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Time to be honest :3

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I just felt like making a game and I had no ther ideas so...yeah.


It's simple just say what you think of the poster above you, it can be a good or bad comment (but let's try to keep it positive).


There's only a couple rules:

1) Be honest.

2) Let's keep the swearing to a mimimum. :3



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Today I stole about 50 dollars from my friend.


Well actually I wouldn't consider it stealing because he owes me about 200 dollars worth of food he always takes from me at lunch.


When he stole my cookie I wouldn't stand for it anymore...

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@Fred: Is this the dark side of a friend I've never saw?



NIEN NIEN NEIN! No no no I never steal from people. He owed me so much money that he has been claiming to pay back for over four years but he hasn't even given me a penny.


But when he stole a cookie for the 231st time (yes I started keep track so I can keep track of how much he owes me) I decided that there is only one way I will get back what is mine.

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That sounds intresting


It does.


I have a plan to get back the rest of what he owes me.


I will need a grappling hook, a splinter cell costume, three flashbang grenades, a metal suitcase, lock picks, a tranquilizer pistol, and an orchestra to play the Mission Impossible theme.

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