Stardustblade358 806 Posted July 22, 2011 Azura flew around and eventually got to the Keyblade Graveyard. She flew around and eventually found them. Alex and Joe. "There they are."Azura says. She then flies over to them and she lands infront of them. "Hey guys..."Azura says. She dissmisses her wings and her armour. She stared at them. "Athxson has gone to Hollow Bastion hates me just because I can wield a keyblade,I'm worried that it will be the same with the other the problem with Athxson...this is not good."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted July 22, 2011 Alex then did exactly as Joe did and shook his head smiling. "That's typical of you saying something like that Joe, did you think I would come here completely defenceless?" Alex said as he pointed his finger to his newly aquired 'X' chain, Joe had an odd expression. "Just watch." Alex's chain then transformed into a black and white aura blade. "This is what those guys called a fullbring." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted July 22, 2011 joe looks at alex "so thats the fullbring thing me and azura didnt trust thoughs guys so we bailed" azura nodes to what joe said joe then desummons the sabor "but your not the only one with a few new things" joe then summons Oathkeeper then his kingdom key then turning kingdom key into Oblivion joe fussed the two keyblades together forming the LD-Blade joe smirks "finally got all the links i need the last part was actual turning LoD back into Castle Oblivion didnt figure that out until i was done now we finally got a keyblade on our side stronger then even the X-Blade and i figured out final form as well just for a certain move incase i needed it against ashton" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted July 23, 2011 Alex smiled. "That's pretty sweet, with something as powerfull as Sora's final form on our side, then there's no way we'll lose." Alex said confidently. "But then again, I'm still not at maximum power yet." Alex said as he closed his eyes and consentrated. He was looking inside his hearts, but it was only a completely white station. "This is my heart? It's filled with tremendous power, but... I... can't... reach it." Alex said as he was struggling to even get near it. Alex then returned to reality and looked at Joe. "I guess I won't be at my full strength until the battle comes." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted July 23, 2011 joe looks at alex "hey as long as your at your strongest when you need it whats the problem" joe then looks around he then looks to the others "have yourselfs ready before athxson gets here if he comes and were not already ready we could be in some trouble" everyone nodes joe then activates final form and holds the LD-Blade along with the sabor as rikus and kairis keyblades float around him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted July 28, 2011 '' Urgh.''said the Land of dragons leader as Ashton stabed him with the Twilight blade. The leader fell on the ground dead. The soldiers cheered as Ashton had victory again.'' Let's head back to Hollow Bastion.'' Ashton then teleported there and was atop of the castle with four pillers on the edges.'' Lock down the city. It's time for the worlds to know their new master.'' said Ashton as giant warships started fireing all to the city. Seekers and dark troops started killing people and fighters protected the city. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted July 28, 2011 I've left Oblivion in charge of the rules while im gone to england for the next two weeks and i'm saying this now to enforce this rule Nobody i repeat nobody has permission to end or start a sequal to this rp while i'm gone joe and the others were ready for ashton to come with his army when something on joes belt rang joe picked it up "Zain this better be good" "master its ashton hes here in hollow bastion hes attacking us we we cant stop aaaaa" zain yelled "zain zain" the line was dead joe looked to azura and alex "hes in Hollow bastion we have to go stop him" they all node and joe summons a light corridor leading to hollow bastion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted July 28, 2011 Alex was walking behind Joe and Azura as he thought about what might happen. (Damn, this isn't going to be pretty. I don't have full control over this fullbring yet and the fact that I don't have my keyblade powers just makes things worse. At the moment, I'd say that those keyblade apprentices are stronger than I am.) Alex then looked forward and saw the other end of the corridor. "Alright, it's time that we ended this." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted July 28, 2011 ( 'linkin park iridescent' starts to play) Fighters from other worlds sended their planes to help out, but are shot down before they can get in the city. People start running to hide in fear. Ashton was standing on the castle. He saw a man walk up to him.'' I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.Zeke.''said Ashton as he saw a man with long white hair, yellow eyes, and wears a black coat.'' True my lord. When are gonna release the other pillers in the other worlds?''asked Zeke.'' In the late afternoon. Then, the relam of the Beast shall appear.''said Ashton. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted July 29, 2011 (wow, from what I've read... the castle is now CO, which I suppose gives my char something to do while he catches up) Everythign suddenly went dark. "What the?" he aske.d suddenly the castle shook and changed. he fell abck. "Hell?" he aske.d it finished changing, he was now in some sort of chamber, he looked out. "It's... castle Oblivion again." he said sighing. he summoend his keyblade and tried to make a portal... no use. "Awe..." he groaned. 'Sounds like I need to find my way out.' he thought to himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted July 29, 2011 Alex was walking through the portal when Azura and Joe, who had already come out, had stopped moving. "Hey, is there something wro-" Alex's eyes widened as he looked down at the world that was falling into utter chaos. "Damn that bastard, Athxson has gone to far." Alex looked at Joe and Azura. "Alright I got a plan, the three of us will split up and eliminate the enemies. Then we'll make our way towards that castle, that seems to be where all this energy coming from." Alex was actually surprised that he was able to sence the power that was eradiating around the world, Alex's powers were slowly coming back. "Ok, one more thing before we go our seperate ways guys." Alex said with a serious face. "Let's prommise each other that what ever happens, no one is going to die." Joe and Azura had shocked looks on there faces, but then nodded. "We can do this, I know we can and if Quentin is coming for this battle then he had better hurry." Alex then stuck his hand out. "This is probably a little stupid, but it might boost our confidence so put you'r hands in." The two then put there hands in, Alex then gripped his hand and lightly tapped his fist on top of there hands. "Alright, see you at the castle." Alex's necklace then transformed into his fullbring, it looked a little different. The aura blade up until now looked like a katana, but now it beared a resemblance to Alex's two become one keyblade. Alex then smiled confidently and ran into the city leaving Joe and Azura behind to fight for themselves. "No one is going to die." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted July 29, 2011 Ashton then sensed their persence.'' Strange. It seems Alexs powers are returning slowly.''said Ashton as he then put his hand on the red piller. Then, all five of them then made a beam of darkness and it was then shot in the sky. After a few seconds, a world then started appearing in the sky. It was forming slowly.'' Now, lets see if they can stop me.''said Ashton as he then made a fist. The seekers and dark troops nodded. They started running to fight and kill Alex and the others. Ashton then looked back at the sky.'' Home. Soon you'll be returned to the rest of the worlds.''said Ashton. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted July 29, 2011 Quentin sighed, he was in one of the top rooms. 'Looks like I'll have to find my way out.' he thought to himse3lf. he saw cards on the table, he picked them up. "Playing cards?" he asked. he sighed then saw a big white door, he walked over to it. he pushed at it, it wouldn't budge. "Awe...C'mon." he said. he pushed again. still nothing, he sighed then looked at his cards. "MAybe... no this is stupid." he said. he sighed then raised the traverse Town card, the door changed and opened. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted July 30, 2011 Alex was fighting through an anslaut of seekers and dark troops. "Outta my way, hero coming through." Alex then ran through them slashing them on his way. (I need this fullbring to reach it's full power.) Alex then was stopped by a large enemy. "I won't be beaten." Alex then ran at it with incredible and slashed through it with one attack, he then carried on running and smiling at the same time. "My powers are coming back, I can feel it." Alex then jumped into the air and vrought his blade down on an enemy and then spun around slicing another in half, he then began to run again. "Athxson will not be forgiven for this." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted July 30, 2011 Azura got her wings and her armour activated. "Let's go."Azura says as she took off and flew off to Hollow Bastion. "(Athxson,you have done so much...many unforgivable. You're going to die...)"Azura thinks. Her armour glew a bit and her eyes glew purple. "(And this time,I'll fight until the end to make you fall.)"Azura thinks as she flew towards Hollow Bastion. She flew as fast as she could and smashed the enemies aside. She could sense Athxson's darkness. Then her own darkness grew and became as dark as darkness could get. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted July 31, 2011 Alex was running through the enemies, slashing and smiling as he was running. "I can do this, this time Athxson is as good as dead." Alex then saw the castle dead ahead. "That's where Athxson is, I'm gunna get him first." Alex then began to run for the castle, but it seemed like all of the enemy's tha were invading the world were now blocking Alex's path. "I guess you don't want to let me through so easily." Alex said in a sarcastic voice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted July 31, 2011 Azura slashed her blade against the enemies. She picked up a guy as she was still flying and threw him away from her path. She slammed her blade against a few and flew towards the castle. "(You're not getting away.)"Azura says. She then fought her way to the castle. She used Thundaga on a bunch and then used a powerful Firaga along with an Aeroga that made this huge fire twister and started to burn the soildiers into ashes. Azura flew towards the castle and she kicked the door open,litterly. "Athxson..."Azura says under her breath as she fought more soldiers and made her way towards Athxson. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted July 31, 2011 Ashton had his arm go out.'' Soaring net of the heavens.''said Ashton as a message was sent to Azurs and Alex.'' I see that you are trying so hard to defeat me, but you guys won't make it to the top. The beasts homeworld is being summoned. If you look in the sky, you can see a red planet appearing. That's the beasts world or should I say my world. Try and stop me if you can. You guys only have 10 minutes until the beast world appears and destroys Hollow Bastion.''said Ashton as he had the message end right there. He then waited with his Twilight in hand ready to kill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted July 31, 2011 Azura's eyes widened and she growled. "Like hell he will destroy my home."Azura says as she flew off at full speed at the very top of the Hollow Bastion castle. She could see the red planet from outside the window. She flew around and eventually got to the top. She glared at Athxson as she was black with darkness,with blood red eyes. " bastard..."Azura says as she had her four keyblades go around her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted July 31, 2011 '' Seems your the first to get here. Azura, you turned out the way I planned.''said Ashton as he then saw Azura fly towards him. He block her attack.'' Seems you need to be teach a lesson.'' he then kicks her away and sends a series of white slashes at her. She dodge them, but didn't see Ashton kick her in the face.'' Azura, What I mean about my last statement is that everything you did was all according to my plan. You wouldn't be in this spot if it wasn't for me. Meaning, everything that happed to you was all me.''said Ashton. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted July 31, 2011 "I would expect as such. Cause ever since I clashed blades with you my life has been firetrucked up like never before."Azura says as she flew over to him. "My life has been a living hell because of're going to pay."Azura says. She dissapeared and re-appeare infront of him because of teh darkness. She punched at him when he blocked it. Then the four blades stabbed him hard on the back. The blades returned to Azura as she flew back. She then stretched her hand towards him and her keyblade became full of light and they went right at him and stabbed him repeteively. She then punched him right in the face and sended him back, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 2, 2011 The scene scattered and Azura had a sword go though her.'' Your supid. You should have studied my swords move. It has the power to put anybody under hypnosies. Meaning, I was never there.'' Ashton said as he then slash her body with the sword still inisde her. He kick her down on the ground. He then raised his hand in the air.'' let's see if you can surive this.''said Ashton as he got ready.' 'Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness! Kurohitsugi!''said Ashton as a black coffin formed around Azura. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 2, 2011 Azura looked around her. "What the hell?!"Azura asks as she sasw the coffin get her and seal tight on her. Azura had limited space in there. "No,no. This shall not be my grave."Azura says as her min went through many possibilities and anything that could help her get out of here. She closed her eyes and concentrated. "(Come on...calm down...remember what you read in the scrolls.)"Azura thinks. She concentrated and made a massive amount of light to go around her heart and then spreaded throughout her body. She opened her eyes as her body glew bright. Then a massive force destroyed the coffin. Azura rose up and was covered in light. She growled. "Chains of Light!"Azura says as she made chains appear from her light and tighten around Athxson. She moved his hand and smashed him against the floor multiple times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 2, 2011 Ashton was undamge from the attack. He then broke the chains.'' You really think this could stop me?'' he said as he was anger and he then bought down his power so Azura could sense. She sensed it and fell on the ground.'' See. My power is greater.''said Ashton as he then had red aura come around him.'' Thank you. You fought me to spare time. Now, the beast world is done forming.''said Ashton as he flew in the sky and went into the world that was in the sky. Hollow Bastion dtarted having earthquakes. It couldn't handle another world this close to it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 2, 2011 "(NO!Not Hollow Bastion!)"Azura thinks. She then thought of anything possible. "I-I.."Azura thinks. She then remembered the scrolls. She turned to Athxson and she got covered in Darkness. She flew over to him and she tackled him down hard on the ground. It was so hard,that when they fell,they were still being sent back and made marks on the ground. Azura was covered in total darkness. She was furious. She punched Athxson over and over and over and over again untol she eventually saw him bleed and kept going and going. She eventually stopped and looked back up. She concentrated. " will not do that..."Azura says. She stretched her hand and concentrate her light. She needed to stop this...but how? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites