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90 Obscure Things About Kingdom Hearts 1

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Yo! First time posting here, hopefully this is an alright place for this sort of post. KH1's my favorite game (ever since attempting to play it as an oblivious 5 year old in 2002!) and I've played through it an embarrassing amount of times. Each time I play I discover something new, and after making a list of these obscure and easy-to-miss things, I compiled them into a video. I've been hoping to find a place to share it with people who might care about this type of stuff as much as I do.

It's a bit long but hopefully there's something in there that's new to you! Also, if you know of anything else that could fit into this category of obscure/trivial stuff, I'd love to hear about it. There's a few things I forgot about that I would've liked to include, like the unused Bahamut summon or Sora's coliseum poses being references to Cloud/Squall/Zell. And finally, lemme know if I got anything wrong, which I'm sure I did. (Like #17 with Cid...he's talking about Pinocchio, obviously.)


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First off, welcome to the site, hope you enjoy it here! :) 

Second thanks for sharing your video! There were definitely quite a few things I already knew but there were also some hidden gems there I didn’t notice as well. I think my favorites were Leon being able to reach you from the rooftop, and the envelope in Rabbit’s mailbox being the same as the one on Mickey’s desk in an earlier scene. Also lol @ “Depresstiny Islands” that gave me a good laugh. xD 

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Hey thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it! Dude, Roof Leon is easily my favorite, it's become the stuff of legend lol. That encounter is already spooky enough and when he just jumps up there to join you on the roof? Straight-up terrifying.  I can't believe I didn't think to try it until 2019.

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