Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 joe then looks around and then heads to the kitchen but yells back to the others "is it just me or is evryone else starving to" everybody laughs then heads to the kitchen "joe get away from the ovan i know you cant cock" said aqua "okay far enough" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 "Whatever it was... it certainly was... dark." Quentin said, he tried to stand up, but he felt a pain from his chest and leg. Azura helped him up, Azura nodded and walked to the kitchen to work on lunch, Azura helped Quentin over to the table, Ven gave him a glass of water. He then looks at Joe messing around. "Eh, so my heart was with him?" Ven asked. Quentin sighed. "yeah, i think..." Quentin said. "So what was he like, with my heart?" HE asked, quentin shrugged. "Pretty much the same." He said. Quentin then felt more paon from his wound. he clenched his side. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura steared at Quentin with a very worried expresion."Oh dear."Azura syas.She goe sover to him.She lifts up his shirt a bit from the side and sees a large slash wound that was covered in bruses around it.It looked really deep."This is not good.We need to heal this before it gets infected."Azura says.She looks at Aqua."Aqua.Do you ave any medical materials?"Azura asks."I belive I have some bandages and some desinfectant."Aqua says."Do you have alchohol too?So we can clean the wound.And if it's to deep we might have to stitch...but I don't think it's that deep."Azura says.Aqua nods and goes to bring the materials. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 joe turned to quentin and ven "i heard that" the three laughed joe then turned to aqua "so what will i do" just sit down and dont touch anything that has to do with preparing food" "a aqua your no fun" joe then looked to quetin "hey man ill get ya some bandages" joe then pulled out a bag he had then took out a first aid kit and bandaged around the areas quentin was still bleeding or badly brosed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 "Not yet Joe.We have to disinfect the wound first."Azura says.She passes alcohol around the wound.Quentin flinched as it stung.Azura pssed it and then cleaned the blood off.She poured a liquid and then turned to Joe.He noded and put the bandages on him.Azura helped him.She steared at Quentin and then asked him if he had any otehr bruises or injuries.Quentin shook his head."OK.Good."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 "So... nothing about singlehandedly killing one of the monsters you faced back in the dark realm?" Quentin asked, Joe stared at him, and then pulled out bandages, Aqua looked through the supplies and found a medical thread and needle (Or whatever they call those things) they covered it in dissinfectant. Then Aqua returned with the needle. "This is gonna hurt isn't it?" Quentin asked. Aqua nodded. "awwe... I went through enough pain today." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 "dam quentin i really got to give you propose for facing thatthing all on your own not surprised you ended up getting so cut up though that thing was mad when me and aqua faced it in the realm of darkness but i guess since it came here it was weaker since your keyblade was able to hurt it in the realm of darkness keyblades had no effect" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted February 2, 2011 Then a storm of feathers came.'' Hello brats. There's only one keyhole left to seal. Its Hollow Bastion's.''said Ahtxson as he bought out his blackwing. Ahtxson then was ready to fight these guys.'' You won't win no matter what you do.''said Ahtxson as he had a dragon appear behind.'' Say hello to Black Feather Dragon.''said Ahtxson. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura stears at him.She thinks."What did mom used to do?"Azura asks.She snaps her fingers as she remembers.She grabs a chair and drags it over besides Quentin.She grabs his hand and holds it tightly.Then she makes him look at her."Just don't think about it.Think of something else."Azura says blushing a bit.Aqua started to sew.Quentin bit his lip and flinched a bit.Azura gripped his hand tightly and he hold it tightly back."Just don't think about it and look the other way of it."Azura says.Suddenly Ahtxson appears.They hear what he had to say."Aqua.Don't stop sewing that injury.If he fights with that open.He could bleed out."Azura says as she gets ready to fight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 jo strached his chin "wait i though we sealed that one cause wasnt that one alexs home" alex nodes "ya i though so ya so i think we got them all so take your uncle ass dragon and your ugly ass face out of here and leave us alone for at least one night" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 The pain was insane. He loked up to see Joe, Azura, and Alex, and Ven fighting Axston. HE tried to get up. Aqua stared at im. "Don't be stupid, if you fight now like this you'll bleed out." She said, Quetin then looked to Azura. "But Azura and-" "I know how you feel for Azura, but she's a big girl, and can take care of this with them." She said, Quentin sighed and letted her continue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura dodged an attack from the dragon."I imagene your parents never accepted this at your home didn't they?"Azura asks.She then jumps back from anotehr attack.She uses Blizzard at the dragon but the dragon just dodged it and went for anotehr attack.Azura dodged and went on for a slash.She managed to slash the dragon.The dragon got pissed and attacked at her.Azura back flipped out of the way and charged again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted February 2, 2011 Ahtxson then slashed at all of them who went down.'' Guess you all are still damege,''said Ahtxson.'' Seal the keyhole in Hollow Bastion or the worlds will fall into darkness by my hands.''said Ahtxson as he had feathers transform into people they already fought.'' These guys shall finish you off.''said Ahtxson as he and the dragon turned into feathers and left. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura's eyes widen.She got her blade ready."Crap."Azura says as she saw all of the enemies.This included Heartless,Nobodies,and villans that they had confronted from the very begunning.Azura was speachless a bit."Let the light be with us..."Azura says.She looked back at Aqua and Quentin.She actually smiled and seemed a bit relaxed considering the enemies that sorrunded them."Leave it to us."Azura says as she charges. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 After about an hour, they finished fighting them. Aqua finished stitching Quentin's wound. They needed to work on a plan, so Alex, Joe, Ven, and Aqua, were in the kitchen discussing the plan, while Quentin sat out with Azura next to him. She seemed nervous. She slowly looked at eachother. "How are you doing?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura smiled a bit."Good.Just a bit nervous about all of what has been happening latetly.With Joe dissapearing and coming back and all..."Azura says.She looks down.She then looks up at the horizon.The sun was already setting down."So much has happened since the day I met you guys...I never ever thought,or even dreamed of me being in any of this."Azura says.She smiles."And yet I don't regret it.Meeting you and ther others has been the best thing that has ever happened to me."Azura says as she blushes a little bit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 "I have the same feeling." Quentin said, Azura looked at him. Her glasses seemed a bit damaged from all that hapened. "I'm having the time of my life, I've seen so many worlds... so many different people. and you..." Quentin said, she blushed more and look away, she studdied her partly broken glasses blushing. He slowly took them off. they were looking eachother straight in the eyes. "Azura, I love you more than anything." He said, she slowly moved her face closer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura blushes.They faces were just inches appart.She slowly kisses him.He kissed back.They stayed like this for a few moments.Then slowly broke.They looked into eachother's eyes."I do too.You mean everything to me.More than life itself."Azura says.They slowly kissed again.The sun setted.After a few moments they break the kiss.They smile and stear at eachother.Azura rests her head on Quentin's shoulder.She takes her glasses in her hands and looks at them."Well.For regular glasses.They lasted long."Azura says.Quentin laughs a bit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted February 2, 2011 Alex was in the kitchen with Ven, Aqua and Joe. "Alright so we need to come up with a plan for this final keyhole. First we need to consider what will happen if we seal it and if we don't." Aqua then interupted. "What do you mean don't? Of course we're gunna seal the keyhole." "Yeah I'm just saying. Now I was wondering seeing as you being our only master, you'r going to be our strongest. So here is what I think, we should have some training on how to wield the light to it's fullest and then if it's possible... could you hold a mark of mastery exam?" Aqua looked shocked by the question. "But I can't I'm not really suitable to do that." "Please Aqua, out of all the worlds, you'r the only master left." Aqua then sighed. "Okay I guess I could do it." "Allright, now after we become master's, that should even us out with Athxson and the Organization." Joe and Ven nodded. "Ok then, we've got a plan. I'm gunna go train." Ven then got up. "I'll go too." Alex and Ven then walked out to the summit. "This is a nice place." "Yeah it is." Alex then looked at Ven. "Hey Ven, you up for a round?" "Sure thing, bring it on." Alex and Ven then summoned there keyblades and began to fight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 joe was walking through the halls when he saw azura and quentin kiss joes heart stopped he then punched a wall aqua saw him doing this as he spoke "owe come on" joes first was bleeding "owe joe come on over to the kitchen now" "ya right" "plus i better stich that" joe looked at his hand he had split open one of his nuckles "ya right" joe and aqua then entered the kitchen alex then walked in after when ven saw joes fist he looked at him "what happened" "i saw azura and quentin kissing hey ven could i borrow you keyblade a minute" "Owe no you dont your not doing that again we might not get you back" "What would it matter" aqua then looked at joe "you had feelings for her didnt you" "ya so what if i did but look at me well this would make more sense if i still looked twenty but anyway i've lived over 50 years as it is" "50 dark realm years not this real years" "ya ya what ever" aqua then began to stich joes nuckle then joe heard what alex said "sounds like a good idea "hold still joe" "sorry aqua" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 Quentin nods, he slowly gets up. "sounds like we're gonna need to get you contacts." Quentin chuckled. She smiled. Quentin felt better, the stitched area didn't hurt as much. Ven came and discussed the plan of training, Quentin agreed. He pulled out the book from the tower and started studying the more advanced spell levels. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted February 2, 2011 "Ok then, Ven you ready?" "Yeah." They both head out and start sparring with eachover. Five minutes later they we're both tired and descided to take a rest. Ven was wondering, but then he asked Alex a question. "Hey Alex, why is it that you look like me?" "I don't know, but Aqua said that I looked like you, but I didn't think she meant this much." "Yeah that's odd." Alex started to have a funny idea in his head. "He he he, I've got an idea." "What is it?" "We should dress in the same clothes so they wouldn't be able to tell who's who." Ven laughed. "Yeah that sounds real funny, but I think Aqua would get annoyed with both of us." "Yeah I guess you'r right." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 2, 2011 joe then walked out to the hall when aqua finished his stichs he looked to azura and quentin "hey you to coming outside" they both node and the three walk out the front door joe looks to ven and alex as they fight each other joe then pulls out his journal and began to write while leaning against a wall Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 2, 2011 Azura decided to walk around.She went to the furthest part of the training grounds.After about a few minutes of walking she gets to the limits of the wordl.She satted by an edge and steared out into the horizon.She looks at her glasses witch were in her hands and thinks."So much has happened...I have learned so much about the worlds.I thank destiny everyday for letting me be here."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted February 2, 2011 Quentin looked through the book and practiced them. "Firaga!" He yelled. a large ball of fire flew out of the keyblade. It eventually dissipeared in the air, Joe was writing in his book and occasionaly glancing up to glare at Quentin. Quentin practiced the strike raid attack and caught his keyblade. He looked and Saw Azura was on the edge looking out. He then looked at Joe. "Er... something on your mind?" Quentin asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites