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Wolf on the Run

return of the keyblade

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Ahtxson then turned into feathers. He was in the sky.'' Thats called fake feather. I can fake being killed or anything.''said Ahtxson as he sented a feather shot level two at Joe. Ahtxson then thought to himshelf he still needs these guys to seal the keyholes so HE can return. Ahtxson looked at the others thinking what they'll do.

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"Athxson, come down here I want answer's from you now. Who is this guy that will be brought back? And is it true that you'r working with Raxus?" Alex didn't know what came over him he had just blurted out that last question. "Well Athxson, tell me now."

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joe saw the feathers coming his why he staried right at them looking for ahtxsaon "found you" joe used protect against the feathers then ran over to the others "you guys ready to take this guy down for good"

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'' Raxus. You mean that weak fool. I killed him a little while ago. HE will give you answers when the final keyhole is sealed. See you later.''said Ahtxson as he turned into feathers and left.

Ahtxson then appeared in Twilight Town.'' Time for the true plan to go into action.''said Ahtxson as he summoned six figures.

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"I can't help but feel like he was tricking us. I just can't believe that Raxus would lose to that guy, he's too strong." Alex looked around. "It look's like he's gone we had better find that keyhole." everyone nodded. "Ok then, Joe lead the way." As they where walking Aqua suddenly realised. "Oh, I just remembered right by there is where I met Sora and Riku." "Ok, I know about Sora, but who's Riku?" "Riku was a boy who I met with Sora, the two of them where best friend's. Once when I was in the world of darkness, I came across a old man wearing a black coat like you Alex. He told me thing's that had happened in the outside world how one boy wielding a keyblade was always there to save the day. Back then I immediately thought it was either Terra or Ventus, who I call Ven for short." "Wait did you say you'r friends with Terra?" "Yes why? do you know him?" "Well I don't him but I know stuff about him, because he is my ancestor." "I didn't know you where related to Terra. I couldn't have told, because to me you share a stiking resemblanse to Ven and the way you act is similar too." Alex then tried to remember what his uncle told him. "Alexander, you are related to a very powerfull keyblade master who went by the name of Terra... I think." Alex then thought. "Maybe he got it wrong, maybe I'm a descendant of Ventus' instead." "Well I guess I'm probably a descendant of Ventus' then." Aqua nodded with a smile. "Well anyway I guess we had better keep moving." "Yeah." They then continued walking.

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Azura walked around following the others.She looked down and thinks for a while.She remembers what happened when her demon took over and killed her adoptive parents.


Azura was with her adoptive parents when they started to disscuss.Azura got a sudden anger and her demon self took over.Next thing she knows.She was covered in the blood of her adoptive parents.She tasted the blood and wished that she could turn back in time and stop what had just happened.


"Thankgoodness that she's out of me."Azura says.

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joe listen to alex and aqua as they talked then thouh of something "Owe no granddad" joe began to run to his granddads house everyone ran after him joe ran in the door of the house the place was in ruin but joes granddad wasnt in the main house "the secret room he has to be" joe says joe runs into the room to find his granddad and mat "owe thank god your okay" "Joseph glad to see your okay" "Joe about time you got back the whole worlds gone to hell" "what happened" "The dark weilders they came looking for soras keyblade" "But that other guy already took it thats the reason all the heartless are back" "Yes but the dark weilders didnt know that"

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Alex, Aqua, Quentin and Azura followed Joe into the room. Joe's grandad looked at them. "Who are you?" "OH, we're keyblade wielder's, I'm Alex nice to meet ya and that's Quentin, Azura and Aqua." Joe's grandad looked at Aqua. "There is something different about you, what is it?" Aqua then answered. "Oh, I'm a keyblade master." "A master, I feel honoured." "There's no need, really." "So how come you'r a master and nobody else is?" "I was trapped in the realm of darkness for over a thousand years and that's where I met Alex and Joe."

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Joe's grandfather sttared at her for a mment.

"Right." He then looked to Quentin.

"I'm from Twilight Town, I met them in the mansion." Quentin said, Azura stood next to him smiling.

"So your Joe's grandfather?" Quentin asked, the man nodded.

"Joseph is my grandson, yes."

"So do you know where the keyhole is?"

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joes granddad turned away from quentin for a minute and turned to joe "Joseph i see the realm of darkness has changed you a bit but looks like you never forgot your mission" "not a chance i told you before i left id find other keyblade weilders defeat the dark weilders and find sora's keyblade" "Thats my boy now for the keyhole i do indeed kno where the keyhole is joseph you do to the one place you loved to hide when you were smaller" "The cave on the island" "yes its on that strange door" "Hum well then this should be any easy one to take care of" "i'm afraid it wont the dark weilders knew the keyhole was there so they based themselfs all over the island if you want to get there your in for some fight" "We can handle it cant we guys" everyone nodes "same old Joseph well if your going to acomplition this plan you'll need this" joes granddad walks over to a pile of iteas and pulls out a package "whats that" "open it and see" joe opened the package to find another keyblade "Wait i though you only had sora's keyblade whos this one belong to" "Soras best friend Riku his keyblade way to the dawn" joe took the keyblade "This is cool" "now you have a keyblades linked back to Sora Riku and Kairi" "How am i linked to Kairi" "the keychain on your oathkeeper that was her good luck charm she gave it to sora any time he left home and made him promise he'd give it back" "Hu" aqua then looked at him "sora riku and kairi your linked to them all funny i meet them all when they were about five years old"

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Azura just leaned against a wall and listened.She didn't do anything or commented on anything.Just noded.She looked outside to see the blue sky and the beach just a few minutes away.She looked down for a little while."(I was their experiment wasn't I?)"Azura thinks.She taks off her glove and stears at her mark."(Then why haven't they come to take me out yet?This is not like them.I haven't seen even a rookie trying to come at me.Something's not right.)"Azura thinks as she puts her glove back on.

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Alex walks over to a window and looks outside he started to think about things. "You know if this place wasn't covered with darkness, then I think it would be a nice place to live." Alex looks over to the other's. "I'm going outside." Alex then left the building and looked at the beach. "Well it looks like there's no heartless around so I think I'll sit hear for a while." Alex then sat down on the beach as he saw the waves eternally going back and forth. "This is nice. Joe keeps going on about him feeling inferior, but this place is different. This place makes me really happy for some reason." Alex led back and stared up at the sky, it was filled with shining stars. "Wow, this place is something else."

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joe looks to his granddad and mat and says goodbye to them then turns to the others "lets go show some dark weilders they cant attack a world with out conscences" everyone smirks and walks out side joe sees alex on the ground "Hey man you coming its time to deal with some dark weider" Alex nodes and they all head down to the beach and get a boat to the island when they arrived they saw 10 dark weilder "hum this deosnt seem far maybe if we close are eyes and fight them be fairer what you guys think" they all laugh the dark weilders then turn and face them

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"Oh great, so wich of you idiot's did the superior send this time." The dark wielder's then looked at Alex, then one of them said. "Well, you'r a sight for sore eye's. Welcome back number VI, or are you still on there side?" "You got that right, Dante." The man lowered his hood revealing that he was number VII, Dante. Alex summoned his keyblade. "Alright then, Alex you'r mine." "Fine by me." Alex rushed after Dante and they clashed. The other Dark wielder's we're not doing anything besides watching. Alex said in his head. "Great now there obviously mockingus, they don't think we're that strong. Really the only persons battle skills they know about are mine and that will be there down fall."

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joe yawned and walk over to one of the dark weilders he put his arm on his sholder "what are you doing light boy" "Just watching the fight and this" joe pulled out way to the dawn and used fire on the dark weilders face blasting him backwords into the water "ha that should teach you to attack my world" joe then summoned his oathkeeper as well then began to fight some of the dark weilders

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Azura didn't joined the battle yet.She just steared for a while."There you are experiment A."A voice says.Azura turned and summoned her blade to confront a man with a red cloak that had a black wolf symbol on the back."My name is Azura."Azura says."Not in our planner."The man says as he attacks.Azura protects herself from the attack."I know that you were the ones who sended Liro to kill my parents to put your plan into action."Azura says with no emotion towards him."How did you know?!"The man asks."She told me in my nightmares."Azura says.

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"Damn you Dante, Will you just give it up already." "Sorry can't do that, we are here to stop you guy's for a reason you know. Anyway it's time for pay back." "What are you talking about?" Alex said as he stood still. "You know what you did, you snuck into our hide out and stole information." "What? No that wasn't us." Dante had confusion on his face. "Well if you didn't do it, then who did?" Alex had a feeling about who did it. "Athxson, it's gotta be. It's just like him to do something like this." "Athxson? you mean that guy that was in the organization?" "I knew it, he was in the organization. He must have been spying on us the entire time, just so that he could what he wanted." "Well Alex that's very nice information, but right now I am still you'r enemy so I'm gonna take you out now." Dante then rushed for Alex. Alex was just barely able to guard and was knocked to the ground. Alex then got up and smirked. "Alright then, let's get this over with. Haaaaaaaaaaa" Alex summoned an Aura around him and began moving really fast. Dante kept looking around to see where Alex was but he couldn't see where he was. "Damn that Alex, this is his multi speed clone attack. But he shouldn't be able to use it since he lost his darkness, how is he doing it?" At least twenty Alex's appeared smiling and about to attack. They we're then all talking in unison. "If you'r wondering how then I guess I could tell you. You know I used to use this move using darkness, but I had to change it a bit and now it works with the power of light." All of Alex's clones attacked Dante at once.

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joe clashed with two of the dark weilders "what that all you guys got i though id have a challenge on my hand with two of you but your just like coman heartless" the two dark weilder then jumped back and romoved there hoads they werent dark weilders they where orcus "woo did see that coming heartless in descise thats a new one"

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Alex attacked Dante with all his clones and knocked him to the ground unconcious. Alex then heard what Joe said. "What you saying? there heartless in disguise?" Joe then nodded. "Well I guess that means there was only one dark wielder here and that was Dante. Alright we'll bring him back with us for information on the organization." "Alright, good idea." Aqua said. "First we had better seal that keyhole." They all followed Joe into the secret place. "Hey Joe, you mind if I do it?"

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Joe lead them into the cave where the door was joe then heard Alex as he ask if he could seal the keyhole joe looks to him "ya go for it" joe then walked over to the dark weilder and grabbed him lifting him over his sholder and taking him out of the cave

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"Ok thanks." Alex summoned his keyblade and pointed it at the door. A beam of light came out of his keyblade and locked the keyhole. "Alright, there's another one down." Alex looked outside through a hole in the roof, there was something happening. "Guy's something's happening." They all rejoined Joe who already outside, the dark cloud's faded revealing a clear blue sky. "Wow, now that's what I call a jobs well done."

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joe looked to the sky as it turned from black to the same old blue sky he remembered "thats more like it" joe then though to himself again "I wonder what or who will be unleshed if we keep sealing the keyholes and i wonder what the future is like compared to what i saw"


meanwhile on a world far away


"go on by run as fast as you like i'll still catch you" "some one anybody help me" a young keyblade weilder was being chased by a dark weilder he ran throw a deep canyon then ran into a dead end "owe no i'm trapped" "Leave it to a light weilder to be dump enough to run into a trap" "tell me who are you" "well i guess you deserve to know at least that before i kill you my name is Gear" "Please Gear show mercy you already took my keyblade" "Ya and my boss is going to love it and dont worry your not going to die yet my boss still needs you" "For what" "To take the power to use the keyblade out of you so he can have it for himself" Gear walked in closer to the boy keyblade in hand he swung at the boy knocking him out cold he then took him over his shoulder and walked out of the canyon

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Alex and the others took a little break, so they all sat on the beach. "Man,I wish it could always be like this." Alex led back with his hands behind his head. Alex thought in his head. "I'm still wondering what would happen after all this is done with. I guess everyone will go back to there home worlds. Joe will come back to destiny island, Quentin will go back to twilight town and Azura will probably go back to hollow bastion." Alex shut his eye's and fell asleep on the beach.

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joe looked around the beach "hard to beleave that its only been a few weeks to everyone like i lef when to me its been years i wonder how many more keyholes we need to seal" joe then felt something at his foot "Owe look a popou plant cool never use to be able to reach these things on the tree they where to far out"

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Alex woke up he was watching the sea as it went back and forth. "I can't believe how far we have come. We have traveled many worlds only within a few short weeks, everything is happening so fast." They all nodded in agreement. Alex then saw what Joe had in his hand. "Hey what's that, some kind of fruit?"

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