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Endgame Spoilers

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the time travel was super cool, especially sine it didn't take the " if we change the past we change the future" deal

and because they actually went back to return everything to where it belonged.

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really good and the fact they gave a great end to iron man and the REAL CAP. I legit cried dude i just couldnt but stories must end and damn they did it justice


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I actually loved their take on time travel! Ugh and seeing different parts of the previous movies, and seeing old characters again was so niceeeee

Watching quill singing to himself outside of the fun epic start to guardians of the galaxy ??? gave you a completely different perspective hahah

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Hard agree!

I love all the characters/actors that only showed up in one or two movies who came back just for one scene in this.

Natalie Portman/Jane Foster
Tilda Swinton/The Ancient One
Robert Redford/Alexander Pierce
Rene Russo/Frigga
Frank Grillo/Brock Rumlow
Ty Simpkins/Harley Keener
Maximiliano Hernandez/Agent Sitwell
John Slattery/Howard Stark
James D’Arcy/Edwin Jarvis (he wasn’t even in the movies! They brought him back from the Agent Carter TV show!)

And I’m sure there are a few more that I’m forgetting.

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someone in my theater jumped the gun and started clapping right after Hawkeye's family all got dusted! xD lolol like he thought the movie logo was popping up and the whole place was just silent

everyone laughed though, so it was okay haha

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and it actually made my movie going experience more exciting and enjoyable tbh! like to know everyone was freaking out as much as i was! lol it was incredible

almost felt like a rocky horror picture show viewing where they throw stuff at the screen

yea.. the ending was so emotional! firetruck the part that i just keep picturing though is when they all were stepping out of Strange's portals.. and it was just this massive clash ripped straight from the comics!.. like i can't stress this enough... it was probably THE best battle scene in cinema... and i don't say that easily with Lord of the Rings..

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