Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 8, 2011 Shadow runned around in cricles all over.He barked uncontrollably.Suddenly thunder came down and killed all of the unversed.A portal opened.Azura walked out of it.Shadow barked and jumped over to her.He licked her face.Azura smiles.Then she sees them.Joe,Ventus,Alex,Aqua....and Quentin.Azura smiles at them a bit."Hey guys..."Azura says as she waits to see their reaction.She was corrupted by the darkness again.She had bat wings and eyes as red as blood.She looks down."I'm sorry."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 8, 2011 Quentin looked at her, she looked down. She seemed paler, had devil wings, and her eyes were red. HE slowly approached her, she looked away. "Azura... It'll be alright." He said, she shook her head. he slowly hugged her. "I still love you, no matter what." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 8, 2011 joe looked at azura then bent down "hey you didnt do this to yourself it was ahtxson who did this its not your fault" joe then stode up and looked around "we got to get her home now its the only safe place" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 8, 2011 Azura slowly hugged back and felt that she didn't wanted to let go.She felt a few tears escape her eyes and fall.She hugged him tighter."I'm sorry I'm sorry.I just didn't wanted for you guys to get hurt.I shouldn't have trusted him but he threathened to hurt you so I just letted him do this to me.I'm sorry.Aqua was right and is still right.I'm not ready to be a master."Azura says as tears fall from her eyes.She unhugged Quentin and wiped off her tears. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 8, 2011 joe turned to aqua "what do we do" "i dont know joe but it seems like are enemys are tring to turn us on one another by any means nesassary the organization ahtxson and who knows what else this is not going in are favour so far" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted February 8, 2011 Ahtxson then appeared to where they were.'' You really think I'll let you guys leave and tell your allys where the world my base is loctaed.''said Ahtxson as he slashed at Azura who was a traitor.'' I warned you. Now time for all of you to die.''said Ahtxson as he snapped his figures and then Kingdom Hearts appeared right beside him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 8, 2011 joe looked at kingdom hearts "so thats what kingdom hearts is hum" he then summoned his keyblade along with everyone else "you not going to get away with what you did to azura her life was hard enough as it was then you go off and do this you just pathetic" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 8, 2011 Azura helded her wound.Witch was bleeding.Azura looked around and glared at Ahtxson."You little..."Azura says.She slowly stands up and glares at him."If you want them you have to go through me first."Azura says.Then they see that they're sorrounded.Not only by Ahtxson's allies.But by Unversed and Heartless as well."hat the hell?"Azura asks.They were completetly sorrounded.Was this it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 8, 2011 joe looks around "what the hells going on ahtxson doesnt control the unversed he cant and the heartless here as well along with ahtxsons me whats next" joe then looked to azura "hey would you stop worrying about us we can take care of ourself and dont think i forgot that deal we made" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 8, 2011 Azura looked at Joe and noded."Right..."Azura says.She looks at the Heartless and Unversed come towards them."Be ready."Azura says.They all nod.Then they attack.Azura charged right in and attacked some of teh Unversed.She slashed through them and then looked back to kick an Unversed away.Then Shadow turns into a wolf and starts to fight as well."Good job Shadow."Azura says Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tyriann 46 Posted February 8, 2011 *edit* SH*T..... lolz... wrong thread Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 8, 2011 sorry tyriann but when did you sign up if ya did i cant remember if you havent wheres your lay out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted February 8, 2011 Alex was seperated from the others. The more they fought the more they tended to spread out. "This isn't good." Alex tried to go back to the other's, but there where to many other's surounding him. "Damn it, get out of my way." The heartless and unversed then dissapeared. Alex looked around, wondering what just happened. Everyone then walked back together, but Alex had a feeling it wasn't over. "Watch out." Alex said as he sensced the enemy above them. Everyone dodged backwards, avoiding a giant blast of energy, and they all looked up. There was a twilight thorn, a darkside and a trinity armour. "What? Heartless, nobodies and unversed. How is that possible?" Alex looked at the other's, they seemed worn out. "Guy's hang in there. I'll take care of this." Alex stepped forward and breathed heavily, he then closed his eye's. Luckily for Alex the enemy's where stood next to each other. Alex then grabbed his keyblade with both hand's and held to his side. Aqua flinched as she saw the way he was standing. She wispered under her breath. "You really are a descendant of Terra." Alex then oppened his eye's and time froze. Alex then moved so fast he appeared behind all three enemy's, before even a lightning bolt could have hit the floor. A second later a slash had appeared through all three enemy's and they dissapeared. Alex then fell back down to the floor. "How'd you like that, Athxson. It's called the Zantetsuken." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 8, 2011 (owe man i was just playing as terra in bbs and i just equiped that move to his command deck before i read this thats funny) joe looked at the three huge enemys fall to the ground and disappear "woo that was cool alex you got to teach me that one some time i'll trade ya it for this one" joe jumped into a large group of nobodys heartless and unversed then pointed his keyblade towards the sky he focused then a large group of meteors hit all the enemys the smoke cleared and joe stud in the area where the meteors had just hit he looked up "thats called meteor rain" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted February 8, 2011 (Really that sounds epicly funny. ROFLMAO) "Nice one, you really nailed that. Tell you what, I'll teach you and you teach me. How's that sound?" Joe nodded and smiled. "Alright, back to buisness." Alex said as he looked at Athxson getting serious. "We have to stop this guy now, he's too dangerous and he's damaged too many world's already... and then there's him." Alex said looking at kingdom hearts. "Even though he is suppose to have this great light within him, he is still surounded with the inner most darkness of all time. I can't allow him to do anything to unbalance the worlds. As a keyblade master I must do what is right." Joe, Aqua, Azura, Quentin and Ven nodded. "Ok let's do this, to protect the world's." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted February 8, 2011 '' It's been fun. I'll see you guys later. But it will be in the war because I now hear by delcare war on you keybladers and worlds. Let it be the second keyblade war.''said Ahtxson as he and kingdom hearts turn into feathers and left. -MW- They arrived at Ahtxson's second base.'' Its time we get ready for the second keyblade war.''said Ahtxson. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 8, 2011 joe nodes then begins to run to attack ahtxson but before he reachs him to jumps throw a dark corridor that appeared in his path next thing he knew he found himself in TWTNW "Ojex!" "good guess joe how'd you know it was me" "who else would bring me here" "smart now you ready to die" "not today Ojex how about you not even close" ojex and joe summoned there keyblades and ran at each other they had both grow so much stronger since they last meet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 9, 2011 Azura saw that Joe dissapeared."Damn it."Azura says.She sees all of the Unversed and Heartless."Everyone hang on."Azura says as she makes a giant corridor of aura beneath all off them.They fall in and the corridor closes.They all ended up landing in Land of Departure.Azura protected her eyes from the brightness of the place.She had been in the darkness of the HQs for a few hours so she needed to wait for her eyes to get ajusted to the light.After they did.Azura looked around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 9, 2011 Quentin looked at Azura, the glare was abit harsh for her. He slowly adjusted. She looked at him and slowly looked away. "Azura... wht hapenned back there?" HE asked, she turned to him and was about to explain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 9, 2011 joe and Ojex began to clash over and over joe then saw alex's darkside (forgot his name) on top of a building "should of known you had something to do with this" "ignore him joe i'm your problem right now" ojex ran at joe when his back was turned joe was just fast enough to turn and block him "you got faster" "so did you know show me your full streaght" "you want it you got it" joe used meteor rain on Ojex Ojex smirked "that all you got" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 9, 2011 Azura looked at him."He threathened to kill Alex,you and all of you guys if I didn't went with him.I was just to afraid of your safety and went with him with the condition that you guys would be unharmed.He took me to his base and then told me that I needed to give my heart of light over to the darkness to seal the deal.I was a bit afraid but accepted anyways.He took his blade and shotted a beam of darkness at me.A darkness sorrunded me.And when the darkness went away I had turned into...into this."Azura says refering to her now demon like appearence.Including fangs,demon wings and blood red eyes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 9, 2011 Quentin looked at her. 'So this hapened to protect me? Why do people always just assume I need protection?' Quentin wondered. he slowly held her hand, she looked at him and then looked away. "no matter what you look like, your still the girl I fell in love with." Quentin said, she looked at him again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 9, 2011 the meteors fired at Ojex but Ojex didnt even flinch they crashed the smoke then cleared and Ojex stode there smiling "what not even marked but how" "i've been training and now i'm stronger then ever" a dark aura then appeared around Ojex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 9, 2011 Azura looked at Quentin again and smiled a bit."Quentin..."Azura says.She pecks him on the lips."Thanks."Azura says.They all look around and see that Joe haden't comed back."I wonder where he is."Aqua says."I saw him fall into a portal but I don't know anything beyond that."Ventus says.Azura looked outside the window and looked at Quentin."Ahtxson said that he was going to start a second keyblade warThat dosn't sound good at all."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 9, 2011 Ojex smirked then began to attack joe he cut at joe so many times with his new streaght he was just to fat and strong for joe joe dropped to the ground "you ready to die joe" joe tried to lift himself from the ground but dropped everytime he tried Share this post Link to post Share on other sites