supersonic 2 Posted January 19, 2011 Thus, the story continues. >:] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 19, 2011 Thus, the story continues. >:] dude if your posting on the rp at least post your intro you still havent done a post introducing your character to the others Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted January 19, 2011 "Great, so then how the hell are we gunna get out of here?" Alex asked. Aqua then answered "If we knew that, we wouldn't be in this fix." The three then kept running until they where out of range of the heartless. "Well that was close. I wonder how much time has passed out there?" "Well let's see, a whole day has passed sinsce you came back so around twenty five years have passed out there." Alex was starting to feel down after hearing that and sat down on the floor. "Hey Aqua what is it that keeps you going? Because I'm starting to lose hope." Aqua gave a Alex a sad look but then took out of her pocket a shard that looked like a star. "What's that?" "It's a wayfinder, it's said to bring you and you'r friends back together again, no matter how far away." "So that's it, huh? Well that seems like one way, but i've got nothing like that." "You don't need something like that to prove that you are loyal to you'r friend's, you just need to believe in them and yourself." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 19, 2011 joe smiled and noded "hey aqua you do know them things are meant to be made of shells like the one here on my keyblade" "Joe in all the years you've been down here you only show me that now how did you get an oathkeeper to choose you as its master" "Dont know guess it runs in my blood granddad told me that both sora nad kairi used this keyblade at one point" "Joe where is soras keyblade now do you know" "it was stolen thats when all the heartless began to show up back in the realm of light" "owe dear" "but we got bigger problems right now like how to get out of here and i think i know how" "How" "Dark corridors" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted January 19, 2011 "What are Dark corridors, and if you knew of a way out then how come you didn't tell us before." "I wasn't sure before but now we don't really have much of a choice. Well anyway, Dark corridors are literally what they are called, the only difference is that these corridors are used by heartless to leave to the realm of light, or in other cases they can be used as shortcuts." "So how is this gunna help us?" "If we can follow one of these corridor's then we can get out." Alex's spirit's started to rise. "Alright finally we can get out of this dark place and finally go home." But as soon as Alex had said that Aqua started to feel sad. "Hey, what's wrong Aqua?" "It's just that long ago my homeworld was swallowed by the darkness and I was forced to transform that world, So now I have no home to go to." "Well then you can come with us. It really looks nice over in Radiant garden." "You'r from Radiant garden?" "yeah." "Well ok then I guess I'll come with you guys." "Ok then." The three started to make their way through out the world of darkness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted January 20, 2011 "So Aqua, tell us, how do we find a Dark corridor?" Alex asked. "Well that's a tough one. I heard people have found them on accident, but then there is no way of finding one, it has to find you." "Well that's just great, we have to be found by a dark corridor to get out." The three carried on walking through the world of darkness. Alex was startting to feel a little uneasy. Alex stopped walking. "Alex, what's wrong?" Aqua asked. Alex was frowning and then started walking again. "Act normal, like you didn't notice anything." "Why?" "Because were being followed." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted January 20, 2011 They ran out and saw two lions facing off against Hyenas, and heartless. Quentin and Azura joined in. Tibo/Puba became a party member. (The status bar appears and says Help the Lions defeat the Heartless and Hyenas.) Quentin summoned his keyblade and slashed towards one of the hyenas, a heartless jumped towards him, he ducked and casted Thundura. Tibo/Puba started throwing bugs. Quentin did a streke raid and slashed through three more heartless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oblivion 22 162 Posted January 20, 2011 "Ok, this what we're gunna do we'll form a triangle formation so we can back eachother up from all sides." Joe and Aqua nodded. The three then formed a triangle formation while summoning there keyblades. "Come out, I know you'r out there." A man in a black cloak came out but it wasn't Raxus. "Who are you?" "C'mon Alex don't say that you've forgotten me again, have you?" The man lowered his hood revealing an old man who was able to travel through the darkness. "Alex it is me, Renji." "Renji is it really you, you'r so old." "Yes I know and you have not aged one bit thanks to this cursed place." "Oh Renji you can get us out. Can't you?" "Yes I can. But if you where to leave you will not like what you find. Out there are world's tormented by darkness, it seems that you'r friends Quentin and Azura... have fallen." Alex looked down. "Yeah... I had a... feeling you'd say that." "But Alex, all is not lost, one boy has been able to escape this fate of future and that boy was, you." Renji said looking at Joe. "There was a man after you wasn't there, when you were in the future, wasn't there Joe." Joe then nodded "That man was Raxus. He said that he knew you and so he did, and you knew him too, you just didn't know it yet." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 20, 2011 Azura ran towards the Hyenas.She jumped over them and then turned to cast a Blizzard on them.She frozze their feets to the ground.Azura took this chance and slashed them away.Some Heartless almost get her from above but Azura used aeroga just in time and sented them flying away.Then she saw the Lions going through a struggle with their enemies.She ran over towards them and slashed the Hyenas off them."Who are you?What are you doing here?"The female lion says."No worries.We're only here to help."Azura says as she keesp fighting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted January 20, 2011 "Yeah." Quentin said, he slashed towards another one and then a few more heartless. They finally all gone and the hyenas fled. Quentin dis-sumoned his keyblade. The lions looked to them. "We thank you, I am Kazimba, and she's Nala." The male lion said, Nala nodded. "We're Quentin and Azura." Quentin said, Kazimba looked at them for a moment. Then suddenly the two cubs were rolling down the hill. "I see you've already met our children Simba and Ciara." Nala said, Quentin and Azura nodded. Tibo and Puba also ran down the hill chasing them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 20, 2011 Simba and Ciara ran over to Kazimba and Nala."Mom,dad!"Simba and Ciara say in union."Simba,Ciara,what are you doing here though.I thought we told you to stay home."Nala says."We wanted to come and see if you were OK."Ciara says."I thought we came here for the adven-"Simba says when Ciara kicks him.Simba stayed quiet.Nala and Kazimba laugh a bit.Puba and Tibo came breathing hard because of the running they had to make to get to them."You too?"Kazimba asks.Tibo and Puba nod.Azura looks at them."We heard your roars and came to see if you needed help."Azura says.Kazimba and Nala noded."Thank you for helping us.But we have much more to worry about."Kazimba says."What do you mean?"Azura asks."You see.Strange activity was happening around.The animal,or,our prey and food,were starting to dissapear.This was strange and worringly since we have an entire pack to feed."Nala says."Then we invistigated and saw that all the strange activity was pinpointing to right here in the outerlands.And those Heartless were the first clue.We haven't seen this many in years."Kazimba says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted January 20, 2011 "I see... and the heartless must have some connection to the hyenas." Quentin theorized, Kazumba nodded. Quentin looked around the area and saw a knocked out hyena. Quentin pushed it over and then has Kazumba keep pressure on him, the hyena eventually woke up. "What the... GET OFF OF ME!" The hyena screamed, it could barely move. "First, we have some questions." Quentin said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 20, 2011 Nala and Azura walked over to them.The hyena tried to move but it couldn't since Kazimba had him still."Usually Hyenas don't get out of the areas very often.But some of you have been seen around in the Graveyard Cave.Strange place to be for you guys.What were you doing there?"Nala asks."Nothing.I was doing nothing."The Hyena says.Nala raised steared at the Hyena.Then Kazimba roared at his face threathenly.The Hyena started to shake."OK!OK!I was invistigating!He said we needed to invistigate the area!"The Hyena says.They just stear at him." 'Him'?Who's 'him'?"Nala asks."Uh,no one.Him is no one."The Hyena says.Kazimba roars again."OK!He's our leader!"The Hyena says."OK.Now tell us where we can find your leader."Nala says."No way!I will never tell you!And I don't care how many roars you throw at me!"The Hyena says.Nala and Kazimba stear at eachother.A few moments later the Hyena was about to be throwned off a clift to the endless abyss.Only being still from falling from Kazimba holding it's tail."Now will you tell us?"Nala asks."OK!You can find him in the castle!It's just up ahead!It's an entire underground den with the shape of a earth castle on the surface.Don't hurt me."The hyena says.Nala noded and Kazimba threw the Hyena away.The Hyena ranned for his life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted January 20, 2011 "Alright, let's go." Quentin aid, they started on they're way. Nala told Tibo and Puba to watch the kids, but they followed them anyways. The underground place was a couple hours away, so they spent this time talking. "So how long have you guys been rulers of the pride lands?" Quentin asked, Kazumba looked at him. "About five years." He said. Quentin nodded. Nala then looked at Quentin then Azura. "So Azura, is Quentin your mate?" She asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 20, 2011 Azura blushed as she heard the question."Um,well,I,we.We're friends but-um,well.I-"Azura says blushing.She knew she loved Quentin and that Quentin felt the same.But 'mate' just sounded liek a bit strong word.Atleast in animal leanguadge."We're very close friends.And we feel the same way for eachother.But mate.I don't really know.Yeah.I think."Azura says as she blushes."Ah.I see.If you two decide to do the union ritual,you two would be united for life.But you two are to young for that."Nala says laughing a bit.Azura nods."Yeah."Azura says.Kazimba looked at Quentin."Quentin,is Azura your mate?"Kazimba asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted January 20, 2011 Without thinking Quentin said. "Yes." Azura blushed harder. "I er mean, if she wants to do something like that, then maybe, but yeah I love her... more than anything." Quentin said blushing. Kazimba laughed. after a few miles they approached the large natural castle, they saw rouge hyenas, and Lions in it. "That it?" Quentin asked, Kazimba nodded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 20, 2011 They all hide behind a huge rock that was around and looked at the castle.There were some Hyenas and lions guarding outside.They seemed very dehidreaded and hungry.Liek if they haden't eaten in days or so."They don't seem in the best shape of their lifes."Azura says.Nala looks at her and nods."At first there were two tribes of lions.One lived here,and the other one lived back at our home.But after the ruler Ciara,daughter of Simba,did the union ritual Kobu,son of Scar.The two tribes of lions united as one.But then after a few years some lions started to cause havoc and such.So they were sent here.Now whoever breaks a big rule faces erasement from the pack and needs to come here.Also are forbidden to hunt food in our territory."Nala says.Azura nods.She thinks when Simba and Ciara came towards her."We have an idea."They say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted January 20, 2011 "What?" Quentin asked, then the little ones talked about since all the lions here were scruffy looking and bad looking, that if they tried to look like them, then maybe they could get in. "It's wortha shot." Quentin said, he and Azura started rolling around int he dirt like there was no tommorow. "Alright, we'll take a look inside, you all stay out here, and when I give the signal, charge in." Quentin said, Kazumba looked at him. "What's the signal?" he asked. Quentin looked at him. "You'll know it, when you hear it." He said, they walked into the territory, it worked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 20, 2011 Azura and Quentin walked around and pass by the territory.No one seemed to notice that they were from the out side of the outerlands.The plan was working pretty well for the moment."(Let's keep this up...)"Azura thinks.They get to the castle entrance and enter with no questions asked.They start to walk around.It was pretty dark,only to be illuminated by some glowing mushrooms that were on the walls and floors.Azura looked at Quentin."We need to find the leader."Azura whispers to Quentin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted January 20, 2011 "I'd guess the leader's in the middle room." Quentin said, Azura nodded. they kept going and finally walked into the core of the place. there was a high point where a large lion sat, he was easily larger then any of the lions they've met. (and by large I mean big and muscular.) He looked at them. "Are you the newly banished?" HE asked, Quentin and Azura nodded. He smiled. "good." He said. Quentin then approached him. "Er... who are you?" Quentin asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 20, 2011 The lion looked at them."I'm Kiro.I'm the leader of the outerlands.I welcome you."Kiro says.They nod."Um,thanks."Azura says.Kiro jumped down from the high point and landed infront of them."May I know how and the reason of why did you got banished?"Kiro asks.Azura and Quentin looked at eachother.They tried to come up with something."Um,we killed one of our own brothers of the pack.Just because he didn't letted us eat of the prey WE had just catched."Azura says.Kiro smiles."Ah,I see.Good that you did then.You need to show that you are stronger if you are to get respect."Kiro says."And even though you are banished you can just live here.You can help us out with our plan."Kiro says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted January 20, 2011 "Alright, what's the plan?" Quentin asked.Kiro nodded. "You see, in years like this, the heatless population increases, and now I have gained the ability to take control of them." He said. he moved his paw a round and a small shadow heartles formed and obeyed his command. "Anyways, we need more lions in order to help control the heartless, I'll give you control, and then we invade and take over the pride lands." He said, this plan sounded horrible. quentin and Azura looked to eachother and nodded. "Alright... we're in." Quentin said. 'This'll give us the chance to strike when they least expect it.' Quentin thought in his mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 20, 2011 Kiro noded."Good.But the heartless aren't very easy to control just like that.According to what I have heard.Your darkness has to be strong to control them.But that won't be hard for you two."Kiro says.Azura stears at Quentin."Well.I shall be preparing something for a moment.Stay still and here as I come back in a few."Kiro says as he walks away.Azura looked at Quentin."This shall be interesting."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted January 20, 2011 "I guess." Quentin said. Afew days later they were marching in a group towards pride rock, Kiro was leading it, and Quentin and Azura figured out a way to control the heartless. They also were able to sneak out and tell Nala and Kazumba the plan, when Kiro got on pride rock, they would attack. when they got there, nobody was around, everyone kept looking. Kiro walked over to the top of pride rock, he had two hyenas beside him. quentin and Azura followed, he then looked at them. "You warned them didn't you?" He asked. They nodded. "Traitors, you will be punished." He said getting his claws out, Quentin saw a large group of lionshiding behind the bushes. "the signal oh yeah." Quentin thought in his mind, he stepped on a hyenas tail, he started screaming. Suddenly the lions on pride rock s side attacked. Quentin and Azura summoned they're keyblades and got ready to fight Kuro. (The encounter plays in thebackround.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 20, 2011 Kuro glared at them."You shall pay the price for your betrayl!"Kiro says as he got darkness surrounding him.Azura looked at him."That careful Quentin."Azura says.Quentin nods.Kiro letted out a roar and attacked them.Azura and Quentin dodged.Azura charged at Kiro and tried to slash him.Kiro dodged and tried to scratch her.Azura dodged it by luck and then charged again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites