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Cyber Shaman

Kingdom Hearts for the X-box360

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i have been heard.


Well, as much as I hate to say this, KH3 would work better than on the 360. You wouldn't have to worry about switching two discs just to continue to play it like Square-Enix did with FF13.

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I have both systems, so if it comes out on either one or both its fine with me. However, if I had to choose I would say the ps3, I like the ps3 better. I think it would be better for the game to be exclusively on ps3. The xbox 360 has mostly shooter games from what I have seen, so I don't think it carries the fanbase square enix needs for kingdom hearts. I don't really mind if it comes out on both though.

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i have been heard.


Except the PS3 has better graphic potential, and more disk space. Both of these things wold have to be accommodated for, lowering the quality of the game.

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Let me just ask you guys something: Do you have a PS3? I mean, I've notice that the PS3 is really costly, and not that many people can afford it, unlike the 360. If so, I want to know who has a PS3, because I'm finding that people can't afford it, but instead bash the 360, without even trying it out.


I see this so many times on Youtube, and it is downright ignorant.


Youtube is where all the morons of the world gathered and decided to have epic flamewars about pointless things.


But your right. It's when people hate the 360 without even touching one and vice versa for the PS3.


They are almost exactly the same. One would argue that the PS3 has better graphics. IT DOESN'T. It can PRODUCE better graphics but modern games still haven't reached the point where the PS3 can use all its processing power. The PS3 is like the human brain, most of it isn't used.


So with that being said the 360 and PS3 are almost identical except for the way they look and the games available. But if you play a PS3 version of a game and an Xbox version of a game you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

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Let me just ask you guys something: Do you have a PS3? I mean, I've notice that the PS3 is really costly, and not that many people can afford it, unlike the 360. If so, I want to know who has a PS3, because I'm finding that people can't afford it, but instead bash the 360, without even trying it out.


I see this so many times on Youtube, and it is downright ignorant.


Youtube is where all the morons of the world gathered and decided to have epic flamewars about pointless things.


But your right. It's when people hate the 360 without even touching one and vice versa for the PS3.


They are almost exactly the same. One would argue that the PS3 has better graphics. IT DOESN'T. It can PRODUCE better graphics but modern games still haven't reached the point where the PS3 can use all its processing power. The PS3 is like the human brain, most of it isn't used.


So with that being said the 360 and PS3 are almost identical except for the way they look and the games available. But if you play a PS3 version of a game and an Xbox version of a game you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


I have a question.

Do you know what you're talking about?

The PS3 is capable of processing more polygons than the 360, this allows for more models at once, or more detailed models. The PS3 also uses blu-ray disks, which hold much more data than a disk for the 360. A game developed exclusively for the PS3 can produce drastically better looking graphics than the 360, since it can have larger textures, and smoother models. Either that, or the PS3 can have many more things happening at once, with the same graphical quality of a 360 game.

The nuts and bolts o a PS3 are indeed quite a bit better than the ones that make up the 360, however, the 360 is much easier to use, so most games are downgraded to the point that they can appear on the 360 or PS3.

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Let me just ask you guys something: Do you have a PS3? I mean, I've notice that the PS3 is really costly, and not that many people can afford it, unlike the 360. If so, I want to know who has a PS3, because I'm finding that people can't afford it, but instead bash the 360, without even trying it out.


I see this so many times on Youtube, and it is downright ignorant.


Youtube is where all the morons of the world gathered and decided to have epic flamewars about pointless things.


But your right. It's when people hate the 360 without even touching one and vice versa for the PS3.


They are almost exactly the same. One would argue that the PS3 has better graphics. IT DOESN'T. It can PRODUCE better graphics but modern games still haven't reached the point where the PS3 can use all its processing power. The PS3 is like the human brain, most of it isn't used.


So with that being said the 360 and PS3 are almost identical except for the way they look and the games available. But if you play a PS3 version of a game and an Xbox version of a game you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


I have a question.

Do you know what you're talking about?

The PS3 is capable of processing more polygons than the 360, this allows for more models at once, or more detailed models. The PS3 also uses blu-ray disks, which hold much more data than a disk for the 360. A game developed exclusively for the PS3 can produce drastically better looking graphics than the 360, since it can have larger textures, and smoother models. Either that, or the PS3 can have many more things happening at once, with the same graphical quality of a 360 game.

The nuts and bolts o a PS3 are indeed quite a bit better than the ones that make up the 360, however, the 360 is much easier to use, so most games are downgraded to the point that they can appear on the 360 or PS3.



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Dear PS3 fanboys out there,


Xbox 360 and PS3 have the same graphics. They are the same on everything except the games that come out on it. Anything the PS3 can do, so can 360.


Sincerely, Lightning :D

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Dear PS3 fanboys out there,


Xbox 360 and PS3 have the same graphics. They are the same on everything except the games that come out on it. Anything the PS3 can do, so can 360.


Sincerely, Lightning :D


Uh... *looks at lawsuit filed against SE for using PS3 version clips to advertise for the Xbox version of FFXIII*


To be honest, I don't really see the difference either xD

Nevertheless, it is there, and there's a big enough difference in terms of graphics to piss off a lot of people. I'm just saying, if it was the same, the false advertising wouldn't be as big a deal as it was.

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Dear PS3 fanboys out there,


Xbox 360 and PS3 have the same graphics. They are the same on everything except the games that come out on it. Anything the PS3 can do, so can 360.


Sincerely, Lightning :D


Uh... *looks at lawsuit filed against SE for using PS3 version clips to advertise for the Xbox version of FFXIII*


To be honest, I don't really see the difference either xD

Nevertheless, it is there, and there's a big enough difference in terms of graphics to piss off a lot of people. I'm just saying, if it was the same, the false advertising wouldn't be as big a deal as it was.


I owned both consoles, and as far as FF13 and Modern Warfare 2 go, they were the same. I am not sure of other games.

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I'm not a PS3 fanboy, and it is true that most games have the same quality of graphics on the PS3 and 360, it's just that the PS3 has more graphical potential. It can process slightly higher quality models, slightly faster, and hold drastically more data.

It's apparently difficult to actually use what the PS3 has though (This leads to a lack of game)

But if any company WOULD use the PS3 to its full graphical potential, it;d be Square an you know it.

Any person who thinks stating facts about consoles makes them a fanboy is desperately trying to prove something to themselves.

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Do you honestly think that many people will buy a game like Kingdom Hearts when they own an Xbox?


Think of the Console-Personality.

Nintendo=Old school gaming, Nostalgia games, Kiddy games, Distinct art style games.

Playstation=RPG's, Fantasy games, Movie games, Moderate shooters, Strategy/Puzzle games.

Xbox=Heavy shooters, Semi-realistic games, Sport games, Racing games.


Which Console-Personality do you think Kingdom Hearts fits into best?


In my opinion, releasing it on Xbox would not create even a spark of interest in the majority of Halo-playing Xbox fans, and would destroy the PS fan's trust and loyalty to SE, making the game sell badly on all sides.

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Do you honestly think that many people will buy a game like Kingdom Hearts when they own an Xbox?


Think of the Console-Personality.

Nintendo=Old school gaming, Nostalgia games, Kiddy games, Distinct art style games.

Playstation=RPG's, Fantasy games, Movie games, Moderate shooters, Strategy/Puzzle games.

Xbox=Heavy shooters, Semi-realistic games, Sport games, Racing games.


Which Console-Personality do you think Kingdom Hearts fits into best?


In my opinion, releasing it on Xbox would not create even a spark of interest in the majority of Halo-playing Xbox fans, and would destroy the PS fan's trust and loyalty to SE, making the game sell badly on all sides.


Keep in mind a good portion of the Xbox community is under 12 years old. Children from 0-12 tend to be interested in Disney Characters even if it is just a little bit.


Plus, The KH community isn't as large or obsessive as some of the other things out there. Most people haven't even heard of KH (even a lot of PS3 players). Having a KH game be released on the 360 as well as the PS3 would only be noticed by KH fans who really wouldn't give a crap because they would just be happy that they got a game after waiting for several years (and they definitely wouldn't give a crap if it was KH3)


The only people who would overreact would be the true fanboys and fangirls who's only purpose in life is to start flamewars on the internet so no one would pay attention to them either as it would be just another group of people pissed off for no good reason. The fanboys/girls would send dozens of e-mails to Square-Enix that simply get automatically sent to the spam folders. The only problem with fanboys/girls is that they have no lives to get back to so they can keep at it for days if not weeks. Thankfully they are easily distracted.


It really doesn't matter a KH game is made for both the PS3 and 360. You can still play it on the console you like. Who gives a crap about what other people are playing the game on? As long as you are having fun and they are having fun there is no issue I could only see a problem if one console got more content than the other. Then this thing would be debatable.

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