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Wolf on the Run

return of the keyblade

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Ahtxson then appeared in front of Azura. He forced Miro away.'' Azura. If you wish to be a keyblade master then come with me. I can give you power beyond your dreams. You can be one with the darkness.''said Ahtxson as he held his hand with a orb of darkness in his hand. Then the guy appeared next to Ahtxson.'' Don't mind him for now. He's my partner.''said Ahtxson.

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Milo stood up and saw Ahtxson."Oh you have got to be kidding me."Milo says.He was about to walk over towards them when his boss stopped him."Hold it.This may be something good.""What?"Milo asks."Just stay still and see the outcome and do not interfere."Milo steared at them.Azura steared at Ahtxson."The point of becoming a master was to fight against you anyways..."Azura says as she looks down.

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'' And yet look what happens. Aqua doesn't make you a master. I understand you were trying to make it fun. Now If yiu join the darkness then your a master right off the bat. Take in the darkness. Once you do you can reply Aqua for not making you a master.''said Ahtxson as he was ready for Milo to attack.

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"Ok, then I guess I'll go and cheer her up." Alex then walked out of the castle and saw Azura sitting on the ledge and a man in a red cloak next to her. Alex quickly hid behind a rock and started listening in on what they where saying. "Why don't you just throw in the towel and come back home, Azura?" Alex looked in shock while thinking. "Oh great, she might actually do it. If she is going to leave and join up with the bad guy's then I will have to stop her at all costs. But who are these guy's? I've never seen anyone with red cloak's before, unless... " Alex remembered what Azura said about the loud explosion the night before. "Right, now it makes sence. It must have been these guy's yesterday." Alex then summoned his keyblade and waited for an opening so that he could jump out if anything went wrong. Then when it seemed it couldn't get any worse Athxson appeared.

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Milo just steared at them and glared at Ahtxson.They Allience wanted Azura back.Besides she was their first succesful experiment of transfering the darkness.But she had a specialized dakness inside of her that they had been working on for decades.And they wanted it back.Milo followed orders and just steared at them."My friends.Quentin.They would never forgive me if I were to do it.So leave me be,and leave me alone."Azura says.

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'' They won't think it will be you. Once you take the darkness then your look will change.''said Ahtxson as he was offering alot of things for Azura to join the darkness.'' Once you join me then everything you wished for will return to you. Your family, friends, and everybody you want to see from your homeworld.''said Ahtxson.

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Azura's eyes widen a bit at that offer.Milo's eyes narrowed and walked over to Ahtxson."Nice try.But I myself am one of the darkness and I have seen what you can do back at the HQ monitors.You can bring back the dead can't you?Well sorry to say to you Azura.That he can't bring back your parents cause they're nothing but ashes now.And if he does bring them back.They won't be the same.They're already dead anyways."Milo says as he steared at Ahtxson.Azura looked down.Right now she didn't know what to do.All she could think about was of Quentin.

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Alex jumped out and stood between Athxson and Azura. "Azura, don't listen to a word this guy says. He'll say all this stuff and then he'll end up using you like a tool." Athxson looked a little annoyed now that Alex showed up. "Alright I have had enough of you'r mind games Athxson now tell us, what do you really want?"

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Ahtxson then saw Milo walking towards him and Alex jumping out of nowhere. Ahtxson then sented crows to both of them.'' The way I can bring them back is by the man thats beside me. He's Kingdom Hearts yet in a human form. He can bring anybody that had a heart back to life.;;said Ahtxson as the kingdom hearts was walking towards Milo and Alex to finish them off.

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Milo rpotected his face from the crows."Milo.get back here right now.""Yeah yeah."Milo says as he dissapears.Azura just stood there.She didn't know what to do or what to say.She saw Ahtxson about to finish Alex.She stood up and ranned towards Ashtxson.She grabbed his arm."Don't harm him."Azura says.

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'' If that is your wish. I'll spare your friends if come with me. I don't need them anymore. since the final keyhole was sealed by Terra Kingdom Hearts came to be a human. Now. My part of the deal is you come with me and your friends won't get hurt and I'll return your parents to you.''said Ahtxson as he was wating for what Azura had to say.

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Azura steared at him for a while."Do you promise for real that you will leave them all out of it?Alex,Aqua,Ventus,Joe and Qunetin?"Azura asks.He nods and offers her his hand.Alex was stearing at them.He mouthed the word 'don't'.Azura didn't noticed.She looked at land of departure and thinks for a while.She looks at Alex."I'm sorry.Please tell Quentin that it was for his safety.That I love him too."Azura says as she takes Ashtxon's hand.

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'' Good. Lets go. Its time kingdom hearts.''said Ahtxson as he, Kingdom hearts, And Azura disappeared into feathers.


They arrived at Ahtxson's base.'' Now. What new powers do you want? I can give you any power. Trust me. They will give lots of power.''said Ahtxson as he held out a book of powers.'' Kingdom Hearts. Go and get rest. Your not use to your human form.''said Ahtxson. Kingdom Hearts nodded and left.

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Alex was hurt but still managed to get up. "Damn it, he got away. Azura what on earth where you thinking?" Alex punched the floor. "Damn it, damn it, damn it. If only I was stronger, none of this would have ever happened."

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Azura steared at Ahtxson and then at the book."I really don't know...it's an entire book?Wow.There must be lots of them..."Azura says.She opened the book and started to look through the pages.There powers from all kinds.Large and small exhagirated and simple.There were probably over 100 of them in just one book.She then stopped the page when she noticed a power of dark aura.An aura that she could use to make the shape of anything.This caught her attention.



Milo appears in his seat."We lost her."Milo says."No quite..."The leader says.

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She pointed at the power she wanted.'' Alright. Now. We need to make your body ready for the dark aura. Your heart must be pure darkenss if you want to tame the aura.''said Ahtxson as he bought out his keyblade.'' First I'm going to sent a dark beam which will turn your heart to pure darkness then you can then start training with the aura.''said Ahtxson.

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Alex heads back inside with face that says 'I suck.' Aqua then looks at him. "Hey Alex, are you okay? Where's Azura?" Alex grunts and looks away. "Azura has... left..." They all looked alarmed. "What do you mean left?" "Athxson showed up and she went with him, so that I would live. She had two options either she stayed here and watched me die, or, she could go with Athxson where they would let me live." Aqua looked down. "Ok then right now we have to consentrate on getting Azura back." Alex nodded and they started to come up with a plan.

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Azura noticed that she had dropped her broken glasses back at Land of Departure.Azura swollowed.She got a little afraid when he told her that he heart had to become pure darkness.She looked down and noded.She extended her arms to the side.Athxson pointed at where her heart would be.Azura thinks of Quentin."(Quentin...)"Azura thinks.She remembers all of the good,bad and fun times they had together as they went throughout the wordls in search of the keyholes.She looked up and felt a tear fall down her face."Forgive me..."Azura says.A beam of darkness was shotted at her.Azura was engaulfed in the darkness.She now looked like her demon self.She had fangs,she had black bat wings on her back,her eyes were as red as blood.She felt her heart ache.After the dearkness letted her be visible.She looked like her demon self.She was now wearing a black tank top with black shorts with a golden belt along with black boots.

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'' Good. Now, Uxie will train you in the aura arts since he mastered them.''said Ahtxson as Uxie came. Uxie had short blue hair, Red eye's, And he was 5.8 inches tall. Ahtxson then told something to Uxie as he left to the other room.'' My name is Uxie. When do you want to start?''asked Uxie as he was ready to train their new member.

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Azura steared at Uxie.Usually now with her heart pure darkness she would be her demon self in personality.But her memories of Quentin were so strong that she just kept her normal personality.Nothing bad or out of the normal though.Azura thinks."Can we start now?I want to get the hang of it as soon as possible."Azura says.Uxie nods and then starts to teach her.Azura pays attention.

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'' Now there are to types of aura powers. Light and Dark. The dark has more power then the light. With the dark aura, You can create distance between you and your enemy. It will create a blast. The more distance the stronger the blast. Also, You can gather Aura from living things and have it change form. Like this.''said Uxie as he dark Aura gather around him and he then changed it to a sword.'' You can change it to anything. Once you mastered the distance part then the aura forms tranining begins. Now here's a test dummy. Start. I want to see you master this power.''said Uxie.

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Azura noded.She concentrated.She moved her hands.Aura followed it.Then some dark aura wolves appeared around her.They attecked the dummy.Uxie noded but didn't seemed to be very impressed.He wanted to see a little more.Azura concentrated and her aura made her teleport from where she was to the furthest place of the room.She pointed her hand towards the dummy.A huge blast of aura came from her hand and went directly to the dummy.It broke the dummy appart.Azura then used her aura and teleported infront of Uxie to see what he had to say.

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'' Good. For a user like you to have the aura chage forms before the distance blast is mastered. Now, We need to powers of your's to be at max. Train in here. I'll watch over you. From now on you call me master. Since I'm the one training you. Now There are a special set of eye's called the Aura eye's. Only a few people could have them. Like this.''said Uxie as he showed her the aura eye's. They made his eye's nothing but pure blue.'' If you gain them then your powers will be stronger.''said Uxie as he had his eye's return to normal.

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"Alright if we are going to get Azura back, we need to find out where they are. Then we're going have to figure something out, Athxson is beyond master level if he could beat me on his own." Aqua nodded. "One more thing, yesterday I was contacted by Renji. He says the Organization's kingdom hearts will be finished in two weeks thanks to, my no good darkness self, Raxus." Aqua was confused. "What do you mean 'the Organization's kingdom hearts'?" "The Organization's goal is too attain kingdom hearts, but that is now impossible because the real kingdom hearts is with Athxson in human form. That is what he meant, that is who came back." "Wait, how can kingdom hearts have a human form?" "I don't know. But now the Organization are making there own kingdom hearts, it may be a fake, but it's just as powerfull and does exactly the same thing." Aqua nodded.

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Azura noded."Yes...Master."Azura says.Uxie noded.He told her that if she showed that she was strong and skillful enough he would try to show her how to gain the aura eyes.Azura noded.More dummies appeared.Azura now just needed to practice how to give her aura form since that was what she had more difficult on.She tried to make something bigger than a wolf.She went for an elephant.She failed.She looked at Uxie who was watching her train.Azura concentrated more and then tried to do it again.Almost did it but failed.Uxie seemed to be getting seconds thoughts of the Aura Eyes thing.Azura got angry and concentrated with her anger.But she just ended up making something else.She made a giant ape just like 'King Kong'.It roared.Azura steared at it.The ape satted down an letted Azura get near."Whoa..."Azura says.

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