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*Spoilers* Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind Spoilers Chat

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you mean her scene in chain of memories in comparison to kh3?


anyways yea



BUT I kinda wished ventus was playable

really liked him from bbs

same tho

I mean do you WANT them to close disney?

what kind of disney game that lets mickey die?


hmm? don't think so about that

he couldn't even defeat terra-nort

lawl I guess you re right

rn we re waiting for union cross story update

the one whos not a leader will be revealed

ven or the black haired girl?

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he was supposedly OP for taking down a lot of darksides in one shot

ends up being pathetic at the end


@Marsh don't think so about dat

I think it's gonna be 7 darknesses stopping sora's return?

I don't get how ava's gonna be with them tho


they just showed us eraqus placing the dark pieces so who knows whos with sora

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and like how in rechain of memories he could only send his power to riku

a bit of it

they still tried to make him look cool tho

riku was solo against 3 org 13 members

mickey was against 4

by himself

though if xemnas wasn't fighting

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It served the story because it did what it needed with the restriction. Mickey is never seen as one after that. He's most the guy behind the mask who looks over people but he is still a normal character like the others. KH2 has shown him the most where he did stuff behind the scenes. Only reason KH1 works so well is because of the restriction given to Nomura. Without it, Mickey would most likely have had a bigger role in the first game.

And he's definitely not week by any means necessary

He still went against 13 Xehanorts, by himself, while half-dying

And before that against 4 by himself until Sora came

It's a big deal because the characters made it a big deal. By KH3 there was no reason for him to be one

Everyone was on equal footing

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he's not the main character tho


well just look at sora, alone he couldn't defeat terranort, and with donald and goofy he ends up defeating xehanort xdddd

he doesn't heal



sora AI only knows firaga


in the manga he casts freeze :)


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Point is, there wasn't anything about him that made him special. Not even in KH1, it was just Donald and Goofy hyping him up. At the end of the day, Mickey was still a character trying to move past the shit he had to go through from BBS to KH2. In KH3, there wasn't really anything that made him standout like he did previously because you saw more of him. At that point you have finally learned who he is and what he did. Mickey still had stand out moments from the game and especially in Remind to show he's not to be messed with at any capacity because he held himself alone against 13 Replica Xehanorts while everyone was gone with him half-dying. Sure he's maybe not as OP as he used to be, but that doesn't take away what he did in Remind and how great that moment was.

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