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Space Cowboy

Xemnas = MF? I think so!

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I love when people fight in threads.


lol its so fun to see people like this ^_^


Yeah, better to post things like this than engage in intelligent discussion :/

Nice theory, makes sense.

Going back in time? Not that hard to do.


Uh... tell that to Einstein.


Anyways, while this theory make sense fundamentally, I think people are reading to deeply into every single attack the MF has. Because he can make an X-Slash he's Vanitas, because he has laser swords he's Xemnas, because he can use moves Sora has used he's Sora, or Ven, or Riku. Because he wears and Organization cloak he's the 15th member of Organization XIII, because he uses a whip attack he's Simon Belmont.

The reason the MF most likely reused attacks is to save space on the already packed UMD, reusing most of the attack graphics.

Besides that, moves used by secret boss characters in other games have been shown to be irrelevant (Terra uses some of Aqua's moves, Xemnas had some sort of lightning bolt)

Besides THAT we don't know if it is canon that TAV actually fought it. It could be meant as a teaser of the future of KH, but not something that exists in the past.

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You guys do know in Kingdom hearts Final Mix Xemnas blades are blue right?


Well, he actually integrated both into his attacks, later in the battle, he moves about and summons his signature red ethereal blades and uses them as projectiles which he fires at you, but he does integrate bluish nothingness as well, similar to the color of his barrier guard.


Yeah, MF and Xemnas definitely have ties, however, even as convincing as your theory is, I don't believe they are the same person, however, it is very possible, and I could imagine it being true.


I didn't see a Termination blade, but I did see the Ruination blade, and I must say that it bears quite a resemblance to MF's blades.


You posting this theory got me thinking about how there would be more than one Xehanort, with that in mind, it's time I make my own theory that I've just been thinking about recently due to my play-through of Kingdom Hearts on highest difficulty.

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W-W-Wait, another thing. Note how he grips the blades. Xemnas has the blade coming out of his palms. The unknown grips them. Also, his body figure is just different.

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Bro, did you read my post fully or did you skim through it?


I never said Xemnas could use the X-Blade, I said it could be possible that he could use certain moves from it since he absorbed Kingdom Hearts.


Once again, I'm not stating that Xemnas can use a Keyblade as a fact, I'm stating it theoretically.


And yes. MF is using two of Xemnas blades from 358/2 Days. The Termination and Ruination blades.


Basically dude, just read my whole post. Because it is obvious that you didn't.


Just curious, what gear do you need to equip for The Termination and Ruination ?

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As you can see, this is the exactly the same mark that the Mysterious Figure has on his blades, more or less. This is one of Xemnas' blades, or "non-canon" gears. I don't think Nomura would give a secret CANON boss a "non canon" weapon. None of you can prove that this blade isn't the exact same blade MF is using, because it is the same blade. If you don't want to believe that, fine. Even if you try to discount the "same blade" part of my theory, the rest of my theory is still there.

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Sk3, your theory makes a lot of sense.

To those who are putting the argument of 'He has different moves and equipment to Xemnas', you only have to look back at KH2 final mix+ to see the lingering sentiment - He had powerful moves that Terra never had, even using his keyblade like a whip. So I think it's very possible that it's Xemnas.

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I think MF is just an add-on character for BBS and BBS FM.He has nothing to do with the story of KH and is just added for excitement(like the Sephiroth in KH2).If this theory of mine is false,it will lead to an upcoming event in the future games(like the Xemnas secret boss in KH FM).I think we should be patient and see what beholds from the upcoming KH games.


OMFG EXACTLY. EXACTLY 100% i love u.

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You guys do know in Kingdom hearts Final Mix Xemnas blades are blue right?


Just popping this in here, Xemnas' blades are indeed red, not blue.


And in my opinion, it is highly unlikely that MF is Xemnas himself, shown by the reversal of his grip on the blades, and the very stiff pose, whereas Xemnas has a relaxed and slightly hunched pose. So as was stated, it is more likely that he is merely connected in some way to Xemnas, perhaps as Xehanort's second Nobody, as was brought up.

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Based on: Fanz0RocksYoutube's theory


Hey guys, wanted to make this thread since I wanted to synthesize some speculation and add some of my own.


I think it could be possible that original Ansem the Wise were to be the MF.


First of all, analyzing time, AtW could fairly visit The Land of Departure in the specific time the events are supposed to happen.


Analyzing aspect, in Blank Points we see AtW with an identical body structure when he is cloaked. Then we

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Um, I just want to throw this out there, since no one seems to have come up with this theory: maybe the Mysterious Figure is Master Yen Sid?


Now, bear in mind that I have no evidence to back this claim, but I just thought I'd offer this point of view. Maybe someone else will be able to build on it.

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I have been thinking on this topic all day, and wanted to include my own hypothesis to be commented upon.


I believe one possibility is the Mysterious Figure/ Unknown is Master Xehanort's Nobody, and have some supporting evidence to back up that claim.

1. As far as I know from my own research, the Mysterious Figure/ Unknown himself is canon, but the fights he could have with all three characters are not necessarily so. I believe it is entirely possible that a player may confront the Mysterious Figure with their character of choice, for game play's sake, but that only Aqua's confrontation with him is canonical. This means she could have confronted him at the Land of Departure before going to Radiant Garden, as the Mysterious Tower @ Twilight Town is so close to Land of Departure on the World Map.


2. We do know that individuals who do not fight in an ambidextrous manner, typically speaking, in the Kingdom Heart's universe can do so if provided an opportunity. (I.E. Roxas acquired Xion's "Sham" Keyblade, thus he could wield Oathkeeper and Oblivion. My theory on this is that Oblivion is created by a Keychain reflecting Xion's demise, and Oathkeeper by a keychain reflecting Roxas' promise to stop Xemnas. Anyway, Sora's Form Changes are another example of Ambidextrous fighting; however, that is seemingly directly related to his bonding with Roxas in KH2.) Knowing Xemnas can fight with two Ethereal Blades means that either Terra or Xehanort could, or both. My belief, solely for the purpose of this theory, is that Xehanort could. I believe this is because Xehanort developed the ability to use Ethereal Blades through his experimentation with controlling the power of Darkness. I know Xehanort's element of choice in 358/2 is Nothingness, but in a way, all the Org13 use the powers of Darkness. They all use the Dark Corridors.

2a. We know Xehanort experimented heavily with his control over Darkness, as seen in Birth by Sleep and the Xehanort Reports. We also do not see Xehanort brandish his Keyblade very often. In fact, he only visibly does so in the presence of those who respect the Keyblade's power (i.e. Braig, TAV, Vanitas, etc.). It is entirely possible that, if Xehanort CAN control Ethereal Blades, he would do so readily to double his attack potency. Two hands, if used properly, are always better than one.

2b. Two definitions of Ethereal, the descriptive adjective, include "Spiritual" and "Composed of Ether/ Aether". Many Dark powers seem to be of Aetherial origin. (I do not know how to make the weird A:E fused letter in this forum)


3.Considering that Nobodies come into existence in the World of Darkness, (based off of Secret Ansem Reports in KH2), it would explain what happened to Xehanort's body after his heart was released to enter Terra's body. Seeing as how Xehanort and Eraqus both had their bodies "disappear" when their hearts were released, and they both released their hearts into Terra rather than simply being destroyed, I believe Eraqus and Xehanort could potentially both have Nobodies that appeared in the World of Darkness.

3a. Yes, I am implying that I considered that Eraqus' Nobody could have been the Mysterious Figure/Unknown. It seemed plausible when you consider that Aqua kept Eraqus Keyblade in the World of Darkness, thus disabling his Nobody's ability to use it. It similarly seemed plausible if you believe that all of the TAV fights with Mysterious Figure are Canon. I have discounted this theory purely because of a photograph pertaining to BBS:FM. In Final Mix, there appears to be a new Secret Boss that wears Samurai-esque armor and uses Eraqus' Keyblade. Disregarding that information, yes, the Eraqus Nobody Theory is still plausible because A: the blue Ethereal Blades may relate to a person using them if they control Light more readily than darkness, and B: Eraqus' Nobody would be unable to use the Keyblade Aqua is using.

3b. The fact that the Land of Departure becomes Castle Oblivion implies a close nature between the Land of Departure at the time Aqua fights (canonically for this theory, but can still be the time of fight for the game) Mysterious Figure, and the World of Darkness. Because Castle Oblivion lies in the World Between Worlds, it would be easy for a Nobody to appear there before any other place, especially knowing that Nobodies come into existence in the World of Darkness.


4. Throwing together 1+2+3, The Mysterious Figure wields Ethereal Blades rather than a Keyblade, just like Xemnas. Xemnas obviously is linked to Terra/Xehanort for obvious reasons. The latent ability to wield Ethereal Blades could be a "Pseudo-Muscle Memory" of Xehanort's, considering the time his Heart spent in Terra's body. If assuming 2 is correct, then Xehanort would know how to control Ethereal Blades through control of Darkness, and thus his Nobody would as well. (Remember, Roxas is the only Nobody we have seen that has no memory of his true self's past. If Xehanort used Ethereal Blades, his Nobody could too). Additionally, the potential timing of the Aqua fight adds up, as does the reasoning behind wielding Ethereal Blades rather than a Keyblade. Lastly, the location of the Mysterious Figure fight accounts for the connection that Nobodies have to the two Worlds and the space between.


Just my two cents. Take it for what you will. And if my theory is proved wrong in future KH installments, all you House fans can take my logistical addition and tell me "you were at least 6 wronger".



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Why does the MF have to BE somebody? Why can't he be a wholly new character?


Hatok - because we are all speculative fan children, and we cannot speculate about an unknown new character. Speculation is a charm and fun in its own right, although I admit that some people do get carried away with proving each other wrong.

I just hope we can all come to intellectually and peacefully discuss this topic and how it relates to each of our own perspective ideas.

On the other hand, I know this is the internet, and so everyone tends to be an uptight gibbon if confronted by someone they do not even know.

Aw well, at least Kingdom Hearts itself is a fun thing to bask in.


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This has been speculated on before, but I have discovered some new points that haven't been brought up to cement this theory.


Point/Fact #1: Xemnas and MF have some of the same attacks, actually most of the same attacks. MF uses powers from Org. members, and so does Xemnas. MF splits himself into copies and attacks. So does Xemnas. MF even has two of Xemnas' blades.


To the people who will say "MF still uses Keyblade wielder moves.": Nomura has already hinted that Xemnas can use the Keyblade. So if Xemnas really can wield a Keyblade, it would make sense for him to be able to use Keyblade wielder moves.


Also, to those who will say "MF uses Vanitas' X-Blade attack." Lets take a look back to KH2, where Xemnas absorbs the power of Kingdom Hearts. Since the X-Blade and Kingdom Hearts are directly related, Xemnas possibly could use the powers of the X-Blade.


Another one of Xemnas' abilities, shown in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix when he fades into existence..MF does precisely the same thing.



Point/Fact #2: It is confirmed that more than one form of Xehanort will return. And thanks to a post by Reversal, evidence suggests that one of those forms of Xehanort returning is Xemnas. Reversal, if you don't mind, I am going to quote your post.




Okay I understand now THank you guys :D

but when Xehanort stab himself to get Terra out it & it backed fired what happend? Did Terra's heart left?

& whos body will come back Terras, Xehanort, or both? is this where we leave it to Nomura & wait for KH III?


Xehanort was trying to get rid of Terra's heart. We don't know the exact details of what happened afterwards, but at least it caused memory loss. Terra's heart still remains.


It seems to be implying that Master Xehanort's heart, separated from Terra's and purged from Riku's body, has rejoined with his previously departed body and soul. But with Nomura hinting at another form of Xehanort joining him, and Terra's body and soul now uncounted for, I'm thinking Xemnas will return as well >:3


If this is true, it would support the MF = Xemnas theory, because MF is supposedly a character that is to appear in future games. Now it's time for speculation. Why in the world would Xemnas go back in time? And how could he do it?


Why he would go back in time: Maybe to stop himself (Terra) from becoming what he will be in the future (Xehanort)?


How could he go back into time: As stated before, Xemnas absorbed the power of Kingdom Hearts in KH2. Even though he was defeated, he could still have retained that power if he returns.


And that's the end of my theory. Post your thoughts.


i think it's a good theory good work xD

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[image: 60px-Ruination.PNG]

Looks nothing like MF's weapons.

Posted Image

They look like Clock Hands instead.

Posted Image

Particularly the bottom one.Anyway, I have an idea who this guy is.

Here below is scene in KH2FM about Xigbar and Zexion discussing the Chamber of Repose:

Xigbar mentions that he heard another voice besides Xemnas' in the Chamber of Repose. It can't be Master Xehanort as his heart was expelled when he turned into a heartless. It has to be someone else.

Also, the KH re:Coded secret ending:

Yen Sid expresses the concern that Xehanort is not alone.


Now, the "other voice" has some significance in relation to MF. How the hell did Xemnas know about the Chamber of Waking and that Ventus was inside? Its possible that this "other voice" has told Xemnas about it.

Also, it just so happens that the Mysterious Figure appears in the Land of Departure, which eventually becomes Castle Oblivion, where the Chamber of Waking is...

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[image: 60px-Ruination.PNG]

Looks nothing like MF's weapons.

Posted Image

They look like Clock Hands instead.

Posted Image

Particularly the bottom one.Anyway, I have an idea who this guy is.

Here below is scene in KH2FM about Xigbar and Zexion discussing the Chamber of Repose:

Xigbar mentions that he heard another voice besides Xemnas' in the Chamber of Repose. It can't be Master Xehanort as his heart was expelled when he turned into a heartless. It has to be someone else.

Also, the KH re:Coded secret ending:

Yen Sid expresses the concern that Xehanort is not alone.


Now, the "other voice" has some significance in relation to MF. How the hell did Xemnas know about the Chamber of Waking and that Ventus was inside? Its possible that this "other voice" has told Xemnas about it.

Also, it just so happens that the Mysterious Figure appears in the Land of Departure, which eventually becomes Castle Oblivion, where the Chamber of Waking is...

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