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KHRecoded Re:coded Developer Interviews Part 1

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Re:coded Developer Interviews Part 1

These are from Re:coded Ultimania.


Below are most of the developer interviews translated by gold_panner.


Takahito Ebato - Planning Director


From: Tokyo Development Team

Previous titles: Coded


What is something you paid careful attention to in this title?


Ebato: I wanted to make a game that could be looked at, played and enjoyed many many times, like a Disney Land attraction. I consider the bug blocks, system area, sidescroll action, 3D shooting etc as attractions that you should be able to adventure in through each world.


Was there something you were thinking to change since the mobile phone version of Coded?


Ebato: Because the controls were hugely improved, I was thinking I wanted to realize marvelous action on the DS. By adjusting and incorporating the Deck Command system and ShotLock options from Birth by Sleep, as well as adopting auto-jump and the like, I think it turned into an action RPG that can be played by a wide range of gamers.


What was the very hardest thing?


Ebato: Not having any time. Because the amount of time between Coded for the mobile phone and Re:Coded for the DS was short, we were late in drawing up modified points for the DS version and new plans.


If you have an unforgettable memory from during development, please share it with us.


Ebato: I will never forget the sashimi we ate at a bar we randomly went into on a business trip to Sapporo to make arrangements with h.a.n.d (the developement company who were given charge of producing this title). It was both huge and delicious.



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