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So that whole thing with my PSP getting stolen and whatnot?


Well, as it were, apparently since it was there when the company my roommate had over and it wasn't after they left, that's actually all they need to charge the d-bags with theft. SOOO, there's a high chance that even if everything can't be given back to me, such as if he sold it and there's no way to trace it anywhere, they'll still have to pay damages of some sort and I'll be able to replace everything. All I have to do is finish writing this statement, have my roommate do the same, and sit back and wait for the long hand of the law to slap the snot out of these kids.


As well as that PSP stuff I bought off craigslist? Well, selling most of the games at GS (kept one) actually landed me with enough "store credit" to be able to replace my BBS disc surprisingly enough. So, aside from not being able to use install data, and not having my good ol' 4gb stick, everything in that aspect is back to normal, and I don't have to deal with that decision I was thinking about (speaking of which, any mod out there can feel free to lock that thread).


Still though, I won't be as active as I used to, until my school semester ends, as I'm too busy and can only focus on so many things at once.


Wish me luck, and hopefully I can end this semester stronger than I did last semester.

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See? Good things happen when you don't attempt to beak the law. :D


Lol but I didn't need to consider breaking the law since I could get it xD.


And, I looked anyway out of curiosity, apparently this particular PSP isn't hackable without doing a whole bunch of crap to the insides of the thing, so I wasn't even going to dare to touch it anyway xD.

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