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*Spoilers* Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind Spoilers Chat

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hmm youre right

they dropped the idea of the keyblade being this legendary thing

kinda gave everybody one

the whole xemnas being part of terra thing got dropped

honestly data riku just got kinda ignored for kh3

the series has lost some things along the way that it just doesnt use anymore

or outright replaced, which is kinda the way all series go when they go on for a long time, unless they are very very tightly written

remember how in big hero 6 world the darkcubes looked like bugs from kh Re:coded

what was the purpose of doing that if not to have data riku be the one who was in that world

data riku also still existed after the system reset, because he is the journal, he still needs to exist

but they also confirmed that things can escape from the data world into the real world

meaning it would've been pretty clever to take soras speech at the start of kh3 to heart "a heart can exist in anything, even inside data" and have the org use data riku as one of their members

also xemnas had that stuff where he would talk to the armor of aqua

guy had a real connection to terra that is never seen again in any game

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i dunno they both seem like things nomura forgot, or that he had some intention of using later, but did something else in the process

i think while encorporating things into terranort, he took that detail of xemnas' character and kinda let it sorta get ignored because terranort already had that going on

but the thing is xigbar says he just sits there and talks to it

like hes not even aware of what hes doing

that never really come back into play, not even when he sees aqua

or ventus

it nomura really didnt just ignore xemnas having that scene, then there would've been some exchange between those characters, even one line, but there never was

which is fine, we have terranort for that

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i feel like it was hinting at xemnas being terras ticket back to having a body

but in the end it was terranort that really mattered, so it made no real difference

it was something that i feel kinda got swept under the rug

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Well HMK is back on a war path of theorizing. A lot of it has to do with the idea that Yozora and MoM have met before since he's also in Shibuya and since people are having a hard time believing the girl is Sora the idea is that Yozora's Sora is MoM.

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Yeah but dont worry

Yoshitaka Amano before him didnt find his success till like 30 and jk rowling as sinking in her own desert as she is right now got success in her late 20s. But then cry a river when you read about Kubrick and Musk.

Kubrick having pretty much been famous since 18. Egon Schiele was recognised at 19. But then Schiele has a weird history.

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