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Miku Hatsune

A Beautiful Lie ~*Zemyx RP*~ 1x1 with Zexion/Ienzo

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I put this in random, 'cause...Y'know. I don't think we'll be able to sustain more than 4 sentences, <:3 So I'll let Zexion/Ienzo begin since I kicked off the other.


Oh, and if you don't know what 'Zemyx' is, then google it. Or just think about it for a second. It'll come to you.

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(Alrighty then? Just sayin' this is also slightly AU :D )


Demyx gave a shallow sigh, leaning back in his dorm room couch, luggage lngering next to him at his converse clad feet. A large case containing his sitar was strewn across his lap and took all he had to not start plucking at the precious strings and play. He wasn't supposed to unpack yet. His advosor told him to wait for his "roommate" to come so he could get used to things neat before Demyx made everything disorganized. Like the last room he had.

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("Slightly"? xDD Lol wow I really hope this one works out, unlike the others we've started. :/ And I also can't fathom how Demyx got into college, heh.)


Zexion fiddled around with his luggage until he came to his key. The key to his new room, to be exact. He hadn't been in college for long, only about two weeks, but he couldn't stand being around his ex-roommate at all, so he switched. The one negative thing about this place is that you can't choose who your roommate is. If you were able to do that, it would have been a lot easier to tolerate the time spent here. That aside, he came to the door he was supposed to unlock.

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(Lol, you have a point. I want to know why the teachers didn't take one look at Zexion's grades though and go: You're to good for college, get out xD)


Demyx imediately perked u in hearing the silver handle arcross the room jiggle as it was being unlocked. That was his roommate, it had tobe. If it wasn't...well, he might just cry. His poor sitar was begging to be played. Sitting up, the blond looked in the reflection of the mirror next to the door and fixed his hair, trying to look presentable. He didn't want to let his roommate think/realize he was in for one hell of an untidy semester.

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(Ikr? On a side not, I'm leaving in eight minutes for my Gardisil shot. HEPATITIS SHOT *dun!* ...Does Demyx assume that his roommate is a girl or something? "LEMME FIX MY HAIR SO SHE THINKS I'M SEXY." *Zexion walks in* "....D:")


Zexion walked in on his roommate fixing his hair. He raised an eyebrow suspriciously. "Um...Hey." He greeted hesitantly, setting his bags down next to an empty mattress. He didn't trust the looks of this guy at all. He looks like the guy who'd be like, "LET'S THROW A GODDAMN HOUSE PARTY AND HAVE MOSTLY CONSENSUAL SEX WITH PEOPLE WE DON'T KNOW."

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(xDDD I lol'd. But Zexion dear, I think you're thinking of Axel, or perhaps Xigbar. You see, Demyx would only have sex with one person. And that, is you.


Come back soon?)


Demyx smiled brightly, hopping of the couch enthusiastically. His rommate didn't look like he had much fun. Perfect. Hed be sure to show him the time of his life once he wormed his way into knowing him. He had perfectly styled, slate gray hair, covering one of the two half-lidded-yet-bored navy blue eyes his roomy had.


"Hiya! I'm Demyx." He greeted, gathering his things and moving them towards his room next to the kitchen. This might just work out well.

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(When he was giving me the shot, I went "OOOOOH THE RIVERRRRR" really loudly. xDD And apparently, he gave me a second shot and I went, "IF I COULD TUUUUURN BACK TIME.")


"Zexion." He said flatly, unpacking silently. He wasn't the type to get social with his roommate; or anyone, for that matter. He liked to keep to himself, study, read, whatever. As long as he wasn't bothered, everything would go just fine. Though he highly doubted that Demyx was the quiet type. He wasn't exactly excited to get to know him.

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(xDDD That just made my day. Honestly, they're not that bad?)


Demyx noted his roommate's unenthusiasm and pouted just slightly. He hoped he at least had a sense of humor or something.Shrugging, he carelessly flung his clothes into his room randomly, the majority of them landing in his closet.His real goal was to take out his sitar and the cleaning rag. Plopping down oto the couch, Demyx began to polish his blue instrument, plucking at the strings to tune it up. God he loved music.

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(I did. And my Asian doctor was like, ">w>")


He took note of his interest in music and mentally groaned. He was just like the last roommate he had; Axel. Except he had a drum set. And was much louder. But still, if he gets too loud, then he won't hesitate to move out. After everything was unpacked, he pulled out a novel and began to read, leaning on the side of his mattress and whipping out his reading glasses. (Zexion in glasses = DELICIOUS.) Simoultaneously reading the words, he hesitated to start a conversation. He didn't though, expecting an overly-excited response. He decided not to bother.

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(ASIAN DR FTW! Was he hot xD)


Demyx sighed contently as he heard the perfect tune come into play, the notes comig out the way they were meant to. Hesitating, he looked up at Zexion, seeing him read--when did he put on glasses?--and bit his lips. Even though he loved music he didn't want to be rude to his new roommate who was looking perfectly content in reading his novel.


"Um, hey, Zexion?" He faltered, nervously smiling. "If I get to loud just let me know, 'kay?"

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(Um...my doctor is like, 49 with a son in college. o___e")


"I'll keep that in mind." He said dully, flipping the page. He respected that he was actually concerned with how loud he was being without spontaneously getting as noisy as he liked. Honestly, he was quite impressed with how much skill he had. Zexion would never be able to get into music, no matter how hard he tried.

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Demyx gave a small smile before strumming a light lilt on the sitar to warm him up. It was his usual warmup song, feeling quite attatched being it was the first song he ever learned to play. The recognizable melody and tune of "Only Hope" by Switchfoot made him smile, despite the sappiness of the song. His fingers glided over the thin stringsof his sitarvas he plucked and strummed at them lightly as to not make to loud of a sound. He briefly glaned up at Zexion who seemed to be into his book very much so. Like he didn't even hear Demyx playing.


"So," He cleared his throat, finding it easy to play without looking and speaking to his roommate. "What do you major in here?"

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He looked down at him briefly with an unchanged expression before drifting his gaze back to the page he was on. "Literature." He replied. It should have been obvious; I mean, he had a stack of books right next to him. "I'm guessing you're into music. Right?"


(Demyx would be like, "...Are you a wizard, 'cause you're totally right. *amazed expression*")

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(xDDD I can see it now: OH YOU'RE GOOD ZEXY! Can you read minds to :D)


Demyx nodded happily, looking down only to do a tricky cord before looking up at the teen again.


"Mhm, guess it was obvious, huh? I dedicated my life to playing sitar, it's the only thing that makes me happy. The same with al usic in general." His smile and posture became more relaxed as he thought of how music could connect to people and change them. It was a very infuential thing music...


"Do you listen to any? Music I mean." He asked, blowing some strands of hair out of his face.

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Zexion shrugged. "I do, but it's not like I'd ever devote my life to it." He said, flipping the page once more. Music in general didn't really catch his interest (HOW?) like literature or art did. He personally believed that writing down your feelings or thoughts on paper, whether published or not, was a spiritual thing to do. And I guess the vibe he got from reading or writing made him content.


("No, Demyx. I can't read minds.")

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("I bet you could! What am I thinking about ;D?)


Demyx nodded, looking over the peaceful state of mind Zexion seemed to be in. He could tell that if someone burned all the books in the world he'd probably be an empt shell, crushed of all inspiration. It was the same concept as if music were to be banned from existance. Demyx would probably die. To caught up in thought, Demyx didn't realize his fingers fumble until his sitar made quite the unbeautiful, the wrong note being played and sticking out akwardly. Immediately Demyx freaked, attempting to fix it. He managed to reply that part and make it right but he silently swore. He hadn't made his poor sitar suffer like that since when he first got her when he was 7.


"Man...this sitar's sen it all." He said, mostly to himself in an amused chuckle. It was all to true.

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("...I don't know. >___>")


And he was right. If all books were burned...Then, holy shit. That'd be as traumatic as it'd be unbelievable. But he kept his comments to himself, actually smiling for a second as Demyx talked to himself.


(Next day?)

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("I think you do *winkwink*")

(Yep :D)


Demyx groaned as his alarm woke him from his slumber, groping his hand around aimlessly to hit the snooze button.


"5 more minutes..." He grumbled, throwig the clock against the wall, shutting it up quite efficiently. He was never a morning person. Never. Except when he was exited but he had no reason to be excited. Lessons started up again and first period was English with Professor Sa

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(">////> Shut up.")


Zexion was up ten minutes in advance, ironing his hair to his liking. (Demyx: AHAHAHA OH WOW.) He also took the time to change and brush his teeth. All in ten minutes. Silently, efficiently. He liked getting to classes early. He didn't know why. His first class was also English. But, unlike Demyx, he liked that class. He didn't like Saix. But he liked the subject since, y'know, it was what he wanted to do.

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("Only so I can hear your lovely voice?")


Demyx gave up after 3 minutes of waiting to fall back asleep. It just didn't seem possible, especially not now when he realized he needed to buy a new clock. Getting up quickly, he trudged into his room's mini bathroom, getting out his hair gel. 20 minutes later he emerged looking fresh and rejuvenated as he grabbed his sitar case and entered the living room where he stretched and saw Zexion pouring himself a quick cup of coffee in his thermos. College was hard but it didn't seem to take it's toll on Zexion who was looking quite sharp and fresh this morning.


"'Moning Zexy?" He greeted cheerfully, poping some toast into the toaster and grabbing a glass of water. It was better for the throat when singing.

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("It isn't 'lovely'.")


Zexion gave him a questioning look. 'Zexy'? "Is that a nickname or something?" He asked, getting back to what he was doing. Wow. A nickname on the second day within meeting him. That must be a new record. Axel had given him a few nicknamed before; but they were mostly insults. Like 'emo.' Which he was NOT.

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("You're right. It's orgasmitastic.")


Demyx nodded, catching the toast as it popped out and taking a chomp out of it, quickly washing the crumbs it down with a few gulps of water.


"Yup." He reached into his pockets, wiping his mouth as he pulled out his schedule, looking at it in confusion. "Hey Zexy, do you know where Prof. Sa

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Zexion sighed. Hopeless, he thought. "Well, apparently I have the same class as you, so I guess you could just follow me." He said coolly, twisting the top onto his thermos of coffee. "And Vexen's room is right next to it, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding it."

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Demyx smiled brightly, his turquoise eyes gleaming. At least he had someone he knew now in his classroom. This was great! I mean sure he had Roxas in his musical theory class but he really couldn't talk to him without risk of Axel biting his head off.


"Cool! Thanks Zexy!"He finished off his toast and water and made to the door, placing his sitaron the couch gently. "Lead the way." He said teasingly, making a sweping motion with his arm payfully.

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He yawned first, before heading out the door. "Gladly." He replied, motioning for him to follow. He too was slightly at ease that he had someone he knew in his class. Even if he was more of an acquaintence. It was better than nothing, I guess.

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