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Delenn Deszcz

What Is the Main Selling Point of a Video Game For You?

What Is the Main Selling Point of a Video Game For You?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What Is the Main Selling Point of a Video Game For You?

    • Graphics
    • Music
    • Story
    • Sound Design
    • Genre
    • Gameplay
    • Known Studio/Staff
    • Something Else? Share Below! :D

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Every game offers something interesting to a player, but for each person, there is always something that draws them in, either it be graphics or maybe gameplay, what is it that drives you to preorder or even just buy a game?

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Story really sells me, even if it looks like someone's first project out of college I'd play it just for that story... or watch someone. Kinda how I got into Metal Gear Solid series and the Devil May Cry series. I saw them on top ten lists way back in middle school and now they're my favorites. Kingdom Hearts Days sold me on the story alone, even though back then I thought it was cruddy graphics XD Still love it to this day XD

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Gameplay (and story, kind of).

Mount & Blade is one hell of a game, the gameplay is what I LOVE about that game. It gives you so many opportunities and choices that it's playable for thousands of hours. You basically create the story in that game, and every character you make will go through a completely different journey. 

Gameplay and story are the most important ones for me though. I could, however, play a game that has amazing gameplay, but a horrible story.

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Story is the big one for me. A game needs to have a story, for one, and said story needs to be engaging and interesting. Gameplay comes in a close second. A game needs to be fun to play and the gameplay needs to be reasonably do-able/not too complicated or difficult. That being said though, if a game's story is good enough, I'll put up with garbage gameplay to see the plot unfold. 

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Oh definitely story because I can easily get over the bad gameplay as long as the game has a decent or great story. I love video games that has a good or decent story, because a good or decent story helps me push forward to see how the game ends. Plus, if the game has some likable characters than that's an icing on the cake. That's one of the reasons why I have a soft spot for Sonic 06 because I enjoy the game's story and characters. I didn't care about how bad the gameplay was because I was very interesting to see how the story ends. 

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A mix of story and characters for me.

A story can be really gripping and amazing, but if the characters arent interesting or worth following, I'll either fall out of the series or finish it just to see how it ended and never come back.

And if the characters are great but the story isnt, I may fall out of the series but if I do and the series is still going, I'll occassionally check back up on it by reading their wiki pages or maybe going back and giving it another try. 

But I may also just accept all the bad story just because the characters are so amazing that I don't care and want to see their arc finished. (KH falls into this category sometimes)

And game play is important but not immensely. So long as the two above are checked, I'll suffer through it usually at least once. If the story or characters arent good enough though, I may never replay it again though. I'll watch the cutscenes or a let's play, but play it again myself.

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Usually the story, but it really depends on what happens to catch my eye first.

Sometimes it’s the gameplay, sometimes I just get interested in the game because it’s visually interesting or has a nice atmosphere. Oh, and I can’t say the studio plays no role in what I buy, as I usually pay a lot more attention to certain companies and thus end up buying more of their games(mostly Atlus, let’s face it).

I guess it’s mostly a combination of different factors... But I can forgive a lot of things if the story/characters are good, so I guess the story’s still the main priority for me.

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Gameplay and Story are both pretty big factors for me. Yeah I know a game is supposed to be a game first, but I've always viewed that an ideal game experience is a movie that you have more control over. Like instead of just sitting and watching the action, you're actively participating in it. So the more cinematic and engaging the story is, the fuller of an experience it feels to me. Usually when the gameplay is already pretty solid, a solid story is what I look for. I know some people for whatever reason don't really care why and how they get from level 1 to level 2, but I personally want to feel invested beyond just trying to win. I have more fun when a good story is involved. So while a big story isn't technically needed for a game to exist, it's a big thing I love to see, it's what makes a game LIVE to me.

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The story is always the main thing for me a game or a book from 30 years ago can be impressive if the plot is told in a good way and of course has a good plot. Meanwhile graphics get outdated music while still an important part is only a liece of a larger picture and a stufo crew over time can be the complete opossite what they once were, has anyone ever read EAs first buisness statement when the company was founded? Its actually really sad

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I honestly don't care for a game's graphics. As long as the story and gameplay are good, I'll be sold on whichever game I'm interested in! Story is definitely the one factor I prioritize the most, since I'm not really a multiplayer kind of gamer. I prefer to experience single player adventures, ya know? So when a game has an amazing story, you can bet I'll love the heck out of it! And if the gameplay and music are amazing, then that's a hell of a plus! :D

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