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The 13th moogle

Do you think nomora will save Kairi/give her shine in the next saga

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Ok so here I am again talking about Kairi....again don't worry this one is gonna be simply do you think nomora will listen to fan feedback and fix/give Kairi development and shine in the next saga or do you think he will continue to ignore her and just use her as a damsel in distress/plot device till the end of the series? List your comments below and why you believe he will or won't .

Edited by The 13th moogle

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I hope he will do more things with Kairi, but we’ll see... if it doesn’t fit into what he has planned, then I doubt he’ll make her have a more central role.

But KH3 kinda gives me hope. Although Kairi wasn’t that active and didn’t get too much developement, she was still way more involved than before (I mean she was involved in KH1, but also spent most of the time in a coma). So maybe there is a little hope?

It would be neat if Kairi would be involved in some sort of Sora rescue mission that we might (or might not, maybe Sora makes it back by himself) be getting following the ending of KH3.

I like keeping my expectations low, though. Just in case.

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My theory and hope is the next game will have Kairi be the main playable character or alternatively have it be birth by sleep style with kairi, riku, and Lea as the three perspectives with the secret movie showing us the next game being focused on Sora again.

I think it would be cool and character building to have a game where Kairi decides to set off on her own adventure alone and Riku offers to come with and she says no, that she needs to go find the strength to protect what matters, and she cant do that with someone always there to protect her.

Then maybe Riku sets off with Mickey (And maybe Terra) on some quest to help as well.

And then Lea, Isa, Roxas, and Xion set out for another quest to look more into finding X.

And maybe they can all go visit the LoD in their adventures where Aqua and Ven are looking into the Foretellers to tie that into the plot as well.

I honestly think it would be cool if they did something like where each of them is searching a different real. Like Kairi goes to search the realms of light, Riku, Mickey and Terra the realm of Darkness or sleep again, and maybe Lea and Co search more of the realms between light and dark similar to Twilight Town or go to Radient Garden to look through the old labs, or are more involved in the foretellers at the LoD. 

That I think would be an interesting way to structure it all. And they wouldnt need to be as intertwined as BBS, but occasionally run into each other and catch up on what everyones found out or is searching for.


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I don't think Kairi needs fixing.  I just think her character development needs to continue.  To me, how she has been used so far has made sense, even in Kingdom Hearts III.  While she wasn't handled perfectly in Kingdom Hearts III, I don't think she was handled poorly.  In fact, considering she only just learned how to use the Keyblade and was immediately thrown into a war, I think she did pretty well.  Since Kairi expressed a desire to no longer wait on the sidelines, I'm sure we will get to see her grow as a Keyblade wielder, which means she will not remain a rookie for very long.  However, if Kairi goes back to waiting on sidelines and not trying to contribute, then I will be upset.  I doubt that will happen though.  And so, assuming her development continues, I can't wait to see her become the talented Keyblade wielder we all want her to be.

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I've said this before, but I think a cool idea can be a game similar to that of birth by sleep but theres three stories that each take place in different time periods. The first can be about matters relating to the fortellers/new union leaders/luxu, the next one can be about xehanort and eraqus becoming keyblade masters and the third can be about kairi setting off on a journey to find sora.

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A playable Kairi, even briefly, could go a long way in my opinion. It will the players a chance to see her in action properly, and she can show off her skills if she's managed to improve since Kingdom Hearts 3.

Do I think Nomura will give her more? Well, I believe he has more in store for her but I'm not sure she's ever going to get the treatment that Sora and Riku do.

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  On 4/18/2019 at 4:29 AM, Fates Chance XIII said:

My theory and hope is the next game will have Kairi be the main playable character or alternatively have it be birth by sleep style with kairi, riku, and Lea as the three perspectives with the secret movie showing us the next game being focused on Sora again.

I think it would be cool and character building to have a game where Kairi decides to set off on her own adventure alone and Riku offers to come with and she says no, that she needs to go find the strength to protect what matters, and she cant do that with someone always there to protect her.

Then maybe Riku sets off with Mickey (And maybe Terra) on some quest to help as well.

And then Lea, Isa, Roxas, and Xion set out for another quest to look more into finding X.

And maybe they can all go visit the LoD in their adventures where Aqua and Ven are looking into the Foretellers to tie that into the plot as well.

I honestly think it would be cool if they did something like where each of them is searching a different real. Like Kairi goes to search the realms of light, Riku, Mickey and Terra the realm of Darkness or sleep again, and maybe Lea and Co search more of the realms between light and dark similar to Twilight Town or go to Radient Garden to look through the old labs, or are more involved in the foretellers at the LoD. 

That I think would be an interesting way to structure it all. And they wouldnt need to be as intertwined as BBS, but occasionally run into each other and catch up on what everyones found out or is searching for.


I very much like this idea of everyone splitting up to search for something or someone between different realms to get ready for the next saga. With Sora missing, subject X, the Foretellers, Ventus's past, and Xigbar all to deal with there are chores for everyone to do. The MoM/Foreteller saga is going to need some building up if they want it to get the same level of hype that the Xehanort saga did.

As for Kairi, I don't know. She's long overdue to be playable but simply making her overpowered with a Keyblade won't automatically make her a amazing character. Still, I'm in her corner and hope she'll get better treatment going forward.

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