.

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"I-I don't think I've seen him.Sorry."Piglet says.Azura sighs.She looks at him."It's OK.I'll just look around."Azura says."But.I think Rabbit might know."Piglet says."Rabbit?"Azura asks."Y-Yes.Follow me."Piglet says as he starts to walk around.Azura follows him.After a few minutes they get to a tree type of house with a grden filled with vegetables."Rabbit.Oh Rabbit!"Piglet says.Then a yellow rabbit comes out."Piglet.What is it?"Rabbit asks.Then he looks at Azura."And who are you?"Rabbit asks."Um.I'm Azura.I'm looking for a friend.He has blond hair,blue eyes,green shirt with a crown symbol on it.He's cute.Smart.Talented.Good fighter.And..."Azura says as she blushes when she reallizes what she said.Rabbit thinks."I don't think I've seen him.Sorry."Rabbit says."Oh OK."Azura says."Rabbit!Eeyor got stuck in your den hole again."Piglet says."Oh dear."Rabbit says.Azura sees a blue thing stuck on a hole in a wall that lead to an underground den.They walked over to there."We have to get him out."Piglet says.Rabbit nods.Azura nods also.Piglet grabs Eeyor's legs,Rabbit grabs Piglet and Azura grabs Rabbit."One...two...three...pull!"Rabbit says.They pull hard and long and Igor comes out.They fall back."Eeyor.What were you doing?"Rabbit asks.Eeyor looks at them."I was looking for Piglet...there you are."Eeyor says.

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joe smirked at alex as he entered the book then looked at merlin "a i remember when i first went in that book i wonder how pooh and the others are" "wait boy you where in the book before ya years ago it actuall belongs to my granddad when i was younger he brough me inside to meet everyone bbut i'm just wondering how it ended up here" "hum so thats who the owner was for the last few year" "what ya mean last few years" "well this is the third time i have gained posetion of that book first time with three strangers looking at it and the second with young sora all them years ago" "you new sora he was my ansister" "intaresting how does it seem when ever someone with a link to sora shows up that book does to"

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Azura sighs."(Will I ever find Quentin around here?)"Azura thinks.Azura looks at them."Hey,guys.It's nice to meet you and talk to you and all but I really have to find my friend."Azura says.Piglet looks at her."Oh.Right."Piglet says.He turns to Rabbit and Eeyor."We have to go."Piglet says.They start to walk away when Rabbit stops them."Hold on.I need you to give this to Pooh when you see him."Rabbit says as he hands over a Honey jar to piglet.Piglet was about to drop it when Azura catches it."We'll deliver it."Azura says.

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Quentin helped the bear up, he was suprisingly light, not like what his "diet" would say. The bear quickly found an unbroken "hunny" pot, and started eating like there was no tomorrow.

"So who... are you?" The bear asked, Quentin looked at him.

"Er, I'm Quentin." He said, the bear looked at him.

"Do you know when Sora's coming?" He asked, quentin stared at him.

"Er... Sora?" Quentin asked, all he knew was Joe had an ancestor named Sora. The bear kept eating.

"Yes, he'd come and play with us." He said, Quentin looked at him.

"Right... I'm looking for my friend." Quentin asked, Pooh nodded.

"Her name's Azura, she has short brown hair, is about this tall... and where's blue... oh and she's pretty." Quentin finished blushing. the bear stared at him and then looked down, he got into a thinking stance.

"think-think-think" He said tapping his noggin'. Quentin stared at him.

"Er... maybe Owl might know her?" He said. Quentin nodded.

"Alright, who's Owl?" Quentin asked. Pooh explained that owl was an owl and he knew lots of stuff.

"Ok, thanks for the hospitality." Quentin said slowly walking ou tthe door.

"Oh and if you see Rabbit, please tell him to bring over my "Hunny pot"?" the bear asked, Quentin nodded. he left the tree and walked down another path. after one minute, Azura came strolling down the path holding a "hunny" pot. Tiggr walked besides Quentin bouncing along. The approached a tree.

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"L-Look!It's Pooh's house.."Piglet says.Azura looks up to see a tree type house.They enter.Azura sees a yellow bear.Eating soem honey."H-Hi Pooh."Piglet says."Why,hello there Piglet.And who are you?"Pooh asks."I'm Azura.Oh,and Rabbit sended you this."Azura says handing over the Honey.Pooh then starts to eat."Thank you."Pooh says."Um.Well.I need to ask you.Hvae you seen a friend of mine pass by?His name is Quentin.He has blond hair,blue eyes,wears a green shirt with a crown symbol."Azura says."Hm...think,think,think..."Pooh says."Sorry.But I haven't seen him."Pooh says."Oh..."Azura says."Anyone else that we can ask?"Azura asks."Hm.I think we can ask Tiggr."Piglet says."Allright.Let's go.See ya Pooh."Azura says as she walks away."Good bye.If you happen to see Sora.Tell him to come bakc soon."Pooh says as he keeps eating his Honey.

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"That's owl's house." Tiggr said, Quentin nodded. They climbed up the ladder into the house. Quentin walked in. It was a really well kept, Quentin saw books stacked upon books, and also a ton of portraits of owls, all looking alike. Quentin looked around.

"Er...owl?" Quentin asked, he heard flapping. then a large bird came in.

"Oh, Tiggr, I see you brought a guest." Owl said walking over making tea on a counter. quentin stared at him.

"Er yeah... I'm quentin." Quentin said. Owl nodded.

"Very good, are you new here?" He asked. Quenin nodded.

"Yeah, my friend just opened the book, and then we came in here." Quentin explained, Owl nodded taking a sip.

"Hm, who is this friend of yours?" Owl asked. Quentin explained who Azura was for the third time that day. Owl nodded.

"hm, I did see someone who fit that description talking to Rabbit." He said, Quentin nodded.

"Ok, where does he live?" Quentin asked, Owl pointed in a direction.

"thanks for your help." Quentin said, he walked outside and jumped down. He walked towards the path to rabbits house, a minute later Azura came walking towards owl's house.

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"That's Owl's house.Maybe he knows where your friend is."Piglet says.Azura nods.Azura and Piglet climbed up to Owl's house."Why hello there Piglet and...wait.That description.Does your name happen to be.Azura?"The Owl asks."Um,yes.How did you know?"Azura asks."Why,a friend came looking for you just about a minute ago.His name was Quentin."Owl says as he took a sip of his tea."Really?!Did he tell you where he would go now?"Azura asks."Um,yes.I told them that I saw you by Rabbit's house.If you run fast you may catch them on time."Owl says."OK.Thanks."Azura says.They get out of the house and Azura looked at Piglet."We'll have to get running if we want to catch them.Come on."Azura says.Azura put Piglet on her shoulders.Azura started to run.Piglet held on to her head so he wouldn't fall."W-Whoa!"Piglet says.

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Quentin approached the rabbie who was in front of a cabbage patch. Almost on cue, Tiggr started bouncing intot he patch breaking the veggies, the rabbit stared at him and started fuming.

"TIGGR!!" He yelled out then Quentin tapped him on the shoulder, he turned.

"Oh yes, what is it?" The rabbit asked.

"Er, have you seen Azura around here?" Quentin asked. The rabbit nodded.

"Yes, I think I saw her head to Pooh's house... are you Quentin?" He asked, Quentin nodded.

"Yeah, and pooh said he needs more "hunny"." Quentin said, Rabit looked down.

"Gosh, I just sent him a jar, could he be finished already?" Rabbit wondered, he started walking into his house reciting something about weeks and sending pooh honey. Tiggr kept bouncing. Suddenly Quentin heard breating, and running. and then someone bumped into him, he fell his back to the ground, he looked and saw Azura on top of him... blushing.

"Er... hey." Quentin said witha slight shade of red over his cheeks.

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Azura blushed red as she fell over Quentin.She smiled as she felt her heart punding hard.Both for the running that she had to do and because of her falling over him."Um...hey...hehe..."Azura says blushing.Piglet had falled off and fallen on a hole.he muffeled 'help'.Tggr helped him out and looked at Quentin and Azura."Hey.Are you Quentin's friend?"Tggr asks.Azura nods."Um,yeah."Azura says.She gets off Quentin and helps him up."I've been looking all over for ya.I guess opening the book wasn't just a good idea huh?"Azura asks.

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"Yeah." Quentin laughed. She slowly got off of him, he got up, Piglet stared at him.

"My, you're big." He said, Quentin crouched down.

"Yeah... you're kinda small." quentin said, Piglet nodded. It was starting to get dark. tiggr yawned and bounced away. Piglet said he needed to find Pooh. Quentin nodded, he and Azura walked over to a hill with a swing, the moon was full. He sat down with her.

"So... what do you think of this book?" Quentin asked. Azura looked at him blushing still.

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Azura couldn't stop blushing.She looked at the fullmoon."It's a really pretty book when you get to see it closely from the inside."Azura says.Quentin laughs a bit."And big too.The habitants here are quite nice.I can't belive an entire world was hidden inside a book all this time."Azura says.She looks at Quentin.His blue eyes seemed to have a special sparkle and shine as the moonlight passed through the leaves of the tree and hitted his eyes.It only made Azura blush more.She looked up the moon.

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'Wow she's nervous... why do I keep getting this strange feeling around her... am I falling for her?' Quentin wondered. he thought about the stuff that hapened. Leaving twilight Town, finding the tower, meeting Joe, Azura, and Alex. It was strange. Quentin saw her continue to blue towards him. the moon hit her perfectrly, it made her look beautiful. They looked at eachother for a moment, they slowly moved their faces closer, she slowly closed her eyes, they grew closer when suddenly Pooh interupted him randomly. He was holding a hunny pot looking at them.

"Are you gonna leave like Sora?" He asked, Quentin and Azura stared at eachother and then looked at him.

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Azura steared at him."Well...we...we can't stay here forever.I mean.This is not our home.This is your home,but not ours.We came here by accident to start."Azura says."Oh..."Pooh says.Azura felt a little guilty to see Pooh sad."But.We'll come to visit."Azura says."Sora said that the last time.We're still waiting for him."Pooh says."Well.We go from place to place and stuff.I promise.That next time we're near this world.We'll come and visit.Right Quentin?"Azura asks.Pooh looked at Quentin."You promise?"Pooh asks.

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