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What is your favorite handheld installment of Kingdom Hearts?

What is your favorite handheld installment of Kingdom Hearts?  

107 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite handheld installment of Kingdom Hearts?

    • 358/2 Days
    • Birth By Sleep
    • Re:Coded
    • Dream Drop Distance

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Gotta say BbS, although I was slightly more attached to 358/2’s story. BbS’s command style was just a great change of pace from the traditional numbered titles, and it was fun turning Aqua into a wrecking machine. Plus, Vanitas and Terra-Xehanort were fantastic bosses.

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BBS by far. I mean, I am horribly attached to Days and I have the fondest memories of playing it, but even that can’t get me over the gameplay, sadly... but I swear I’m gonna replay it one of these days!

 BBS doesn’t have the best gameplay either (I like the ideas they had, but it’s just a bit too cluncky), but it’s still fun most of the time, and the story’s one of my personal favorites in all of KH.

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Here's my list of my favorite Kingdom Hearts handheld games.

1.) 358/2 Days - Mainly because of the story and characters developments from Roxas, Xion, and Axel. The relationship between Roxas, Xion, and Axel. And because I got to see the another side of the Organization members. And that's why it got my vote!

2.) Dream Drop Distance - Mainly because it's finally moving the story forward after Kingdom Hearts 2. The music and interesting gameplay, especially the Flowmotion. Riku's character development and his growth as a character. And the introduction of my second favorite villain Young Xehanort.

3.) Birth by Sleep - I love Birth by Sleep because it was such a fun game. The Command Boards and Melding Gameplay were one of the best gameplays in the Kingdom Hearts, in my opinion. I love the new characters Terra, Ventus, and Aqua, especially Aqua. The introduction of my another favorite villain Vantias. However, my problem with Birth by Sleep was that there wasn't enough character moments between Terra, Ventus, and Aqua. Terra, Ventus and Aqua were supposed to be best friends, but the game focus too much on separating Terra, Ventus, and Aqua. If Birth by Sleep show more friendship between Terra, Ventus, and Aqua and show how strong their friendship are than I might've rank it second on my list.

4.) Re:Coded - Re:Coded is not the strongest game in the series, but it has a very fun gameplay. the story was a little weak, but the story did move forward so I respect the game for that. Best part was the second ending and the revelation of Master Xehanort return.

Edited by Movies798

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  On 1/13/2020 at 6:30 PM, Otti#8624 said:

What is your favorite handheld installment of Kingdom Hearts?

While I think Days has quite possibly the best story in the series, and it personally is my favourite out of the list, I think the best handheld is Re:coded. It's the only game on that list to have genuinely fun gameplay, and if you look at it in a vaccum the story is pretty neat too even if it is intensely a KH1 remake but with extra added bugs™. Even so, once you get to Data Roxas the writing really ramps up, and Jesse McCartney delivers one of his best voice performances in this series to date here.

Another point, is that even if recoded doesn't add much to the story, it doesn't take anything away either which is more than can be said for other titles on the poll.

I'm sure you picked BBS xD

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I enjoy them all a LOT!!

I like "'Kingdom Hearts 3D:  Dream, Drop, Distance'" because of its fun, yet dark, story and it contains one of my favorite Disney movies.

I like "'Kingdom Hearts:  358/2 Days'" because I connect so well with Roxas and I enjoyed seeing what took place while Sora was asleep between KH CoM and KH2.

I like "'Kingdom Hearts:  Birth By Sleep'" because it was the first KH game I could play on a game system my brother did not own.  I also enjoyed its long storyline, new, intense battle music, likable characters, and dark, emotional ending.

Yet, I voted for "'Kingdom Hearts RE:  Coded'" since it is a rather overlooked game with playful gameplay and brilliant artwork.  Many of you might not know this:  that game had a very shiny and playful cover artwork.


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BBS. It beats even the legendary 2 for me.

DDD was great too! Sora was a bit of an idiot but Riku made up for that.

I've only watched cutscenes for the other two, and without experiencing the gameplay I dunno how you'd vote for Re: Coded because barely anything happened story wise. 358/2 Days was a brilliant story so gameplay or no I can see why people would vote for it.

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  On 1/14/2020 at 5:35 PM, Moogle13 said:

BBS. It beats even the legendary 2 for me.

DDD was great too! Sora was a bit of an idiot but Riku made up for that.

I've only watched cutscenes for the other two, and without experiencing the gameplay I dunno how you'd vote for Re: Coded because barely anything happened story wise. 358/2 Days was a brilliant story so gameplay or no I can see why people would vote for it.

I actually agree with you on all of your points. I played a bit of 358/2 Days and Re: Coded through emulation and got really bored after a while. I am planning to get a 3DS to play DDD in order to experience the game since I can't afford a PS4.

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Birth By Sleep for sure! It basically set the foundation for everything that would happen afterwards in the series! (Of course, excluding all of X, since that didn't exist at the time yet.) The introduction of Old Man Xehanort, the bond of the Wayfinder Trio, the puzzle pieces being shifted into place for great revelations down the road...gahhh, I love this game so much! It's got a very Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith feel to it, which is ironic, since Nomura is a big Star Wars fan!

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