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I'm at the Keyblade Graveyard and i cannot get past this boss. I've searched videos many actually. I'm doing a critical mode series and i really want to get past this, and i thought dark baymax was bad this is worse! any specific item i should use? i'm using the ultima keyblade as well. i keep dying at the second form. only things are helping is dodging and cura at this point lol. (also i am not sure if i need the spoiler tag or not but just to be safe im using it)

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Hmm, chances are you've seen this in videos already. But Ariel summon can do huge damage to the boss. 

Otherwise there's also counter shield form with the Olympus keyblade. If you time the block with it, you can do a retaliation for a good chunk of damage. 

Probably use ethers in the fight if you have them, and of course cuisine meals will help. Other than that, just attacking when it's safe to do so. Sometimes you can employ a "hit and run" where you get a few strikes in and run away, it's slow but safer in some situations. 

Sorry if this is all stuff you've tried already. 

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  On 7/15/2019 at 10:06 AM, Novayon said:

Hmm, chances are you've seen this in videos already. But Ariel summon can do huge damage to the boss. 

Otherwise there's also counter shield form with the Olympus keyblade. If you time the block with it, you can do a retaliation for a good chunk of damage. 

Probably use ethers in the fight if you have them, and of course cuisine meals will help. Other than that, just attacking when it's safe to do so. Sometimes you can employ a "hit and run" where you get a few strikes in and run away, it's slow but safer in some situations. 

Sorry if this is all stuff you've tried already. 

its alright, i tried changing my armor/accessories but i got one shotted and died so i just messed with all that and i dont really use links only because i have to be quick to use it (unless i use a shortcut B but i dont xP) or i forget links are there. my problem is that i go all in spamming attack with the keyblade then get bombarded with their attacks and end up getting weak and wasting a kupo coin right away. ive seen many videos but most on standard mode, i found some with proud mode and barely with critical so using some guides/references from various videos hopefully will help. Ive been taking notes on its attack because i dont remember it being this hard but then again i played in standard and completing critical mode is just a personal achievement im trying to do. Thanks for the help i'll definitely try using other keyblades besides the Ultima Weapon 

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