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Does She Even Care?

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I don't really know if my mom cares about my health anymore. Lately she's been really wierd.


First of all, I have this pain on my lower back. I've had it for about 2 and a half months now. I've constantly been complaining about it since I can't sit down right or get up right. Also, she never wants to take me to get my braces' wires cut. The dentist has been getting on my case the last two months because the back of my cheeks are all scratched up.


However, today really made me notice this. It was around 7:30 and my parents decided to go to a party. They took me with them and sat all the way in the front where the band was playing. Around 8:20, my head started to hurt. It didn't hurt much but it ached. I tried to tell my mom but she didn't listen. When the band started to play louder and screeching noises were coming from the microphone, that REALLY hurt. I actually started to cry. It just hurt so bad. So around 8:45, I really wanted to go home. My head ached, it was cold, and tears were falling out of my eyes.


I don't wanna say that my mom doesn't care about my well being but... I don't know.

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Dude, I'm sorry about your health problems, and the fact that you're parents doesn't really care about you... Maybe you should ask your neighbours to help you? I guess maybe your mom is stressing at something she doesn't wanna care about anything D:

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Dude, I'm sorry about your health problems, and the fact that you're parents doesn't really care about you... Maybe you should ask your neighbours to help you? I guess maybe your mom is stressing at something she doesn't wanna care about anything D:


I'd ask my neighbors, but I don't talk with them often. It'd be wierd to ask them to take care of me.


Trust me. My mom has nothing on her plate right now.

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Hmm I don't really have any suggestions for ya.

Maybe It's a faze she's going through?

I really don't know.

Besides that has she been acting diffrent in anyway?

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Hmm...Menopause? /shot

Well, at least you can try and ask your neighbours to get you to a doctor or something


I guess I could ask my aunt to do it.... Still, my mom'd get pissed if I went anywhere without permission. Even if I ask she'll say something like: "You don't need people to take you places!"

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I'm really sorry to hear this Venrox. It's not right that such a charming, kind girl like you is being ignored. All's I can say is you gotta talk to her, I'm sure she care's.

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I'm really sorry to hear this Venrox. It's not right that such a charming, kind girl like you is being ignored. All's I can say is you gotta talk to her, I'm sure she care's.


Yeah. I hope she does. If she doesn't, I'll still love her though. She's my Mom.



dude im srry thats so f'ed up wish i could help u but i can't.


It's okay. =)

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My parents are just the opposite... they care to much about my well being that it gets annoying...


This made me realize that I take things like that for granted...


I do hope that somehow things will get better for you, though I can't offer much more then this:


At least your friends care about you.

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Dammit, if I lived in Cali, I woulda knocked your mom out by now.


At that point I guess all you can try to do is take care of it yourself. I just got my braces, and the orthodontist said that if my wires were sticking out, I could get nail clippers and fix it myself if I didn't want to come in. I wish I knew how to help with the rest. D: I still love you~

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I don't trust myself with nailclippers in my mouth xD I'd rather wait a month.

I actually don't want to ask anybody to take care of me because if they tell my parents about me saying that their care is inadequate, my parents will be furious with me...

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-flies in and sweeps you away-



okay, in all seriousness, that is messed up :/ I'm not sure what you could do. Confront your mom maybe? Ask her if there's any reason why she's treating you that way? D:

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My oldest brother is 17.


So, wierdly enough, I talked to my mom about it a while ago and she didn't give me an answer. I just left it at that. My teacher told me what I should do to help my back and I hardly feel the pain anymore. I also got my braces changed on Saturday because I asked my aunt to take me.


Things are getting better ^_^

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