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Rise Of The Skywalker

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his theme was always sooo goooooood

I know alot of people are like "oh this is not a good idea to bring him back.. they are just using the past success to fuel the new movies" but I think they are going to do this in a smart way. I trust JJ, and I honestly love that Sidious is basically the main evil of the entire Skywalker saga.

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I mean, I understand people might be annoyed by it but for me personally this gives me interest again, since I haven't cared for this new trilogy so far

Also Lando

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it is kinda sad that the parts we are most excited for are the original characters showing up haha.. but i really don't care! I can easily say i like the original characters more than the new ones! but that being said.. It doesn't mean i dislike the new ones. I actually really like Rey

she reminds me of Bastilla from KOTOR! that is why i am still holding out for her to have a double bladed lightsaber haha

since Kylo resembles Revan so much xD

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yeah im not a fan

but i guess it keeps the tradition of changing hjow lightsabers work every trilogy

originals, it made them bleed

prequels it cauterised the wound

new trilogy it doesnt cut

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just because we SEE her holding anakin's lightsaber in the trailer doesn't mean that's actually real. i mean why is she wearing her force awakens outfit and has her old force awakens hair style?.. i think the desert scene is some sort of dream sequence

or maybe even her and kylo's force connection

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