Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted May 17, 2019 In a steampunk era of an alternate 19th century, order within the land of Regalia has been ordained by the power of the four courts all following a unified law: Ignis, Somnum, Vivifica, and Umbra. The high priestess, Mabel, acts as an intermediary between them, passing upon her blessings and represents the non-magical folk of Regalia. These four courts are run by mages: individuals gifted with the forbidden art of magic that is both a mystery and a curse to those within Regalia. A mage either lives a life of success and luxury, exalted by the masses within one of the courts, or must struggle to survive in the world on their own, unpracticed and unwieldy. The courts aid a mage in harnessing their raw magic and potential. An untrained mage is both useless and dangerous, and it is very hard for a mage to thrive on their own without a court to affiliate with. If one is found with a lot of magical potential, a court may come and present an offer to the mage, or this individual may go to one of the courts and prove themselves worthy of joining their ranks. For centuries the land of Regalia has known naught but peace and prosperity, thanks to the order driven by the four courts, but what happens when one of them goes rogue? The Vivifica court has cut ties with the other three courts, and has been abandoning the laws and teachings that all the courts have vowed to uphold to. Further, Vivifica has been found dealing with Itika, raw mana found within the Valley of Magic that has been banned from Regalia. What reason could they have for doing this, and will the court have to be abolished? As you dig to answer this question, more questions may begin to unravel, causing you to question the very foundation that you have always known. Technology abounds in Regalia, though it is powered via steam, and it is within the limitations of the 19th century. Guns (and gun blades) are present, as well as electricity, trains, and telephone booths, though cars are yet to be invented. You can be a mage from one of the courts, or perhaps you are a mage who has decided to try to fight the odds and remain independent in the world. You may also not even be gifted with magic, living a normal life in Regalia until something about the courts causes you to change your mode of living for a bit more excitement. Each mage court has its own set of characteristics. Depending on what sort of a mage you are and your morals, you would be best suited for one of the following. While one mage court may specialize in a certain type of magic, it is not required that you be in that court. If your personality, say, fits Umbra but you have healing magic, you could choose Vivifica and not fit int, or you could choose to stay in Umbra because it suits your nature, yet you will not be proficient in healing magic because you are untrained in it. If you are uncertain where your character would best fit you are welcome to leave this field blank and I’d happily choose a good fit. Descriptions for each court are as follows: Ignis: The only court that believes in balance and actively teaches the art of the sword. The Ignis court is among the most duty bound, desirous to bring justice to the world and always do the right thing. Mages in the Ignis court specialize in fire and earth magic, often used to enhance their physical abilities and strength. Umbra: Well-versed in necromancy and dark arts, the Umbra Court believes in living life to the fullest. These mages tend to be more self-centered and cater to their own needs as opposed to helping others. They tend to focus on the pleasures of life rather than have ambitious goals to aid in their society. Vivifica: The mages in this court specialize in white and holy magic, though have skillsets in wind, lightning, and earth magic as well. Their slogan is to bring life to the world through love, and many mages within these houses will go above and beyond to help society, even if it bends or breaks tradition. Somnum: A group that is calm and believes in a life of beauty and restoration. Some believe the Somnum court to be lazy, though this is not particularly true. Somnum possesses some of the most potent mages, specializing in lightning, water, and ice magic and have mastered the art of hypnosis. Status ailments come ready to these mages, making them unseeming yet deadly adversaries. While it is not required that you are affiliated with a court, I would recommend that, unless you have a specific reason why your character isn't in one of the courts, you are apart of one. The reason for this is the central plot will revolve around members of these courts, and it may take a bit of additional work to get your character into the thick of the main plot without an affiliation. Special note: You are welcome to affiliate yourself with Vivifica, and you do not have to be an antagonist to do so. I will be providing additional information to players who are choosing this court, so that they know what your character knows concerning the court's decisions. Below is a character sheet for you to fill to tell me more about your character(s). There is no character limit at this point, though please only create as many characters as you feel that you can handle. Quick note: I am hoping to get characters affiliated with each court. If it seems that too many characters are in one court and not enough in others, I may close out the possibility to join a specific court. Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): Weapons: Magic: Personality: Background: And last but not least, here are the rules for this game. Please review them, and if you have questions or are uncertain about something feel free to ask. 1.) No god-modding. 2.) No auto-hitting or mass slaughter. This means if you are battling someone don't make your hit automatically meet its target, but rather have it aimed at a player and they choose whether the attack hits or misses. No mass slaughter means don't kill off a bunch of NPCs without permission. 3.) No meta-gaming. This is particularly important for the layout of The Four Courts. Essentially the players and characters know different things from each other, and it is important for the knowledge of the player not to cross over to the character. Having a character possess knowledge of the player and/or make assumptions based on the player's knowledge is considered meta-gaming, for example. 4.) Go with the plot, and please choose a character that fits well with the world and setting. 5.) Original characters only. If you would like to use a canon character please modify them until they are your own creation, and rather inspired by a canon character. 6.) When in a group of other people, please post after everyone in your group has posted, or within one week from your last post. I don't want anyone to fall too far behind. 7.) Keep everything PG-13, please. 8.) Romance is permitted, but again please remember rating restrictions. 9.) Please don't have invincible characters. While you get to choose whether your character is hit by an attack, don't make them avoid everything or else it seems like god-modding. 10.) Some overpowered characters are acceptable in some circumstances. If you have specific questions please ask. I intend for there to be very powerful characters, along with weaker ones, though if your character is too powerful in a fight I may ask you to tone it down. 11.) All KH13 rules apply. 12.) Please try to post at least once a week, though if you will be away please let me know and we will make arrangements for your characters. Should you remain absent for an extended length of time, I reserve the right to utilize your characters as I deem fit for the RP’s progression. 13.) Have fun! If you know me you will know that I love roleplaying, and that I really enjoy seeing stories unfold and characters grow. I try to find ways to incorporate the entire cast into the plot, though you are also welcome to get creative and build your own story as you go along. I have long-term plans for this roleplay and hope to see it flourish, so please expect a long journey should you come aboard The Four Courts. I will draft up some maps, but I want to make them look nicer than the others that I’ve lazily thrown together for previous adventures. I will try to get these up prior to the start of the game. Current players: High Priestess Mabel (Mystics Apprentice)IgnisMaester: Daruk Mordem (Vaude)Ephraim Myrei (EchoFox23*)Vincent S. Watson (Stardustblade358) - non-magic userArun Roshan (Stardustblade358)Lev Noirtier (Endless Thundaga)Soren Monroe (Nero Kunivas)Henry Heid (Scrapmaster) Shiroo Chickori (NPC - Mystics) SomnumMaestra: Thea Nero Leviathan (Elrandir)Jari Coriander (Vaude)Mellark Crowe (Mystics Apprentice)Kagura Sumeragi (Saber Lily)Luka Rabbi (Heart of Ferria)Mako Koyle (rikunobodyxiii)VivificaMaestra: Aislinn Nosferi (Mystics Apprentice)Jynn Venas (Endless Thundaga)Zion (Saber Lily)Richter Vanis (Scrapmaster)Elliot Luxmore (Nero Kunivas)Vallery (rikunobodyxiii)UmbraMaester: Gerik Lockford (rikunobodyxiii)Eclaire De Wynter (Saber Lily)Pali Noirtier (Vaude)Eleanor Le Doux, Fierce Shadow (Nero Kunivas)Arkane Gravemore (Stardustblade358)Morpha Gallant (Endless Thundaga) Indies: Arno Cross (Scrapmaster)Gabriel Woods (Nero Kunivas)Tibarn Llang (Mystics Apprentice)Saffron (HeartofFerria) World Map 5 Elrandir, EchoFox23*, Nero Kunivas and 2 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EchoFox23* 318 Posted May 17, 2019 Sounds like fun... though I have zero experience role playing though XD But I shall try at the very least Name: Ephraim MyreiAge: 24-26Gender: MaleAppearance: Light maroon armor with red accented gear patterns on the shirt and pants, brown trench coat with a large hood; White hair that's long on top (parted to the left) and held back in a low ponytail; warm black shirt underneath armor along with dark brown trousers; black knee-high boots (very worn); typically uses a short sword to fight, doesn't like to use magic a whole lot but can use when necessary. Mute red eyes, glows a brighter red when fire is used or emotions are high. Enhanced by fire, though he can't always control it so it singes his clothing at times. Wears a Court affiliation (if any): IgnisWeapons: Short sword, knives, crossbow if he remembers it. His powers aren't 100% under his control, he sticks more so with heating his sword up or making his arrows on fire. He knows very little of fire spells but he can make himself warmer. Does a bit of tinkering from time to time, his knives were modified by him in his spare time. Magic: Fire mostlyPersonality: Curious, always wanting to do the right thing, a bit reserved but will speak out against something wrong. Cautious but occasionally will do something reckless (becomes more apparent when he's wanting to do something right). When he believes in something, he sticks with it until someone or something shatters his view. Ephraim is still innocent in a way he thinks, still quite black and white which leads him to some trouble with the world around him. Sweet person, though you question sometimes how he doesn't know things sometimes.Background: Grew up in Ignis, training to be a mage to protect the Court he loves dearly. He trains most of his life, until he was tasked to spy on one of his closest friend, Alix. He made a pact with her that they'd become mages together. They trained together under the same mentor and are sometimes joked that they were practically brother and sister. However when Alix left one night mysteriously, Ephraim became suspicious. He realized that night that she was actually spying on the Ignis Court for Vivifica, he is told things about Ignis that makes him doubt the Court he held so proudly. He leaves the Court in turn to find the truth about Regalia and Vivifica's reasoning. He still searches for Alix to seek why she did what she did and who is truly the bad guy. He tries to hide his powers after leaving his training, keeping his search hidden unless if people want to join him. I can draw up what he looks like as well if it helps as well I'm willing to change something if something can't work at all as well 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted May 17, 2019 I should also add that, unless there is a specific reason that your character is not with a court and you plan this to heavily impact your character, I would highly recommend an affiliation with a court, as it will make integration with the plot a bit smoother, whereas if they were solo we would have to find reasons to get them involved. Not that this isn't impossible, but it will be a lot easier if affiliated. I'll add this to the main description also. 7 hours ago, EchoFox23* said: Sounds like fun... though I have zero experience role playing though XD But I shall try at the very least Name: Ephraim MyreiAge: 24-26Gender: MaleAppearance: Light maroon armor with red accented gear patterns on the shirt and pants, brown trench coat with a large hood; White hair that's long on top (parted to the left) and held back in a low ponytail; warm black shirt underneath armor along with dark brown trousers; black knee-high boots (very worn); typically uses a short sword to fight, doesn't like to use magic a whole lot but can use when necessary. Mute red eyes, glows a brighter red when fire is used or emotions are high. Enhanced by fire, though he can't always control it so it singes his clothing at times. Wears a Court affiliation (if any): IgnisWeapons: Short sword, knives, crossbow if he remembers it. His powers aren't 100% under his control, he sticks more so with heating his sword up or making his arrows on fire. He knows very little of fire spells but he can make himself warmer. Does a bit of tinkering from time to time, his knives were modified by him in his spare time. Magic: Fire mostlyPersonality: Curious, always wanting to do the right thing, a bit reserved but will speak out against something wrong. Cautious but occasionally will do something reckless (becomes more apparent when he's wanting to do something right). When he believes in something, he sticks with it until someone or something shatters his view. Ephraim is still innocent in a way he thinks, still quite black and white which leads him to some trouble with the world around him. Sweet person, though you question sometimes how he doesn't know things sometimes.Background: Grew up in Ignis, training to be a mage to protect the Court he loves dearly. He trains most of his life, until he was tasked to spy on one of his closest friend, Alix. He made a pact with her that they'd become mages together. They trained together under the same mentor and are sometimes joked that they were practically brother and sister. However when Alix left one night mysteriously, Ephraim became suspicious. He realized that night that she was actually spying on the Ignis Court for Vivifica, he is told things about Ignis that makes him doubt the Court he held so proudly. He leaves the Court in turn to find the truth about Regalia and Vivifica's reasoning. He still searches for Alix to seek why she did what she did and who is truly the bad guy. He tries to hide his powers after leaving his training, keeping his search hidden unless if people want to join him. I can draw up what he looks like as well if it helps as well I'm willing to change something if something can't work at all as well Welcome, Echofox! I am glad that you are deciding to give roleplaying a try. I am sure that you'll do great, but if you have any questions along the way I will happily be of help. This is a great character sheet, and Ephraim is indeed accepted. In terms of his background, many of the courts are actually trying to identify why Vivifica has done what they did and communicate with the court rather than prosecute them, so if you wanted Ephraim could still be within Ignis and is searching for answers. I should've mentioned earlier–and I'm going to add it to the OP–but unless you have a specific goal in making him independent, it's probably easiest to have him with a court. Especially with this being your first roleplay, as I intend to make most of the plot revolve around members of the courts, but it is entirely your choice. He can be free of all rule if you so wish. I just wanted to throw that out there! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Endless Thundaga 533 Posted May 17, 2019 (edited) Name: Jynn Venas Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: 5’9” brown hair, and blue eyes. Usually wears a black short sleeved hoodie with white lining, black leather gauntlets, and brown pants with black knee-high boots. Court affiliation: Vivifica Weapons: Wields a a sword named Raging Leviathan, a weapon of his own design. It can transform into a scythe and an axe in its base form. When charged up, it will enter an amped state, with the blue blades will release a potent amount of electricity with each strike, and is able to cut through almost anything. However, it lasts only for a couple of minutes (one post), and Jynn will not be able to use this state again until after a couple of hours. As the story goes on, the sword will evolve. Base Form Spoiler Revolver Spoiler Magic: Jynn controls lighting, able to fire projectiles, create storms, and forge weapons with electricity. His powers give him resistance to heat-based elements, like electricity and fire. In addition, he also also has the power of aura manipulation and sensing. With this, nothing can remain truly invisible to him. Personality: Generally quiet, doesn’t often express feelings or emotions to those that are not close to him. Some individuals are intimidated by his presence because of his quiet nature. But behind his facade, lies a heart of gold. Often thinks outside the box, not afraid to go against tradition to help those in need. Background: Not much is known about Jynn’s past, other than he grew up not knowing his parents. The courts noticed that he possesses many talents and powers. It was a difficult process because of this, but because of his aura reading, swordplay came naturally to him. In the end, he was placed in the Vivifica Court, and was a valuable asset. A decade or so later, on his 21st birthday, the Vivifica Court had a new leader, Aislinn. Admired by her leadership, though he would never admit it, he aimed to be the best member he could, completely learning to wield his powers by the age of 23. Edited May 24, 2019 by Endless Thundaga Updated background and added more details 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted May 17, 2019 (edited) Name: Eclaire de Wynter Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): Umbra Weapons: Thornflare - Magic Rapier Overture - Gunblade Caladbolg - Greatsword of the Abyss Magic: Telekinesis Light Dark Magical Storage System - Armory Personality: Eclaire is a bubbly, sweet girl with a lot of love. After Vivifica's leave, though, Eclaire has found herself scared and a bit alone, save for her mother. Drawing herself in, Eclaire has built up walls around herself, too scared to say she was from Vivifica, uncertain how others will treat her regarding the illegal activity around Itika, and the exile it has placed itself into after the breakaway. Background: A clumsy, yet well-meaning and sweet girl, Eclaire was born in Vivifica's court to an Archmagus. Taught in the Court for many, many years, she left on a long journey set upon her by Court. By the time she had completed her mission and returned, Vivifica had broken off with the other courts, leaving her uncertain of her standing, as well as nervous about how other Vivifica magus would be viewed. Going to her mother in Umbra, she resides there, currently taught by the Umbra Court thanks to petitioning from her mother - who, while fairly poor and only able to provide the bare necessities for her daughter, was able to persuade the Court to accept her. She remains there to this day, training in the art of Dark Magic, wondering what has become of her father... Name: Zion Age: 29 (appears) Gender: Female Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): Vivifica Weapons: Forward Unto Dawn - Greatsword of Sunrise Twin Katana - Dawn and Dusk Twin Magic Revolvers - Sunset Magic: Telekinesis Light Dark Personality: She is a kind, loving person with a strong sense of justice. Sometimes self-righteous, she truly wants to help everyone she can, laws be damned. She isn't one to care about the idea of law and order, but right and wrong...which has gotten her in plenty of trouble before. But she always has that damn smile whenever she does good. Background: An Archmagus of Vivifica, Zion had a rocky path to where she is now. Born with weak mana regeneration, she had to learn to pace herself, and the spells she used, for the longest time. But eventually her body grew and developed, and she rose to be a powerful Light Mage. Conspiracy around her say she has dabbled in the Umbra Court's magic, that she has taken a lover, but while none of that is illegal - anyone jealous of her would make rumor. Truly, the worst crime she might ever commit, is doing the right thing - even if she would be seen as the villain. Edited May 22, 2019 by Saber Lily WRONG BUTTON 2 EchoFox23* and Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted May 17, 2019 4 hours ago, Endless Thundaga said: Name: Jynn Venas Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: 5’9”, brown hair, and blue eyes. I will provide a more detailed appearance on a later date. Court affiliation: Vivifica Weapons: Wields a a sword named Raging Leviathan, a weapon of his own design. It can transform into a scythe and an axe in its base form. When charged up, it will enter an amped state, with the blue blades will release a potent amount of electricity with each strike, and is able to cut through almost anything. However, it lasts only for a couple of minutes (one post), and Jynn will not be able to use this state again until after a couple of hours. Jynn also carries a revolver. Magic: Jynn controls lighting, able to fire projectiles, create storms, and forge weapons with electricity. His powers give him resistance to heat-based elements, like electricity and fire. In addition, he also also has the power of aura manipulation and sensing. With this, nothing can remain truly invisible to him. Personality: Generally quiet, doesn’t often express feelings or emotions to those that are not close to him. Some individuals are intimidated by his presence because of his quiet nature. But behind his facade, lies a heart of gold. Often thinks outside the box, not afraid to go against tradition to help those in need. Background: The courts had a hard time with Jynn’s placement, as he possessed talents of both Ignis and Vivifica. He was a natural with the blade and had quite a strong sense of justice, things that those in the Ignis court usually look for. But at the same time, he has the power of lighting in his arsenal and fights for the well being of society, something that the Vivifica court looks for. The courts finally decided to place him in the Vivifica court. However, as of late, the Vivifica court has been acting suspiciously, even by Jynn’s standards. On his free time, Jynn tries looking for answers as to why his court has broke from the rest. Accepted! I've updated some information on how one joins the courts, so that may affect your background slightly, but otherwise this looks pretty perfect. Prior to the start of the game, at some point, I'll PM you more information on Vivifica and its decisions, so that you know what your character knows. Also, concerning the magical aura: I'm fine with him sensing any aura, though objects that do not have an aura would still be invisible, if that works? 51 minutes ago, Saber Lily said: Name: Eclaire de Wynter Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): Umbra Weapons: Thornflare - Magic Rapier Overture - Gunblade Caladbolg - Greatsword of the Abyss Magic: Light Dark Magical Storage System - Armory Personality: Eclaire is a bubbly, sweet girl with a lot of love. After Vivifica's leave, though, Eclaire has found herself scared and a bit alone, save for her mother. Drawing herself in, Eclaire has built up walls around herself, too scared to say she was from Vivifica, uncertain how others will treat her regarding the illegal activity around Itika, and the exile it has placed itself into after the breakaway. Background: A clumsy, yet well-meaning and sweet girl, Eclaire was born in Vivifica's court to an Archmagus. Taught in the Court for many, many years, she left on a long journey set upon her by Court. By the time she had completed her mission and returned, Vivifica had broken off with the other courts, leaving her uncertain of her standing, as well as nervous about how other Vivifica magus would be viewed. Going to her mother in Umbra, she resides there, currently taught by the Umbra Court thanks to petitioning from her mother - who, while fairly poor and only able to provide the bare necessities for her daughter, was able to persuade the Court to accept her. She remains there to this day, training in the art of Dark Magic, wondering what has become of her father... Name: Zion Age: 29 (appears) Gender: Female Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): Vivifica Weapons: Forward Unto Dawn - Greatsword of Sunrise Twin Katana - Dawn and Dusk Twin Magic Revolvers - Sunset Magic: Light Dark Personality: She is a kind, loving person with a strong sense of justice. Sometimes self-righteous, she truly wants to help everyone she can, laws be damned. She isn't one to care about the idea of law and order, but right and wrong...which has gotten her in plenty of trouble before. But she always has that damn smile whenever she does good. Background: An Archmagus of Vivifica, Zion had a rocky path to where she is now. Born with weak mana regeneration, she had to learn to pace herself, and the spells she used, for the longest time. But eventually her body grew and developed, and she rose to be a powerful Light Mage. Conspiracy around her say she has dabbled in the Umbra Court's magic, that she has taken a lover, but while none of that is illegal - anyone jealous of her would make rumor. Truly, the worst crime she might ever commit, is doing the right thing - even if she would be seen as the villain. Both are accepted! Ooh, someone leaving a court for another. I was hoping to see this occur, as it will be quite the interesting crossover indeed! I'd imagine everyone would be very concerned and closed off from Eclaire initially, though those in the Umbra court do stand very unified and support one another, so once Eclaire shows that she is true to her peers, they will embrace her warmly. As for aligning with Vivifica: I will be sharing more information at some point on that court and its decisions so that you have more to work with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Endless Thundaga 533 Posted May 17, 2019 1 hour ago, Mystics Apprentice said: Accepted! I've updated some information on how one joins the courts, so that may affect your background slightly, but otherwise this looks pretty perfect. Prior to the start of the game, at some point, I'll PM you more information on Vivifica and its decisions, so that you know what your character knows. Also, concerning the magical aura: I'm fine with him sensing any aura, though objects that do not have an aura would still be invisible, if that works? Both are accepted! Ooh, someone leaving a court for another. I was hoping to see this occur, as it will be quite the interesting crossover indeed! I'd imagine everyone would be very concerned and closed off from Eclaire initially, though those in the Umbra court do stand very unified and support one another, so once Eclaire shows that she is true to her peers, they will embrace her warmly. As for aligning with Vivifica: I will be sharing more information at some point on that court and its decisions so that you have more to work with. He will only sense the auras of living beings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrapmaster 1,731 Posted May 17, 2019 Name: Arno Cross Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): No affiliation. Bounty Hunter, mercenary. Weapons: Custom Sawed off shotgun Spoiler Safely hidden away in his holster sitting beside his waist, common gunpowder using shotgun, primarily used with magic infused slug rounds and steam vents on the bottom to ensure no magical residue is left on the gun, preventing degradation. Can punch a whole in the thickest armor at point blank range Short katana: Kusabi. (Shown in the appearance) Perfect for close range engagements alongside his shotgun, Kusabi allows for good parrying capability as well as exceptional cutting potential. The Pay Raiser. Spoiler Customized and self constructed lever action rifle that does not fire conventional bullets, instead fires according to the user's needs, be it for projecties of small blasts. Its works on a clipless and roundless construction as it channels pure magical energy as its ammo, changing elements according to the elements fed into it. It is prone to overheating should it be fired too much in sequence. But Overall allows for both precision in long range and reliableness in medium range engagements with pesky targets. Magic: Wind, Gravity and Fire. All untrained and tough to control, albeit he has been practicing, which is why he relies more on channeling the elements onto his weapons than using them himself. Personality: Arno used to be a kind and outgoing individual, but the life of an untrained and unsupported mage is a tough one, and has roughed him to the point that he looks and acts more like a tough, no nonsence type of guy who only really cares about himself. And that may be so. But he has a heart of gold when it matters, even though his profession doesn't exactly allow for much kindness per say. Bounty hunting is a dirty business, especially when one also doubles as a mercenary. He is rather silent when on business, and only ever speaks up to joke at other's expenses. Background: Born from a poor family, Arno always attempted to strike out and become a court mage, be affiliated with one and give his family the lives they deserved, as they were all humans with no magic, a rare occurance of non magic humans giving birth to one with natural magical affinity. Albeit it was not meant to be, his mother died of a disease and his father soon followed suit through suicide, leaving Arnor, 19 years old, to fend for himself in the harsh world. First, he tried going to one of the courts to try and get affiliation, he attempted to join all of them at least once, none of them ever accepted him. This resulted in his decline to criminality, turns out when you have gravity based magic there isn't much others can do to you, even other fellow mages struggle to act when slowed down. But after a few successful bank heists and criminal feats, earning him several nicknames for his criminal endeavors. He decided to retire from the criminal game as the heat was getting too hot for him, even though his fame preceeded him, they never actualy saw his face during any of them, as such he only needed a change in wardrobe. Using the money he got off the heists and robberies he bought himself a new coat, bought himself the parts to build his guns, and set off on his merry way. Today he travels from state to state, accepting mercenary work, and most importantly. Bounty hunting, a profitable activity, even though he feels some remorse because most of his targets are also untrained mages just fending for themselves. 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrandir 783 Posted May 17, 2019 Name: Thea Nero Leviathan. Age: 35 Gender: Female Appearance: Spoiler Court affiliation: Somnus Weapons: Through water manipulation she can create different weapons, changing them at any point in time. The preferred forms are in the form of spears and swords. Magic: A natural wielder of water/ice magic, capable of manipulating the state of water at will and use it's arcane nature for different puposes. She can also use lightning magic and other elements (to a lesser degree) but she is more naturally attuned to water/ice. Personality: She is a very serene and friendly person, fair in her interactions with others, and enigmatic. She holds honesty in high regard, but she also keeps a lot of secrets about herself. She tends to be very private with her life outside the courts. Background: Professor Nero, as she is called by student and teachers, is the current Maestra of the Court of Somnum. She showed an attunement towards water magic from a very early age, her parents, Theos and Astelle, often getting praised for having such a gifted child by those of the Somnum Court who took interest in the child and wished to have her among their students when the time came. Her childhood was spent among books and magic around her, she lived in the Somnus Court's dormitories for most of the time she studied magic. She somehow ended up in important roles without even meaning to be there, such as being the president of her class for all the years she spend as a student. She often exceeded the teachers' expectations and often was offered a place as their assistant when she decided that school was done. She left the school to see the world after graduation, leaving quite a lot of people in confusion, sadness, and some anger and relief from some too. After a couple of years of travel she returned home, only to find out, thanks to her cousin, that her parents had passed away. She spend weeks pondering as to why she hadn't been there when Theos and Astelle passed away, she was their only daughter, but her uncle, aunt and cousins always told her that her parents were proud of the great woman she had become. After having some time to mourn her parents, she returned to the Somnum Court, there she managed to obtain a job as a professor of the school of Abjuration, using what she had learned about the Arcane Arts to teach the newer generations. Students often sought her counsel on different academic topics, but also as a confidant for their problems, this made her very well liked by the students and the teachers at the Compendium Conservatory. With years of knowledge under her belt, she was chosen to be the next Maestra of the Somnum Court, a role she accepted in hopes of helping those who wished to delve into the Arcane Arts and development of new ways to help both magic users and those without it, and to have better relationships between courts. Her private life is considered a mystery by the students and the teachers because she is rarely seen outside, some think it is strange that such an amazing woman is still single, but she always answers that she is married to her job, and that those of the court are like her family. Current actions by the Court of Vivifica have left her puzzled about why they suddenly changed their ways, she does not want to judge them for breaking tradition, but is willing to listen to their reasoning for leaving and dealing with the forbidden Itika. 2 Scrapmaster and Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted May 17, 2019 43 minutes ago, Endless Thundaga said: He will only sense the auras of living beings. Sounds good to me. : ) 16 minutes ago, Scrapmaster said: Name: Arno Cross Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): No affiliation. Bounty Hunter, mercenary. Weapons: Custom Sawed off shotgun SPOILERS: Click to reveal Safely hidden away in his holster sitting beside his waist, common gunpowder using shotgun, primarily used with magic infused slug rounds and steam vents on the bottom to ensure no magical residue is left on the gun, preventing degradation. Can punch a whole in the thickest armor at point blank range Short katana: Kusabi. (Shown in the appearance) Perfect for close range engagements alongside his shotgun, Kusabi allows for good parrying capability as well as exceptional cutting potential. The Pay Raiser. SPOILERS: Click to reveal Customized and self constructed lever action rifle that does not fire conventional bullets, instead fires according to the user's needs, be it for projecties of small blasts. Its works on a clipless and roundless construction as it channels pure magical energy as its ammo, changing elements according to the elements fed into it. It is prone to overheating should it be fired too much in sequence. But Overall allows for both precision in long range and reliableness in medium range engagements with pesky targets. Magic: Wind, Gravity and Fire. All untrained and tough to control, albeit he has been practicing, which is why he relies more on channeling the elements onto his weapons than using them himself. Personality: Arno used to be a kind and outgoing individual, but the life of an untrained and unsupported mage is a tough one, and has roughed him to the point that he looks and acts more like a tough, no nonsence type of guy who only really cares about himself. And that may be so. But he has a heart of gold when it matters, even though his profession doesn't exactly allow for much kindness per say. Bounty hunting is a dirty business, especially when one also doubles as a mercenary. He is rather silent when on business, and only ever speaks up to joke at other's expenses. Background: Born from a poor family, Arno always attempted to strike out and become a court mage, be affiliated with one and give his family the lives they deserved, as they were all humans with no magic, a rare occurance of non magic humans giving birth to one with natural magical affinity. Albeit it was not meant to be, his mother died of a disease and his father soon followed suit through suicide, leaving Arnor, 19 years old, to fend for himself in the harsh world. First, he tried going to one of the courts to try and get affiliation, he attempted to join all of them at least once, none of them ever accepted him. This resulted in his decline to criminality, turns out when you have gravity based magic there isn't much others can do to you, even other fellow mages struggle to act when slowed down. But after a few successful bank heists and criminal feats, earning him several nicknames for his criminal endeavors. He decided to retire from the criminal game as the heat was getting too hot for him, even though his fame preceeded him, they never actualy saw his face during any of them, as such he only needed a change in wardrobe. Using the money he got off the heists and robberies he bought himself a new coat, bought himself the parts to build his guns, and set off on his merry way. Today he travels from state to state, accepting mercenary work, and most importantly. Bounty hunting, a profitable activity, even though he feels some remorse because most of his targets are also untrained mages just fending for themselves. Accepted! 8 minutes ago, Elrandir said: Name: Thea Nero Leviathan. Age: 35 Gender: Female Appearance: Hide contents Court affiliation: Somnus Weapons: Through water manipulation she can create different weapons, changing them at any point in time. The preferred forms are in the form of spears and swords. Magic: A natural wielder of water/ice magic, capable of manipulating the state of water at will and use it's arcane nature for different puposes. She can also use lightning magic and other elements (to a lesser degree) but she is more naturally attuned to water/ice. Personality: She is a very serene and friendly person, fair in her interactions with others, and enigmatic. She holds honesty in high regard, but she also keeps a lot of secrets about herself. She tends to be very private with her life outside the courts. Background: Professor Nero, as she is called by student and teachers, is the current Maestra of the Court of Somnum. She showed an attunement towards water magic from a very early age, her parents, Theos and Astelle, often getting praised for having such a gifted child by those of the Somnum Court who took interest in the child and wished to have her among their students when the time came. Her childhood was spent among books and magic around her, she lived in the Somnus Court's dormitories for most of the time she studied magic. She somehow ended up in important roles without even meaning to be there, such as being the president of her class for all the years she spend as a student. She often exceeded the teachers' expectations and often was offered a place as their assistant when she decided that school was done. She left the school to see the world after graduation, leaving quite a lot of people in confusion, sadness, and some anger and relief from some too. After a couple of years of travel she returned home, only to find out, thanks to her cousin, that her parents had passed away. She spend weeks pondering as to why she hadn't been there when Theos and Astelle passed away, she was their only daughter, but her uncle, aunt and cousins always told her that her parents were proud of the great woman she had become. After having some time to mourn her parents, she returned to the Somnum Court, there she managed to obtain a job as a professor of the school of Abjuration, using what she had learned about the Arcane Arts to teach the newer generations. Students often sought her counsel on different academic topics, but also as a confidant for their problems, this made her very well liked by the students and the teachers at the Compendium Conservatory. With years of knowledge under her belt, she was chosen to be the next Maestra of the Somnum Court, a role she accepted in hopes of helping those who wished to delve into the Arcane Arts and development of new ways to help both magic users and those without it, and to have better relationships between courts. Her private life is considered a mystery by the students and the teachers because she is rarely seen outside, some think it is strange that such an amazing woman is still single, but she always answers that she is married to her job, and that those of the court are like her family. Current actions by the Court of Vivifica have left her puzzled about why they suddenly changed their ways, she does not want to judge them for breaking tradition, but is willing to listen to their reasoning for leaving and dealing with the forbidden Itika. Accepted! I think I will end up roll out some characters to help things progress as opposed to strictly GM'ing. Hopefully I can get those up tonight. 1 Scrapmaster reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrapmaster 1,731 Posted May 17, 2019 (edited) Name: Richter Vanis Age: 34 Gender: Male Appearance: Normal unawakened form. Spoiler His current hair color is not a natural colors, its a side effect of rigorous training he has partaken in to achieve his current level of power, it glows with pure energy, lightning up quite well in a room, much to his annoyiance. Divination form Spoiler Richter's form when he unleashes his Thaumaturgy's limits and engulfs himself in light, in this form, his entire form glows and he has the ability of limited teleportation. His magic and abilities all receive a minor boost, but the biggest boost is that it allows him to use a higher tier of thaumaturgy. There is a strict time limit to this form, and he can only extend it by using his life force as a catalyst. However if during combat he can manage to gather enough mana charge to maintain the form, not only will he reset its duration but he will also boost it to a new level of power, of which there are three. Lvl 1 Divination: Faster spells, easier phasing, boost to thaumaturgy. Lvl 2 Divination: Same as Lvl 1 but with an aura, strength and teleportation boost. Lvl 3 Divination: Same as Lvl 1 and 2 but boosted further. Can use ultimate tier Thaumaturgy and the mana cost of his spells all decrease sharply. It takes quite a while to achieve the third level form, however, and he can be interrupted during his channeling to boost the form, which will knock him out of it entirely and reset all of his magic to base, forcing him to pretty much restart the fight. Court affiliation (if any): Vivifica. Weapons: The Pendulum which he holds in his normal appearance is in fact a catalyst to his natural creation magic, allowing him to transform it in a variety of things, mostly swords and other weapons. He refuses to transform it into guns, however. Magic: Thaumaturgy (A combination of Creation magic as well as Holy magic). Lightning. Phasing, Divine Sense. Richter's Thaumaturgy works in creating weapons and other projectiles for damage during combat, as well as using holy spells for damage as well, all with a blue, glowing color much like his hair and divination form. Phasing: The ability to turn incorporeal for a few seconds, can also teleport short distances at ease, can be used both in and outside of Divination. Interestingly enough this ability extends to his creation magic. Divine Sense: A different take on aura sense in that he can feel a connection to the environment around him so long as there is magic in the atmosphere, and he can only feel the presence of those with magic. Personality: Kind and compassionate, but always has the look as if he is scheeming something, and in truth, he is always in deep personal thought, about his objectives, his peers, and the court itself. He is, however, easy to befriend, even though he may seem a bit intense in his beliefs. He is a genuinely nice person who looks out for his friends and peers, however he is rather merciless when it comes to dealing with any who threaten him and his friends of the court. He has a deep seeted contempt for how unafiliated mages are treated, and how unfair it is for those with weak magical affinity to join courts, and the necessity of said affiliation for a life of dignity. He wishes to change that one day, one way or another. During combat Richter's mostly silent, usualy speaking to shoot down the opponent's morale and toy with them further, as he enjoys testing others to what they can do. Background: Richter was born in a well off Court affiliated family of mages, all from Vivifica, and all boasting high affinity for the holier types of magic such as light. Richter on the other hand always had an affinity for both holy, and creation magic. Ever since a young age he has always created objects out of pure holy energy which emanated high concentrations of magic power. All linked to his mind, he can control them at will but they disappear a certain distance away from him. This natural power easily got him affiliated into the court of Vivifica, where he began his training as a Vivifican Mage, and rose through the ranks at a steady pace throughout the years. However an air of mystery follows him, even though he claims to have the best interests of the court in mind. Throughout the years Richter has proven himself quite the intense Mage, following Vivifica's beliefs to the letter he usualy does things that may break laws or customs if it means it'l save or better the lives of others. Richter has not been in too many conflicts or battles, but he has proven himself as a dangerous opponent during spars, due to his high mobility and damage moveset allowing him to rushdown an opponent at both range and close quarters combat. Edited May 21, 2019 by Scrapmaster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EchoFox23* 318 Posted May 17, 2019 9 hours ago, Mystics Apprentice said: I should also add that, unless there is a specific reason that your character is not with a court and you plan this to heavily impact your character, I would highly recommend an affiliation with a court, as it will make integration with the plot a bit smoother, whereas if they were solo we would have to find reasons to get them involved. Not that this isn't impossible, but it will be a lot easier if affiliated. I'll add this to the main description also. Welcome, Echofox! I am glad that you are deciding to give roleplaying a try. I am sure that you'll do great, but if you have any questions along the way I will happily be of help. This is a great character sheet, and Ephraim is indeed accepted. In terms of his background, many of the courts are actually trying to identify why Vivifica has done what they did and communicate with the court rather than prosecute them, so if you wanted Ephraim could still be within Ignis and is searching for answers. I should've mentioned earlier–and I'm going to add it to the OP–but unless you have a specific goal in making him independent, it's probably easiest to have him with a court. Especially with this being your first roleplay, as I intend to make most of the plot revolve around members of the courts, but it is entirely your choice. He can be free of all rule if you so wish. I just wanted to throw that out there! Coolio ^-^ I'll have him affiliate with Ignis and have him search for why Vivifica is doing what they're doing still but within the Court if that makes it easier for the both of us XD And if there's anything else that needs to be changed I'm open to trying it, just let me know ^-^ I'm quite flexible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vaude 536 Posted May 17, 2019 (edited) Here's my first character. Hopefully it seems all right for the roleplay, though feel free to call out possibilities for improvement. Sources of inspiration abound, but Silas Marner of the same-named book, Gerald Tarrant of the Coldfire trilogy, and Dorian Gray of The Picture of Dorian Gray are some of the key ones. -- -- -- Name: Pali NoirtierAge: 80 (looks like 19).Gender: MaleAppearance: Spoiler Court affiliation (if any): UmbraWeapons: Epee, a heavy rapier without a cutting edge but intended for thrustingMagic: Real Illusion / Wishful Thinking, various lesser magics meant for making life for him better, teleportation for small objects, necromancyPersonality: As egocentric as a sphere is round, and as desirous to be filled as a bottomless hole, Pali Noirtier is a man who puts on the facade of a socialite while being inwardly broken. He is highly introspective, though he is known by some to talk to himself or to his creations. He is like a different person around his daughter, however. Background: Pali Noirtier started out in a flawed branch of the Umbra court's train of thought, and sought immortality through any way that he could. He found one such method: to live a life fuller of debauchery than any other and gain the power of wishful thinking through a wizened old man who achieved this, killing him in the process and hiding his body through his own technique. He trained long and hard, and at the age of 19 he stopped aging, requiring to bathe, and more. Currently, Pali lives mostly by himself with his makeshift creations, though he does venture out of his home every now and again to perform the duties that made his living style possible. An air of nobility follows him, potentially because he is an older man trapped in a younger man's body and he dresses like an aristocrat. However, beneath his exterior lies the heart of an abomination, a blemished thing that never should have graced the world. His lone pride and joy, excepting himself, is his twenty-year-old daughter from a swiftly forged marriage he thought would make life interesting again. The marriage ended horribly, and his daughter Lev (Hebrew for "inner heart") grew up in his household until she moved out. She strayed deeply from her father's path and chose a life like anyone else, filled with freedom, excitement, and health. She visits him every now and again, which gives him a joy he long thought he lost. Edited May 18, 2019 by Vaude Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted May 18, 2019 Name: Vincent S. WatsonAge: 32Gender: MaleAppearance: Spoiler Court affiliation (if any): IgnisWeapons: Dual Pistols Chimera - A trick weapon of his own creation. It is able to take three different forms: 1st Form - Standard sword shape 2nd Form - Scythe 3rd Form - Dual Blades /w attached pistols Magic Grenades Spark Plug - A liquid that creates electric currents upon exposure to oxygen Kaboom - A liquid that creates an explosion shortly after agitation Smoke Bomb - Simple solution where the liquid turns into a thick smoke upon contact with oxygen Hip Grappling Hook Magic: N/APersonality: Playful, curious, and optimistic. He loves to learn new things, experiment, and live new experiences. He will always have facts to talk about, and if you allow him he will talk your ear off. He is sweet and kind, although hyper, he sees the positive in most if not all situations. He will try to be friends with everyone, though he is nowhere near naive. Background: The child of two court mages from the house of Ignis, Vincent was born into a privileged life. However, he was born without any magical affinity, an uncommon occurrence for being born from two magically gifted parents. He did suffer a bit of discrimination from this, but he found himself determined to make up for his lack of magical abilities. He would take interest in the mechanical arts that ruled the society around him, including the studies of alchemy, and chemistry. He would go to prestigious schools, and study under the best that money and privilege could afford. He became an expert on his own right, and has dedicated his years in creating innovations for the house of Ignis, the city, and any independent contractor that searched for him. Currently he has multiple projects, and is doing rather well for himself independently. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nero Kunivas 3,046 Posted May 18, 2019 Name: Eleanor Le Doux, Fierce Shadow Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: 6'1'', shoulder length, black hair, blonde highlights, braided ponytail. Eleanor bears a strong but agile and toned body build and generally wears a double-breasted, buttoned up, high collar, black long coat with a few white highlighted areas, black trousers and heeled boots, though the heels are thick and low, rather than stilettos and high, along with leather gloves, silver necklace with a circular, metallic charm engraved with a crescent moon symbol made from amethyst that is known to glow on occasion. Eleanor's eyes are a striking light blue, her face bears a small beauty mark and her skin is lightly tanned. In combat, Eleanor can forge a suit of armour from Darkness in a flash, pictured below, albeit with some added details: A short waist cape, her face is obscured by darkness through the visor, her voice can be distorted to mislead her foes just like the armour's form does.[/img] Court Affiliation: Umbra Weapons: Dual Umbran Blades - Eleanor's preferred weapons. Two, simple swords, with ornate hilts engraved with patterns and some of the Umbra Court teachings. The blades themselves are black as night and are of a reasonable length. Semi-automatic Umbran Crossbow - A revolutionary ranged weapon, capable of loading and preparing ammunition on its own, allowing for multiple bolts to be fired in quick succession, though it still requires individual trigger pulls. A quieter alternative to firearms of the age, without the need for the stamina exerted from knocking a bolt into place, only a reload of its magazine. Magic: Like most if not all of those of the Umbra Court, Eleanor is a practitioner of the Dark Arts, demonstrating great aptitude of the control and channeling of Darkness. As she completely shied away from the art of Necromancy, Eleanor was able to fully focus on Darkness and the Shadows, allowing her to fire forth dark energy projectiles from her hands, raw torrents of darkness, temporarily blind foes by tossing shadow energy like sand from her pocket, erupt geysers of dark energy and generally manipulate the energies in useful, destructive and powerful forms. Some of her more advanced techniques include her ability to focus energy into various forms, particularly as energy blades, either from her hands or in place of her blades if they are broken somehow, or a temporary barrier that can block a single attack but will break upon doing so. Darkness is potent on its own, but it can feed off of strong emotions such as anger, hatred, sorrow and despair. Any one of these will increase Eleanor's raw power at the cost of elegance, defense and some rational thought. Completely succumbing to its overwhelming influence offers the greatest boost in power, allowing Eleanor to enter what's known as "Umbran Madness". A rare, but rightfully feared transformation that some members of Court Umbra have dabbled with in the past. Her body is wreathed in an aura of wild darkness, her eyes glow an unsettling yellow that encompasses her eyes fully rather than just the irises and her raw power increases greatly. Very, very few can control this form, fewer still master it and in this untempered form, Eleanor and anyone else who can use it is at risk of Total Corruption, which will "kill" the user, then possess their body, using it as a vessel for destruction. In exchange for these potential dangers, Umbran Madness grants great power, speed and proficiency with Darkness, expanding their range of attacks and their potency. Maintaining even a partially tempered form of Umbran Madness still exerts the body greatly and all forms can be deactivated manually, but the rawest state of Madness deeply tempts with its power the user into keeping it active as to allow it to control them, requiring a very strong will to resist. No one knows what a fully tempered, mastered and controlled Umbran Madness looks like. No one who will tell, anyway. Personality: Eleanor is a fairly reserved, receptive and caring woman, in contrast to her pragmatic, deadly fighting style. Though she embraces parts of the Umbran way, she's fairly disarming in how frequently selfless she can be, almost like an Ignis in her views on justice and helping others while doing her duty. She's only as accepted as she is due to her sheer power over the Darkness and being generally liked for how kind and even funny she can be, though nine times out of ten it's snark, snark and more snark, contrasting how nice she may be, like her blades she is a sharp one. When she uses Umbran Madness, the sheer flow of emotion and power warps Eleanor into the complete opposite. She's loud, boisterous, sinister, power-mad and cruel. All traits that can be worked through with time and practice with the form and its power, but it's no easy task. Even in her regular state however, Eleanor is susceptible to her passions, with her reservation and dignified appearance being an effective veil to try and keep a handle on it, to keep the beast under control ever since she first awakened its might. Background: Born and raised in the Umbra court, Eleanor was trained from an early age like most in their arts, though she always turned her nose up at Necromancy, her direct focus on the power of Darkness and Shadows was to her benefit. Through much effort, training and guidance, she became known as the 'Fierce Shadow' by her peers, for her prowess with dark energy and aggressive fighting style with dual swords. At some point during her private time, where she would meditate to focus her power, she sensed a greater strength sleeping within her soul, one darker than anything she had learned up until that point, so she did her own research. Though no one would openly tell her what this power was, especially what its mastery would entail, Eleanor learned about Umbran Madness, what could cause it and what the common symptoms of its presence were, which included meditation disturbance... Though she has not yet experienced enough anger, passion or anything of the sort, one cannot help but feel it is soon upon her, the only question is when this power would surface. Name: Elliot Luxmore, Radiant Champion of Light, Merciless Protector Age: 34 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'4'', frequently armour clad, but those who've seen his face know his skin to be strangely ashen, his hair long, flowing and pale blonde, his facial features defined but smooth and his eyes are a dark grey. His armour bears angelic qualities and ornaments, is predominantly covered in light shades of cream, gold and silver, while his "chainmail" is a contrasting black, with many clearly defined, small grooves that have a strange red energy intermittently flow through them. The shoulders are pronounced but no bigger than his head, the helmet is closed, hiding his face behind a visor with "eye grates" that glow slightly red, bears very curved horns, towards the visor but not in any way obscuring of his vision, with a halo-like ornament above them and his chest piece has a center, ruby jewel embedded within it, always glowing. The custom-built suit of armour he bears is intended to be comforting for those he fights for and protects, while intimidating and worrying for his foes, a guardian angel for one, an angel of death for another. And just so there isn't any doubt whatsoever about where he stands, his armour bears sigils of Vivifica upon it. Court Affiliation: Vivifica, Defector from Ignis (Hence the demeanor) Weapons: Lightborne Arsenal - Can flash-forge weapons in Light, namely swords, knives, hammers, maces, axes, projectile weapons of many forms, staves and whatever else he can think of, as long as it's a weapon. He holds a preference for a large broadsword and big shield. Magic: Light Mastery, Some degree of Illusion, Presence of the Champion. Elliot is capable of weaving the Light into a multi-faceted and deadly weapon, be it through his Lightborne Arsenal, orbs and beams of Light, pillars of burning Light called from the skies, Searing Light that blasts and temporarily blinds foes who look directly into its flash for too long, flight through light-woven wings and seemingly, the ability to modify and dismiss his armour with ease, through use of the Light. His body outside of the armour constantly radiates an aura of soft, warming but unsettling Light and in his armour, he constantly holds a particular aura about him, his presence is calming to innocents and his allies, but unnerving for the guilty and/or his foes. Some of his allies in Vivifica theorize that he can refract Light as to maintain any Illusions he casts, like the unnerving qualities of his out-of-armour look. Personality/Background: A steadfast, indomitable Knight on the exterior, something is deeply wrong with Elliot on the inside. Not because he is a merciless, brutal combatant who balances Defense and Offense in a vicious, weaponmaster-like fighting style that keeps his opponents on edge and even scared before ending their lives for great justice, or because his skin is pale and his armour sometimes just evokes terror more than anything else, but because those who can sense his aura note that they cannot...feel something about him. They don't feel a true physical presence, but rather something ethereal, something deceptive, something...out of place. Back in Ignis, he was nothing of the sort. He was still steadfast, indomitable and had no qualms about killing his enemies to protect the innocent, but he was kinder, talkative beyond just mission talk or mandates, his body, his presence, his skin, even his voice was still normal and thus, accentuated his calming effect, not to mention he represented Ignis's ideals more than perfectly upon a less menacing, Ignis-marked armour. But something changed him a long time ago...something that warped him from the inside out, leading to a silent, sudden departure from Ignis to join Vivifica. The only thing he has seemingly, truly held onto in this timeframe has been his desire to protect the innocent, the never-ending fight for justice that he will never tire of. It's the one thing that keeps him from truly descending into something terrible... Name: Gabriel Woods, The Soaring Raven Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'3'', neck-length, black hair and stubble beard. Gabriel is often clad in light chest armour, arm guards, trousers, a long hooded cape pinned upon him by a silver raven charm, thick boots, a belt of many things such as his sword, money and anything else he needs in pouches. His eyes are a rare dark green and his build is an agile, but strong one. Court Affiliation: Unaffiliated, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Partnered with Arno Cross Weapons: Nevermore, Soaring Blade - A long, simple looking broadsword that has served Gabriel well in his time as a Mercenary. The fuller is engraved with words in an unknown language, the pommel has a few tiny symbols around its small, triangular gap in the middle and it is charged with Itika, raw mana, banned from the land of Regalia outright, granting it currently unknown powers, but Gabriel didn't do this himself, because during a job gone wrong, his sword was stolen by a particularly rogue member of Court Vivifica, who enhanced the blade with some stolen Itika against his will. Raven's Imprecation - Magically-charged, single action Revolver that fires high-powered, burning projectiles at high speed. Though its appearance is simple, the black-coloration was not done with paint, but it was dyed that way from being exposed to so much dark energy. Magic: Charged Dark Energy, Polymorphy and Itika Potential. An agile, powerful bruiser at heart, Gabriel can assail opponents with dark energy, rapid, damaging sword strikes and hold his own very well in a duel even against a few opponents at once. He is capable of flight by transforming into a large, darkness-enshrouded Raven, for travel or combat application where necessary, can focus his dark energy into his fist for a ground pound that'll send enemies flying or at least shake them to their cores, temporary boosts of speed accompanied by trails of darkness and black feathers, sword beams, charged shots from his revolver and the usual, standard powers that one can use with Darkness flowing through them. Itika bears unknown levels of potential, meaning its benefits for Gabriel are unknown, but he's hoping it'll pay off at some point. Personality: An astonishingly courteous, talkative man who's been in the business for quite some time now, having made a name for himself fairly early on. While a motivator of his is primarily money, gold, the like, he won't choose it over friends or lives he considers innocent, preferring to do the right thing, while being a troublesome at least and terrifying at most force against his marks, making liberal use of his transformation powers, darkness and sometimes blinding speed. Gabriel lives for thrills however, leading him to seek big and powerful targets, hoping one day he gets contracted to kill a giant monster. He has thoughts on the Feud between the Courts, particularly the departure of Vivifica after meeting the man who either blessed or cursed his sword, he doesn't know which yet, but generally keeps it to himself unless prompted or its necessary, not wanting to seem biased to his potential customers unless it meets the previous criteria. Fitting for someone in his line of work, Gabriel bears the gift of the silver tongue, which has gotten him out of trouble without even needing to raise his sword more than a few times and gotten him into people's good books, the ladies included. Background: Born in "None of your business, friend" as he prefers to state, but in truth, he doesn't remember where he's from, who his parents are or why his earliest memory is from when he was seven, standing outside in the rain in front of a Tavern. And even that one is fuzzy for reasons other than the ones people would expect. Gabriel wasn't a fool though, for he would later come to the conclusion that someone has screwed with his memories of the past, perhaps even brainwashed him, he dreads to think any deeper than that, but he used his time wisely by his standards, taking odd jobs at first, but would become a full-time Mercenary at age 17, that he remembers very clearly, just like everything afterwards. Almost too perfectly, especially compared to some events before that. For the next 13 years, he would add Bounty Hunter to his list of jobs, take out many a nefarious target, run his mouth where needed, take a few hits here and there and end up in a fair few sticky situations, most of them still ending with a good payday from his grateful, happy client. Otherwise, he just pilfers from the dead, justifying that they were jackasses or creeps anyway, they weren't gonna use them even when they were alive before meeting him. A couple of months ago from now was a very eventful day indeed. During a hit on a troublesome "Nomad", one of the terms coined for Mages who don't belong to any particular court or even do jobs like Merc work, Gabriel bumped into Arno Cross, a fellow Bounty Hunter and Mercenary, after they were both captured in a surprise attack by the Nomad, who knew he was being trailed. While bound, they got to talking and even the loner that was Arno indulged the wordsmith Gabe, soon leading to Gabriel escaping his binds. He then had a choice: Pursue the mark and leave Arno for dead or free him and split the profits due to the joint job. In less than a second, Gabriel chose the latter, not wanting to leave his new friend behind. Together, they got the jump on the Nomad this time, put him down and got paid. Ever since, a grateful Arno, who'd never say it really, has allowed Gabriel to tag along with him, granting the side effect of bolstering both of their reputations as word spread that two of the top Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters in the land were now working together... (Do let me know if adjustments need making. I was a little uncertain if a character of mine could use Itika, but I kept its use unknown on purpose, other than its infusion with Gabe's sword. :P) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted May 18, 2019 First character. Still working on some other ideas, but this felt good. Though I apparently have FFXV on the brain when it comes to visuals, heh. Name: Gerik Lockford Age: 43 Gender: Male Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): Umbra Weapons: Sword and dagger Revolver Magic: Dark magic and necromancy. Specializes in Dark Matter manipulation. Personality: Gerik is usually pleasant and polite to those he meets. He’s well read, has a quirky sense of humor, and a love of art. This hides a manipulative mind who will use anything to achieve his goals. While he isn’t above using crude methods such as murder and blackmail to get what he wants, he prefers to engineer situations where people do his bidding unaware and of their own perceived volition. It is hard to tell if he derives pleasure from his work and dark whispers of his own vices chill even those of the Umbral court. What is perhaps most interesting about him is his atypical interest in society at large beyond the Umbral court. A truly keen mind could notice a pattern in his webs, in that many seemed designed to prevent order from being lost. Background: Not much is known about Gerik Lockford’s early life. Just that in his late teens, he was discovered with a talent for dark magic. He gained entry into the Umbral Court and then vanished from the public spotlight. Recognized for his talents, Gerik was made a fixer, an agent of the court intended to curb and manage the excesses of the self-centered organization. As the years past, he became more of a fixture for the Umbral Court, easing tensions, and making sure everyone had a place at the table. A few recognized the influence he was garnering, with access to many secrets and many people in his debt. Some tried to move against him, but his webs made most attempts useless. While many didn’t like him, his continued good health and work made everyone’s life more convenient and safe. What most don’t know is that Gerik’s influence extends to the other courts as well. He uses this influence to ensure that the balance of power remains intact and life proceeds as it always has. This business with Vivifica is just another mess to fix... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vaude 536 Posted May 18, 2019 Ardyn joined the fray! Having played Final Fantasy XV, I know I'm going to enjoy Gerik's character. I could envision him being similar to the Man in Black from The Dark Tower series, that sly, manipulative trickster. Anyhow, below lies my second character to fill the ranks! Here's looking at you, Scrap, for the idea of drunk Jari the fox boy. -- -- -- Name: Jari CorianderAge: 24Gender: MaleAppearance: A lanky young man, about 165 centimetres tall (5 feet, 5 inches), with dark hair, green eyes, a rounded face, and an amiable smile that can kill, Jari is a bright young man with a strange air about him. He has taken a liking to a loose shirt and trousers, all-terrain boots, and keeps his hair nice and kempt. He has his quirks, however. The most prominent thing about him is his different taste in style. He wears a custom-made headpiece that looks like fox's ears and covers his own set of ears while retaining most of his hearing capacity, and he wears a fake fox's tail from time to time which he affixed to his rear, to make up for his losing his other one, he claims.Court affiliation (if any): SomnumWeapons: A well-honed hunter's knife. He also has in his possession several thief's tools, metal ingots of various kinds, and a interchangeable game board of his own design he calls his Crest, with pieces enough to play chess, checkers, backgammon, and seventeen other games.Magic: Lightning magic, whittling magic (a magical process which can cut away at what he touches into a shape he desires), lesser earth magic, infrared magicPersonality: From a young age, Jari was what his friends would call special. His artistic mind was devoted to the creative elements of drawing, painting, sculpting, whittling, and his love for all things natural and created can be read easily by others. He tries to be kind, compassionate and polite, but he rarely advances to being a friend to people due to his weird claims of being an actual fox boy. He is harmless when sober and harmless when drunk (the latter of which happens quite often).Background: Born to two successful parents within the mages society, Felicity Thermos from Ignis (where they now reside) and Montgomery Coriander from Vivifica, Jari lived in the lap of luxury and was taught much about alchemy, chemistry, metallurgy, and the gifts of which he came with, but his dreamer ideals did not match either Ignis nor Vivifica, so he was shipped out to Somnum where he was taught even more of his gift, and most especially his knack for lightning and enchantment magic, enhancing something mundane into a wondrous item, especially art. He is a childhood friend of Shiroo from the Ignis court, and ran into Ephraim and Vincent once or twice. 1 rikunobodyxiii reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted May 18, 2019 16 hours ago, Scrapmaster said: Name: Richter Vanis Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Normal unawakened form. SPOILERS: Click to reveal His current hair color is not a natural colors, its a side effect of rigorous training he has partaken in to achieve his current level of power, it glows with pure energy, lightning up quite well in a room, much to his annoyiance. Divination form SPOILERS: Click to reveal Richter's form when he unleashes his Thaumaturgy's limits and engulfs himself in light, in this form, his entire form glows and he has the ability of limited teleportation. His magic and abilities all receive a minor boost, but the biggest boost is that it allows him to use a higher tier of thaumaturgy. There is a strict time limit to this form, and he can only extend it by using his life force as a catalyst. Court affiliation (if any): Vivifica. Weapons: The Pendulum which he holds in his normal appearance is in fact a catalyst to his natural creation magic, allowing him to transform it in a variety of things, mostly swords and other weapons. He refuses to transform it into guns, however. Magic: Thaumaturgy (A combination of Creation magic as well as Holy magic). Lightning. Personality: Kind and compassionate, but always has the look as if he is scheeming something, and in truth, he is always in deep personal thought, about his objectives, his peers, and the court itself. He is, however, easy to befriend, even though he may seem a bit intense in his beliefs. He is a genuinely nice person who looks out for his friends and peers, however he is rather merciless when it comes to dealing with any who threaten him and his friends of the court. Background: Richter was born in a well off Court affiliated family of mages, all from Vivifica, and all boasting high affinity for the holier types of magic such as light. Richter on the other hand always had an affinity for both holy, and creation magic. Ever since a young age he has always created objects out of pure holy energy which emanated high concentrations of magic power. All linked to his mind, he can control them at will but they disappear a certain distance away from him. This natural power easily got him affiliated into the court of Vivifica, where he began his training as a Vivifican Mage, and rose through the ranks at a steady pace throughout the years. However an air of mystery follows him, even though he claims to have the best interests of the court in mind. I'm loving the art for Richter. Accepted! I'll eagerly await your third character. 14 hours ago, EchoFox23* said: Coolio ^-^ I'll have him affiliate with Ignis and have him search for why Vivifica is doing what they're doing still but within the Court if that makes it easier for the both of us XD And if there's anything else that needs to be changed I'm open to trying it, just let me know ^-^ I'm quite flexible. Sounds perfect! I think everything else looked great with your character sheet. If at any point you choose in insert Alix you are more than welcome to, or if you wish to make her an NPC (non-playable character) that is completely fine as well. 13 hours ago, Vaude said: Here's my first character. Hopefully it seems all right for the roleplay, though feel free to call out possibilities for improvement. Sources of inspiration abound, but Silas Marner of the same-named book, Gerald Tarrant of the Coldfire trilogy, and Dorian Gray of The Picture of Dorian Gray are some of the key ones. Name: Pali Noirtier Age: 80 (looks like 19). Gender: Male Appearance: SPOILERS: Click to reveal Court affiliation (if any): Umbra Weapons: Epee, a heavy rapier without a cutting edge but intended for thrusting Magic: Real Illusion / Wishful Thinking, various lesser magics meant for making life for him better, teleportation for small objects, necromancy Personality: As egocentric as a sphere is round, and as desirous to be filled as a bottomless hole, Pali Noirtier is a man who puts on the facade of a socialite while being inwardly broken. He is highly introspective, though he is known by some to talk to himself or to his creations. He is like a different person around his daughter, however. Background: Pali Noirtier started out in a flawed branch of the Umbra court's train of thought, and sought immortality through any way that he could. He found one such method: to live a life fuller of debauchery than any other and gain the power of wishful thinking through a wizened old man who achieved this, killing him in the process and hiding his body through his own technique. He trained long and hard, and at the age of 19 he stopped aging, requiring to bathe, and more. Currently, Pali lives mostly by himself with his makeshift creations, though he does venture out of his home every now and again to perform the duties that made his living style possible. An air of nobility follows him, potentially because he is an older man trapped in a younger man's body and he dresses like an aristocrat. However, beneath his exterior lies the heart of an abomination, a blemished thing that never should have graced the world. His lone pride and joy, excepting himself, is his thirty-year-old daughter from a swiftly forged marriage he thought would make life interesting again. The marriage ended horribly, and his daughter Lev (Hebrew for "inner heart") grew up in his household until she moved out. She strayed deeply from her father's path and chose a life like anyone else, filled with freedom, excitement, and health. She visits him every now and again, which gives him a joy he long thought he lost. Ah, someone who has tampered with immortality. Very interesting. Accepted! 12 hours ago, Stardustblade358 said: Name: Vincent S. WatsonAge: 32Gender: MaleAppearance: SPOILERS: Click to reveal Court affiliation (if any): IgnisWeapons: Dual Pistols Chimera - A trick weapon of his own creation. It is able to take three different forms: 1st Form - Standard sword shape 2nd Form - Scythe 3rd Form - Dual Blades /w attached pistols Magic Grenades Spark Plug - A liquid that creates electric currents upon exposure to oxygen Kaboom - A liquid that creates an explosion shortly after agitation Smoke Bomb - Simple solution where the liquid turns into a thick smoke upon contact with oxygen Hip Grappling Hook Magic: N/APersonality: Playful, curious, and optimistic. He loves to learn new things, experiment, and live new experiences. He will always have facts to talk about, and if you allow him he will talk your ear off. He is sweet and kind, although hyper, he sees the positive in most if not all situations. He will try to be friends with everyone, though he is nowhere near naive. Background: The child of two court mages from the house of Ignis, Vincent was born into a privileged life. However, he was born without any magical affinity, an uncommon occurrence for being born from two magically gifted parents. He did suffer a bit of discrimination from this, but he found himself determined to make up for his lack of magical abilities. He would take interest in the mechanical arts that ruled the society around him, including the studies of alchemy, and chemistry. He would go to prestigious schools, and study under the best that money and privilege could afford. He became an expert on his own right, and has dedicated his years in creating innovations for the house of Ignis, the city, and any independent contractor that searched for him. Currently he has multiple projects, and is doing rather well for himself independently. Awesome weapons! Accepted! 10 hours ago, Nero Kunivas said: Name: Eleanor Le Doux, Fierce Shadow Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: 6'1'', shoulder length, black hair, blonde highlights, braided ponytail. Eleanor bears a strong but agile and toned body build and generally wears a double-breasted, buttoned up, high collar, black long coat with a few white highlighted areas, black trousers and heeled boots, though the heels are thick and low, rather than stilettos and high, along with leather gloves, silver necklace with a circular, metallic charm engraved with a crescent moon symbol made from amethyst that is known to glow on occasion. Eleanor's eyes are a striking light blue, her face bears a small beauty mark and her skin is lightly tanned. In combat, Eleanor can forge a suit of armour from Darkness in a flash, pictured below, albeit with some added details: A short waist cape, her face is obscured by darkness through the visor, her voice can be distorted to mislead her foes just like the armour's form does. SPOILERS: Click to reveal[/img] Court Affiliation: Umbra Weapons: Dual Umbran Blades - Eleanor's preferred weapons. Two, simple swords, with ornate hilts engraved with patterns and some of the Umbra Court teachings. The blades themselves are black as night and are of a reasonable length. Semi-automatic Umbran Crossbow - A revolutionary ranged weapon, capable of loading and preparing ammunition on its own, allowing for multiple bolts to be fired in quick succession, though it still requires individual trigger pulls. A quieter alternative to firearms of the age, without the need for the stamina exerted from knocking a bolt into place, only a reload of its magazine. Magic: Like most if not all of those of the Umbra Court, Eleanor is a practitioner of the Dark Arts, demonstrating great aptitude of the control and channeling of Darkness. As she completely shied away from the art of Necromancy, Eleanor was able to fully focus on Darkness and the Shadows, allowing her to fire forth dark energy projectiles from her hands, raw torrents of darkness, temporarily blind foes by tossing shadow energy like sand from her pocket, erupt geysers of dark energy and generally manipulate the energies in useful, destructive and powerful forms. Some of her more advanced techniques include her ability to focus energy into various forms, particularly as energy blades, either from her hands or in place of her blades if they are broken somehow, or a temporary barrier that can block a single attack but will break upon doing so. Darkness is potent on its own, but it can feed off of strong emotions such as anger, hatred, sorrow and despair. Any one of these will increase Eleanor's raw power at the cost of elegance, defense and some rational thought. Completely succumbing to its overwhelming influence offers the greatest boost in power, allowing Eleanor to enter what's known as "Umbran Madness". A rare, but rightfully feared transformation that some members of Court Umbra have dabbled with in the past. Her body is wreathed in an aura of wild darkness, her eyes glow an unsettling yellow that encompasses her eyes fully rather than just the irises and her raw power increases greatly. Very, very few can control this form, fewer still master it and in this untempered form, Eleanor and anyone else who can use it is at risk of Total Corruption, which will "kill" the user, then possess their body, using it as a vessel for destruction. In exchange for these potential dangers, Umbran Madness grants great power, speed and proficiency with Darkness, expanding their range of attacks and their potency. Maintaining even a partially tempered form of Umbran Madness still exerts the body greatly and all forms can be deactivated manually, but the rawest state of Madness deeply tempts with its power the user into keeping it active as to allow it to control them, requiring a very strong will to resist. No one knows what a fully tempered, mastered and controlled Umbran Madness looks like. No one who will tell, anyway. Personality: Eleanor is a fairly reserved, receptive and caring woman, in contrast to her pragmatic, deadly fighting style. Though she embraces parts of the Umbran way, she's fairly disarming in how frequently selfless she can be, almost like an Ignis in her views on justice and helping others while doing her duty. She's only as accepted as she is due to her sheer power over the Darkness and being generally liked for how kind and even funny she can be, though nine times out of ten it's snark, snark and more snark, contrasting how nice she may be, like her blades she is a sharp one. When she uses Umbran Madness, the sheer flow of emotion and power warps Eleanor into the complete opposite. She's loud, boisterous, sinister, power-mad and cruel. All traits that can be worked through with time and practice with the form and its power, but it's no easy task. Even in her regular state however, Eleanor is susceptible to her passions, with her reservation and dignified appearance being an effective veil to try and keep a handle on it, to keep the beast under control ever since she first awakened its might. Background: Born and raised in the Umbra court, Eleanor was trained from an early age like most in their arts, though she always turned her nose up at Necromancy, her direct focus on the power of Darkness and Shadows was to her benefit. Through much effort, training and guidance, she became known as the 'Fierce Shadow' by her peers, for her prowess with dark energy and aggressive fighting style with dual swords. At some point during her private time, where she would meditate to focus her power, she sensed a greater strength sleeping within her soul, one darker than anything she had learned up until that point, so she did her own research. Though no one would openly tell her what this power was, especially what its mastery would entail, Eleanor learned about Umbran Madness, what could cause it and what the common symptoms of its presence were, which included meditation disturbance... Though she has not yet experienced enough anger, passion or anything of the sort, one cannot help but feel it is soon upon her, the only question is when this power would surface. Name: Elliot Luxmore, Radiant Champion of Light, Merciless Protector Age: 34 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'4'', frequently armour clad, but those who've seen his face know his skin to be strangely ashen, his hair long, flowing and pale blonde, his facial features defined but smooth and his eyes are a dark grey. His armour bears angelic qualities and ornaments, is predominantly covered in light shades of cream, gold and silver, while his "chainmail" is a contrasting black, with many clearly defined, small grooves that have a strange red energy intermittently flow through them. The shoulders are pronounced but no bigger than his head, the helmet is closed, hiding his face behind a visor with "eye grates" that glow slightly red, bears very curved horns, towards the visor but not in any way obscuring of his vision, with a halo-like ornament above them and his chest piece has a center, ruby jewel embedded within it, always glowing. The custom-built suit of armour he bears is intended to be comforting for those he fights for and protects, while intimidating and worrying for his foes, a guardian angel for one, an angel of death for another. And just so there isn't any doubt whatsoever about where he stands, his armour bears sigils of Vivifica upon it. Court Affiliation: Vivifica, Defector from Ignis (Hence the demeanor) Weapons: Lightborne Arsenal - Can flash-forge weapons in Light, namely swords, knives, hammers, maces, axes, projectile weapons of many forms, staves and whatever else he can think of, as long as it's a weapon. He holds a preference for a large broadsword and big shield. Magic: Light Mastery, Some degree of Illusion, Presence of the Champion. Elliot is capable of weaving the Light into a multi-faceted and deadly weapon, be it through his Lightborne Arsenal, orbs and beams of Light, pillars of burning Light called from the skies, Searing Light that blasts and temporarily blinds foes who look directly into its flash for too long, flight through light-woven wings and seemingly, the ability to modify and dismiss his armour with ease, through use of the Light. His body outside of the armour constantly radiates an aura of soft, warming but unsettling Light and in his armour, he constantly holds a particular aura about him, his presence is calming to innocents and his allies, but unnerving for the guilty and/or his foes. Some of his allies in Vivifica theorize that he can refract Light as to maintain any Illusions he casts, like the unnerving qualities of his out-of-armour look. Personality/Background: A steadfast, indomitable Knight on the exterior, something is deeply wrong with Elliot on the inside. Not because he is a merciless, brutal combatant who balances Defense and Offense in a vicious, weaponmaster-like fighting style that keeps his opponents on edge and even scared before ending their lives for great justice, or because his skin is pale and his armour sometimes just evokes terror more than anything else, but because those who can sense his aura note that they cannot...feel something about him. They don't feel a true physical presence, but rather something ethereal, something deceptive, something...out of place. Back in Ignis, he was nothing of the sort. He was still steadfast, indomitable and had no qualms about killing his enemies to protect the innocent, but he was kinder, talkative beyond just mission talk or mandates, his body, his presence, his skin, even his voice was still normal and thus, accentuated his calming effect, not to mention he represented Ignis's ideals more than perfectly upon a less menacing, Ignis-marked armour. But something changed him a long time ago...something that warped him from the inside out, leading to a silent, sudden departure from Ignis to join Vivifica. The only thing he has seemingly, truly held onto in this timeframe has been his desire to protect the innocent, the never-ending fight for justice that he will never tire of. It's the one thing that keeps him from truly descending into something terrible... Name: Gabriel Woods, The Soaring Raven Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'3'', neck-length, black hair and stubble beard. Gabriel is often clad in light chest armour, arm guards, trousers, a long hooded cape pinned upon him by a silver raven charm, thick boots, a belt of many things such as his sword, money and anything else he needs in pouches. His eyes are a rare dark green and his build is an agile, but strong one. Court Affiliation: Unaffiliated, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Partnered with Arno Cross Weapons: Nevermore, Soaring Blade - A long, simple looking broadsword that has served Gabriel well in his time as a Mercenary. The fuller is engraved with words in an unknown language, the pommel has a few tiny symbols around its small, triangular gap in the middle and it is charged with Itika, raw mana, banned from the land of Regalia outright, granting it currently unknown powers, but Gabriel didn't do this himself, because during a job gone wrong, his sword was stolen by a particularly rogue member of Court Vivifica, who enhanced the blade with some stolen Itika against his will. Raven's Imprecation - Magically-charged, single action Revolver that fires high-powered, burning projectiles at high speed. Though its appearance is simple, the black-coloration was not done with paint, but it was dyed that way from being exposed to so much dark energy. SPOILERS: Click to reveal Magic: Charged Dark Energy, Polymorphy and Itika Potential. An agile, powerful bruiser at heart, Gabriel can assail opponents with dark energy, rapid, damaging sword strikes and hold his own very well in a duel even against a few opponents at once. He is capable of flight by transforming into a large, darkness-enshrouded Raven, for travel or combat application where necessary, can focus his dark energy into his fist for a ground pound that'll send enemies flying or at least shake them to their cores, temporary boosts of speed accompanied by trails of darkness and black feathers, sword beams, charged shots from his revolver and the usual, standard powers that one can use with Darkness flowing through them. Itika bears unknown levels of potential, meaning its benefits for Gabriel are unknown, but he's hoping it'll pay off at some point. Personality: An astonishingly courteous, talkative man who's been in the business for quite some time now, having made a name for himself fairly early on. While a motivator of his is primarily money, gold, the like, he won't choose it over friends or lives he considers innocent, preferring to do the right thing, while being a troublesome at least and terrifying at most force against his marks, making liberal use of his transformation powers, darkness and sometimes blinding speed. Gabriel lives for thrills however, leading him to seek big and powerful targets, hoping one day he gets contracted to kill a giant monster. He has thoughts on the Feud between the Courts, particularly the departure of Vivifica after meeting the man who either blessed or cursed his sword, he doesn't know which yet, but generally keeps it to himself unless prompted or its necessary, not wanting to seem biased to his potential customers unless it meets the previous criteria. Fitting for someone in his line of work, Gabriel bears the gift of the silver tongue, which has gotten him out of trouble without even needing to raise his sword more than a few times and gotten him into people's good books, the ladies included. Background: Born in "None of your business, friend" as he prefers to state, but in truth, he doesn't remember where he's from, who his parents are or why his earliest memory is from when he was seven, standing outside in the rain in front of a Tavern. And even that one is fuzzy for reasons other than the ones people would expect. Gabriel wasn't a fool though, for he would later come to the conclusion that someone has screwed with his memories of the past, perhaps even brainwashed him, he dreads to think any deeper than that, but he used his time wisely by his standards, taking odd jobs at first, but would become a full-time Mercenary at age 17, that he remembers very clearly, just like everything afterwards. Almost too perfectly, especially compared to some events before that. For the next 13 years, he would add Bounty Hunter to his list of jobs, take out many a nefarious target, run his mouth where needed, take a few hits here and there and end up in a fair few sticky situations, most of them still ending with a good payday from his grateful, happy client. Otherwise, he just pilfers from the dead, justifying that they were jackasses or creeps anyway, they weren't gonna use them even when they were alive before meeting him. A couple of months ago from now was a very eventful day indeed. During a hit on a troublesome "Nomad", one of the terms coined for Mages who don't belong to any particular court or even do jobs like Merc work, Gabriel bumped into Arno Cross, a fellow Bounty Hunter and Mercenary, after they were both captured in a surprise attack by the Nomad, who knew he was being trailed. While bound, they got to talking and even the loner that was Arno indulged the wordsmith Gabe, soon leading to Gabriel escaping his binds. He then had a choice: Pursue the mark and leave Arno for dead or free him and split the profits due to the joint job. In less than a second, Gabriel chose the latter, not wanting to leave his new friend behind. Together, they got the jump on the Nomad this time, put him down and got paid. Ever since, a grateful Arno, who'd never say it really, has allowed Gabriel to tag along with him, granting the side effect of bolstering both of their reputations as word spread that two of the top Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters in the land were now working together... (Do let me know if adjustments need making. I was a little uncertain if a character of mine could use Itika, but I kept its use unknown on purpose, other than its infusion with Gabe's sword. :P) All accepted! I am very interested in Elliot. I always get curious about characters that leave their court to join another. I'm also increasingly curious what changed in him, and why he was compelled to leave Ignis for Vivifica. Vivifica would welcome any with open arms, though it is an interesting switch. Hopefully more will be revealed over the course of the RP. As for Itika, it is essentially raw mana, which one can certainly harness and channel to their whim. In excess it can be dangerous to the user, and its use can render very powerful forms of magic. There is a reason it is outlawed and a reason it is sought, which will be revealed at a later point. Hope that helps some, but it could certainly be infused with Gabe's sword. The problem is, it wears off over time (it is a consumable), so the effects that it was infused with would eventually fade, unless it were augmented by a talented blacksmith or engineer (looks to @Stardustblade358's Vincent). (And yay, Nergal!) 8 hours ago, rikunobodyxiii said: First character. Still working on some other ideas, but this felt good. Though I apparently have FFXV on the brain when it comes to visuals, heh. Name: Gerik Lockford Age: 43 Gender: Male Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): Umbra Weapons: Sword and dagger Revolver Magic: Dark magic and necromancy. Specializes in Dark Matter manipulation. Personality: Gerik is usually pleasant and polite to those he meets. He’s well read, has a quirky sense of humor, and a love of art. This hides a manipulative mind who will use anything to achieve his goals. While he isn’t above using crude methods such as murder and blackmail to get what he wants, he prefers to engineer situations where people do his bidding unaware and of their own perceived volition. It is hard to tell if he derives pleasure from his work and dark whispers of his own vices chill even those of the Umbral court. What is perhaps most interesting about him is his atypical interest in society at large beyond the Umbral court. A truly keen mind could notice a pattern in his webs, in that many seemed designed to prevent order from being lost. Background: Not much is known about Gerik Lockford’s early life. Just that in his late teens, he was discovered with a talent for dark magic. He gained entry into the Umbral Court and then vanished from the public spotlight. Recognized for his talents, Gerik was made a fixer, an agent of the court intended to curb and manage the excesses of the self-centered organization. As the years past, he became more of a fixture for the Umbral Court, easing tensions, and making sure everyone had a place at the table. A few recognized the influence he was garnering, with access to many secrets and many people in his debt. Some tried to move against him, but his webs made most attempts useless. While many didn’t like him, his continued good health and work made everyone’s life more convenient and safe. What most don’t know is that Gerik’s influence extends to the other courts as well. He uses this influence to ensure that the balance of power remains intact and life proceeds as it always has. This business with Vivifica is just another mess to fix... I'm really liking Ardyn Gerik's rectifying manner and that, while manipulative, he still looks much like a protagonist. Since the Umbra court, while specializing in dark arts, is really a shady group of protagonists that want the same thing as everyone else. Now, is his name pronounced with a hard or soft G? Accepted! I look forward to seeing your next addition. (Also, I can't say much about Gerik's appearance, since I've named the land Regalia, and drew inspiration from Ignis and Somnus (originally it was going to be Regalia and the four courts: Ignis, Noctis, Prompto, and Gladiolus. :P) 4 minutes ago, Vaude said: Ardyn joined the fray! Having played Final Fantasy XV, I know I'm going to enjoy Gerik's character. I could envision him being similar to the Man in Black from The Dark Tower series, that sly, manipulative trickster. Anyhow, below lies my second character to fill the ranks! Here's looking at you, Scrap, for the idea of drunk Jari the fox boy. -- -- -- Name: Jari CorianderAge: 24Gender: MaleAppearance: A lanky young man, about 165 centimetres tall (5 feet, 5 inches), with dark hair, green eyes, a rounded face, and an amiable smile that can kill, Jari is a bright young man with a strange air about him. He has taken a liking to a loose shirt and trousers, all-terrain boots, and keeps his hair nice and kempt. He has his quirks, however. The most prominent thing about him is his different taste in style. He wears a custom-made headpiece that looks like fox's ears and covers his own set of ears while retaining most of his hearing capacity, and he wears a fake fox's tail from time to time which he affixed to his rear, to make up for his losing his other one, he claims.Court affiliation (if any): SomnumWeapons: A well-honed hunter's knife. He also has in his possession several thief's tools, metal ingots of various kinds, and a interchangeable game board of his own design he calls his Crest, with pieces enough to play chess, checkers, backgammon, and seventeen other games.Magic: Lightning magic, whittling magic (a magical process which can cut away at what he touches into a shape he desires), lesser earth magic, infrared magicPersonality: From a young age, Jari was what his friends would call special. His artistic mind was devoted to the creative elements of drawing, painting, sculpting, whittling, and his love for all things natural and created can be read easily by others. He tries to be kind, compassionate and polite, but he rarely advances to being a friend to people due to his weird claims of being an actual fox boy. He is harmless when sober and harmless when drunk (the latter of which happens quite often).Background: Born to two successful parents within the mages society, Felicity Thermos from Ignis (where they now reside) and Montgomery Coriander from Vivifica, Jari lived in the lap of luxury and was taught much about alchemy, chemistry, metallurgy, and the gifts of which he came with, but his dreamer ideals did not match either Ignis nor Vivifica, so he was shipped out to Somnum where he was taught even more of his gift, and most especially his knack for lightning and enchantment magic, enhancing something mundane into a wondrous item, especially art. He is a childhood friend of Shiroo from the Ignis court, and ran into Ephraim and Vincent once or twice. Yay, it's our favorite fox boy! Accepted! My characters are coming soon; I fell asleep last night before I could finish them, though I have two pending backgrounds and at least two others that are still in the works. I'm really liking the cast so far; we have a good amount of variety. I was thinking to allow sign-ups to remain open for a couple of weeks, but in truth I think most people joined that will join (thank you for your support, Overworld crew!), so we might kick this off sooner than later. I do want to take some time to familiarize myself with our cast and develop some starting points for everyone, so that might take a couple of days, but hopefully we can begin within a few days if all is up for it. Also, does everyone prefer Somnus over Somnum for the court name? I've noticed it called Somnus by a few people, and I wonder if it will be more memorable and easier to work with. 5 rikunobodyxiii, Elrandir, Vaude and 2 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted May 18, 2019 Here are a few characters from me, though I am planning at least two more (one for Umbra and possibly two for Ignis). I don't wish to have too many characters, but I do wish to add more within the courts. Name: Mellark CroweAge: 23Gender: MaleAppearance:Court affiliation (if any): SomnumWeapons: Glaive, sometimes a javelinMagic: Ice, Hypnosis, and Status Ailments (debuffs, sleep, poison)Personality: Haughty, lazy, and somewhat obnoxious, Mellark is arrogant and seldom likes to do work presented for him, thinking himself above others and expecting others to do the dirty work for him. Beneath this exterior, however, Mellark is quite sensitive, and takes insults very painfully even if he acts unfazed.Background: Mellark was born to a non-magical impoverished family within the heart of Regalia, who dutifully served the High Priestess and raised their children to the best that they could. Out of his four siblings, Mellark was the only one to develop magic, and he immediately arrested the attention of the courts. Out of all of the possible offers, he favored the Somnum court the most for its high rate of powerful mages, and thus his education began. While still a young mage, his potency is rare and extraordinary, and already he is favored among many within the court. His power has gone to his head, however, casting aside his humble beginnings and being very haughty and arrogant. However, deep down Mellark is gentle and compassionate, and he found himself creating a persona that would allow him to resemble his peers. Many teased him on his impoverished background and not being from a mage family, thus he has tried to make up for it. Mellark struggles to fit in, and to remain true to himself simultaneously. Name: Aislinn NosferiAge: 41Gender: FemaleAppearance: (only slightly darker hair)Court affiliation (if any): VivificaWeapons: Lute and spearMagic: Wind, Healing, and EarthPersonality: Charitable is one singular word that applies heavily to Aislinn. She believes that life is a gift, and the least she can do with it is to bestow upon others that which she believes all humans have earned: love, respect, and even the clothes off her back if the situation demanded it. Aislinn fully embraces the beliefs of Vivifica and the foundation of the court, leaving her with innovative and sometimes frowned upon practices.Background: Aislinn was born to a wealthy family within the Umbra court, her lineage existing within a long line of powerful mages. The court was welcoming and hospitable, though Aislinn never quite felt that she fit in. When her magic unfolded and it differed from her peers, her parents were concerned. They arranged for her to cross train in the Vivifica court, where she was educated and raised until the age of 16, where she was abruptly brought back to the Umbra court in a hastily arranged marriage to a wealthy and reputable man: Pali. For the sake of her family, Aislinn had no choice but to comply, wedding the immortal and giving him a daughter. Unable to endure this arrangement much longer, however, Aislinn fled the court, though failing to bring their daughter with them. She returned to Vivifica, though not a day goes by that she does not regret her choices, leaving her daughter behind, and being forever estranged from her family. However, she now has a court to lead, and through her teachings and love for the world, she hopes to bring about a new direction for the Four Courts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrandir 783 Posted May 18, 2019 1 hour ago, Mystics Apprentice said: My characters are coming soon; I fell asleep last night before I could finish them, though I have two pending backgrounds and at least two others that are still in the works. I'm really liking the cast so far; we have a good amount of variety. I was thinking to allow sign-ups to remain open for a couple of weeks, but in truth I think most people joined that will join (thank you for your support, Overworld crew!), so we might kick this off sooner than later. I do want to take some time to familiarize myself with our cast and develop some starting points for everyone, so that might take a couple of days, but hopefully we can begin within a few days if all is up for it. Also, does everyone prefer Somnus over Somnum for the court name? I've noticed it called Somnus by a few people, and I wonder if it will be more memorable and easier to work with. We Overworlders stick together! I am fine with either name, but if it's easier to call the court Somnus instead of Somnum then we can change it. 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted May 18, 2019 (edited) Name: Kagura SumeragiAge: 17Gender: Appearance: Court affiliation (if any): SomnusWeapons: Katana - Suzume Grimoire - Oblivion Volume 13 Magic: Ice Water Unaspected Magic Status Ailment: Freeze Personality: Shy, kind, extremely nervous, and prone to stuttering. Extremely loving and kind, and loves warm hugs. Below this hides a big heart, one with a will of GLORIOUS GIPPON STEEL FOLDED THOUSAND TIMES pure iron. Background: Born on the outskirts of Regalia, Kagura is a twin with Kaguya, a beautiful Vivifica magus. The "lesser" of the two to many, Kagura - or Kaga - has been fairly lonely, and in this has gone to Somnus to learn magic. An adept with water and ice, Kagura pays for lodgings through being a Water Dancer, covered in veils and working to be as great as the Vivifica Magus "Princess of Victory" that Kaguya has been nicknamed...but for Kagura, this is a long, and weary road, one the Dancer fearfully treads...but never wanting to tread it alone. Edited May 18, 2019 by Saber Lily Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted May 18, 2019 2 hours ago, Mystics Apprentice said: I'm really liking Ardyn Gerik's rectifying manner and that, while manipulative, he still looks much like a protagonist. Since the Umbra court, while specializing in dark arts, is really a shady group of protagonists that want the same thing as everyone else. Now, is his name pronounced with a hard or soft G? Accepted! I look forward to seeing your next addition. (Also, I can't say much about Gerik's appearance, since I've named the land Regalia, and drew inspiration from Ignis and Somnus (originally it was going to be Regalia and the four courts: Ignis, Noctis, Prompto, and Gladiolus. :P) Also, does everyone prefer Somnus over Somnum for the court name? I've noticed it called Somnus by a few people, and I wonder if it will be more memorable and easier to work with. Thanks! I’ve been wanting to play a “lawful evil” kind of character who’s code and goals are actually admirable, but it’s the lengths he goes to that mark him as “evil”. Gerik (hard g) promises to be fun and I’m looking forward to playing as him. I’ve got most of a Vivifica character plotted out and the start of Somnum (no preference to name) that might pan out. 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EchoFox23* 318 Posted May 18, 2019 I'm game either way with Somnum's name ^-^ 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeartOfFerria 83 Posted May 18, 2019 (edited) Name: Luka RabbiAge: 22Gender: FemaleCourt affiliation (if any): SomnumWeapons: JavalinMagic: Lightining, Water, and Sand magicPersonality: Lazy, Happy, but determined when she wants to be. She moves at her own paceBackground: Luka is a bit of a wild card in courts. She is either highly dedicated to her craft or overwhelmingly lazy. She doesn’t tend towards a happy medium. She is a experimenter, working in her magic craft to mix and toy with different kinds of magics to see and document how they interact with each other and the body and the world. She has had a few interesting breakthroughs with her magic. Mostly in using magic to covert the body into certain components. Equipment Notes • The cape she wears is dusted with pure quartz (a Natural insulator) • Her bag is usually holding pouches of minerals including Lodestones and conductive minerals. As well as iron and copper powder. •Her weapon is unusually long for its kind. Edited May 21, 2019 by HeartOfFerria 1 Vaude reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted May 18, 2019 Name: Arun Roshan, The UndauntedAge: 25 Gender: MaleAppearance: Spoiler Court affiliation (if any): Ignis Weapons: Lionheart - A trick weapon designed by Vincent S. Watson on commission. It has two forms: Standard Short Sword Battle Axe (When combined with Shield) Lionsoul - A trick shield designed by Vincent S. Watson on commission. It has three forms: Standard Shield Expanded Shield - Expands into a larger, heavier shield, capable of protecting more area. Battle Axe (When combined with Shield) Magic: Earth MagicPersonality: Dutiful, stoic, and headstrong. He tends to follow logic over emotions and feelings. He does his best to restrain his emotions, and can come off as a rather boring person who limits himself to action rather than words. Yet, once one manages to warm up to him, one can pull away the walls that he has placed over the years. Deep down he is rather gentle, kind, and is rather softhearted. He tends to swallow up his emotions and then grief privately when no one else can witness, and is afraid to show what he really thinks of to those around him.Background: Arun grew within an orphanage for the first few years of his life. It would not be until he was around four years of age that he would begin to show magical potential, along with a few others who began to develop their abilities. One day, a court mage of the court of Ignis would come in search to adopt a child. He would proceed to collect all magical gifted children and test them throughout the day. In the end, he would take Arun with him, and would officially adopt him as his child. From then on Arun was raised with the best education money could buy, and given everything he could possibly need. Except parental love. It was a partnership. Arun was the student, and his father was the teacher. He had expectations to meet, and he would meet them, or else. Knightly training, magical classes, history, philosophy; he had no hobbies. Only the goals given to him. He would grow to represent the best that the court of Ignis had to offer, and loyal to his court, and father, to no end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites