Oblivion 22 162 Posted February 2, 2011 Alex and Ven continued there fight while the others watched. Alex casted Firaga, but Ven dodged and sent a thunder at him. Alex blocked and ran in, Ven blocked as they clashed. Alex was then pushed back Ven performed a flame salvo. (shotlock) Alex then blocked every one and used a strike raid to counter and it hit Ven head on. Ven fell to the floor a little bit hurt. Alex walked over to him and held his hand out, Ven grabed his hand and he was then pulled up. "Good fight Ven." "You too Alex." Aqua then looked at them silly. "You two really are, just like brother's." Ven and Alex looked at her and started to laugh. "Well I guess you'r right about that." Everyone started laughing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 joe closed the journal "nothing you need to know" joe wlked past quentin then summoned his keyblade walking down to alex and ven "hey guys how about a three way battle" the two noded and they began to fight "woo ven so your where i got my speed" ven smirked "guess so" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura saw them practice.She smiled a bit.Aqua walked over to her."Aren't you going to practice?"Aqua asks.Azura looks up at her."Yeah.Just resting a little bit."Azura says.She stood up and looked at them fight."So,what should I practice?"Azura asks."Anything.Right now they're sparring."Aqua says."OK.Well then.You want to fight against me?"Azura asks as she summons her blade.Aqua smiles and summons her blade as well."Fine.But I won't go easy on you."Aqua says."I know."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted February 2, 2011 "All right Joe, let's do this." Joe nodded with a grin. The three then started fighting, Alex jumped into the air and then came rushing down and plunged his keyblade into the ground and there was a earthquake that made Joe and Ven wobly and unbalanced. "Now I got ya." Alex then rushed for Joe and they started to clash. As Alex and Joe clashed, Ven then came in really quickly and was about to attack. Alex and Joe then jumped back so that Ven missed. The three of them started to charge up there energy. Then, all at the same time, they fired there individual magic at each other at full power. Alex used thundaga, Joe used firaga and Ven used blizzaga. The three magic spells clashed in the middle and it then blew up. Alex, Joe and Ven where then led on the floor whining because of being worn out. "Anyone settling for a three way tie?" they both nodded and they just led there until they where bothered to move again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 joe layed on the ground feeling great but tiered after the battle he was smiling from having so much fun he then looked to the sky then fell asleep meanwhile smoke cleared in the lab gear spoke "well did it work" "bring me soras keyblade and we'll see" gear got soras keyblade then gave it to Xeno xeno took the keyblade then throw it into the air then called it back "it worked it worked i have found how to drain a keyblade weilder of there powers and gibve it to another" "ya great now what about the body of the kid" "what do i care what ya do with it just get ride of it before it smells the place up" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 Quentin watches them all train, Azura vs Aqua, and Joe vs Alex vs Ven, it was all going well. "Hm, seems I don't have a training partner." Quentin said, he didn't want to disrupt they're fights so he walked back into the castle. He saw a stairway and walked down, it was dark, he found a lantern and lit it. He started walking down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura and Aqua fought for a while.After a few minutes they stop.The victor of teh battle was Aqua.But she couldn't blame her.She IS a Keyblade Master after all.That and that she has been training for years now."Guess I'll need to get much better if I am to defeat you Aqua."Azura says as she de-summons her blade.Aqua smiles and looks at her."I guess.But we'll have to see that in the test for the Mark of Mastery."Aqua says.Azura noded.She looked around."Oh look.Joe fell asleep.Aqua laughs."That's so like him."Aqua says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 joe was fast asleep but he still heard everything and everyone around him aqua leaned over to aqua "but beleave me even when hes alsleep youd want to be careful what ya say around him he hears everything" joe then began to snore and yawn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 The place seemed really old, he heard something. HE kept going, there were drawings on the wall, old photos of keyblade masters at they're exams. Quentin finally got to the bottom. there were a couple doors, and spell books stacked ontop of eachother. "Keyblade weilding year one? Year 2? Old academy books?" Quentin wondered looking at them, he saw a door at the right and went through it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura laughs a bit."Well let him hear this.He's strong.I admit.But he can sometimes be a lazy bum."Azura says.Aqua laughs.Azura looks around and then looks at Aqua."Aqua,is there a library here?"Azura asks."Yeah.Just around the main hall to the left."Aqua says."OK.Thanks."Azura says.She walks towards the castle.She couldn't see very well without her glasses.She couldn't tell a figure from affar.If it was an enemy or an ally or aa heartless.But she just thought to get used to it a bit.She gets to the library. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted February 2, 2011 Alex got up and walked towards the castle. "I'm heading inside, I need some sleep." "Okay well see you later." Alex then looked around the place. "I wonder wich room would be alright for me to sleep in?" Alex kept looking around until he found a room with a great view. "Well it looks like nobody is using this room I guess I'll sleep here." Alex then led on the bed and started to think. "This is going well, everyone is getting stronger and I feel more alive than I ever have before." Alex looked out the window and he saw all the star's in the sky. "Wow awesome, it's hard to believe there are so many world's out there." Alex then laied back in his bed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 Through the door he saw a large hall, must of been a place where keyblade weilders trained when it rained. The place ws ancient. He walked forward and saw some strange machines. HE touched one, it was a clockwork mechanism, it seemed to control something, he pressed a button, it went in with a clunk. The machine started moving, Quentin then saw behind him a clockwork dummy with a stick that was carved to resemble a keyblade. "Training remotes?" Quentin wondered, he summoned his keyblade. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura walked into the library and then looked around.She started to look for some books and some papers.Then she saw a stand.There there was a really big book."Wow.To cliche?"Azura asks.She walks over to the book.It seemed like it haven't been moved from that place in ages.Considering all of the dust.Azura brushed the dust off and opened it.It said 'Records of the Keyblade Masters' in big captalized letters."I see you found the book."Aqua says as she comes in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 (Ok lets try not to relate this to 2013, or keyblade war.) The robot thing slashed at Quentin who umped back, it kept going, he blocked and then hitted it, the pupet immediately fell down. Quentin saw more were activated, he slashed at them, but was careful not to break them, after acouple minutes they were all defeated and shut down. Quentin panted and continued through the room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 (I wasn't even thinking of that.) "Yeah.It's so old."Azura says."Yeah.I never got to put my picture and info in there though."Aqua says."Well,what are you waiting for?Get a pic and let's get started.You are a master now aren't you?"Azura asks.Aqua nods.They get a picture of Aqua and put it in a brand new page of the book.They put some info in it and stuff."There we go."Azura says."And if you guys pass the test of mark of Mastery.You could be in here too."Aqua says."Yeah..."Azura says as she closes the book."Hey.Do you have any books that show magic?"Azura asks."Um,yeah.There tons of them."Aqua says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 It was rather large, Quentin wonderred if Aqua even knew about this room. He saw another door and went through. Inside he saw a large room containing many different looking keyblades hung on the wall. He saw the one he weilded the 'kingdom key' among them. He saw a plaque near them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura started to look around for some books.She wanted to get better at magic."So.Aqua.Hoe did all of this even happen?I mean.Ventus falling alseep and stuff?There must be another story behind all of that."Azura says.Aqua nods."Yes.If I were to tell you all.I don't know if I were to finish."Aqua says."Resume."Azura says.Aqua thinks."Hm,well.We were all under the training of Master Eraqus.I took teh test of Mark fo Mastery along with my friend,Terra.Only I passed.Then Master Xehranort came..."Aqua says as she told Azura the entire story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 (Qv that plaque better not say sora under it cause his keyblade was in destiny island and it was stolen around the beginning of the rp) joe woke up and saw it was night then sat up "Azura i am not lazy okay maybe i am a bit and now i'm talking to myself owe this is great" joe then walked into the castle and found azura and aqua talking he saw the album with the pictures of all the masters they had been looking joe looked throw it then joe saw a a group picture of three people "no way" joe smiled "this is the first time i've ever seen a picture of any of them but here they all are Sora Riku and Kairi" joe smiled Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 (okay this place has been castle oblivion for a long time, why would there be pictures of sora, riku, and kairi? and it's just a plaque.) Quentin looked at the plaque for a moment, the text was faded and he couldn't read it, he setted it down, he studdied the keyblades for a moment. He touched one ad saw they were replicas, what were they for? Quentin looked around and then sighed, he couldn't find out more here, maybe Aqua or Ven would know. He was about to walk awway when he heard a voice. "Leaving? didn't you just get here?" Quentin turned to see a man in a black coat leaning on the doorway, Quentin turned to him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 (i have a explantion for the picture and i was just reminding you about soras keyblade) Aqua looked at joe "owe ya i forgot that book had a spell on it" "spell what kind of spell" "owe well if anybody ever became a keyblade master and after a year they didnt enter there names or picture in the book it would show up all by itself" "then how come you didnt show up in it" "i was trapped in the realm of darkness the spell couldnt reach into there" "owe makes sense" "hey joe you do look alot like sora actually you kind of got similiar hair and your face is kind of the same" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 Quentin stared at the man, he pulled his hood down. he had black skin, and a scar that went from the right side of his facedown. Quentin summoned his keyblade. "now that's not how you treat a guest." He mocked. Quentin glared at him. The man grinned. "My names Malic by the way." HE said, he summoned two guns. "Number six o the organization." He said. This wasn't a nobody, so Quentin would have to be careful. Quentin slashed towards him, he dissipeared then re-appeared and kicked him. Quentin fell back. He got back up. "Can't talk? Cat got your tounge?" He asked, Quentin slashed again, he dissipeared, than re-appeared on the side of the wall. Quentin focussed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 3, 2011 Azura steared at Joe and smiles."Wow.Looks like we have another pair of twins.First Alex and Ventus now Joe and Sora."Azura says.Aqua nods."Yeah.I guess."Aqua says smiling.Azura nods.She then looks outside."Stars are so nice."Azura says."Each one represents a world."Aqua says.Azura nods."I know."Azura says.She rubs her eyes."I belive it's getting late."Azura says.She looks around."Um,guys,where's Quentin?"Azura asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 3, 2011 he fired at Quentin, Quetin jumped back away, he fired again, Quentin used reflect. They went back, but he dissipeared before they could hit. Malic was strange. Quentin tried his best to avoid, but he was too fast. Quentin needed to sensed where'd he be. he closed his eyes for a moment, and then for a split second... he felt something, he turned behind him and slashed, eyes closed. He opened and saw Malic ont he floor. "Damn kid... see you... soon." HE aid, he slowly got up, he formed a portal and went in, Quentin tried to go after him, he got into the portal. Next thing he knew, he was in the alleyway of the world that never was. It was raining again. Quentin felt something was here, he needed to check it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 3, 2011 Aqua and Joe shrugged.Azura crossed her arms."Hm.He must have gotten to sleep already."Azura says."I guess.Now come on.It has been a long day and we need our rest.Pick your rooms and go."Aqua says.Joe and Azura noded and walks away.Joe ranned off to get a room with a good view.Azura walked at her own pace.She finally got to a hallway and found a room.She entered it.It had a bed,a mirror,a gabinet and a desk.There was also a courtain covering something or some entrance.A chilly wind came by it.Azura went over and opened the courtain to see that it was a balcony.She walked out to see a view of the entire outer grounds and mountains."I win."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 3, 2011 Quentin puled his hood up, it was cold. HE couldn't focus and make his rider, he kept walking for about an hour until he got to an alleyway. it lead to a giant skycraper. Quentin looked up at it. HE thought he saw someting on it. Qentin shook his head, he put hishands over his arms. The wind was insane. it wasn't enough to move him, but it blew at him. He needed to find refuge. And later a safe place to summon his rider. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites