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The ^<v game

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nothx C:


^ wants a cookie


v doesn't know what I'm talking about <8D

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Nope I will always say "Loves Lightning" and No, there is no cure for cheese.

^ Hates Lightning apparently :

< Loves Lightning (Shes a Goddess)

V Batlaust?

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No... baylaust. And Lightning is awesome.:3


^Is clearly obsessed with Lightning

< Discovered a formula to create pies with two dirty socks and a hand puppet

V Fought an epic battle against an army of rabid unicorns

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I will join your quest good sir knight!


^ Purges evil from the world

< Joined his quest to purge evil from the world

V Will join Baylaust's quest to purge the world of evil?

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Since it is my quest, yes.


^Has joined my army

< Ran across the ocean looking for his mattress

V Shall learn Kung-Fu and battle against a dragon in an epic fight of epicness


P.S: the 'b' isn't capitalized. Common mistake.

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What? I've confused that many people?

^Don't understand why she's confused--oh wait, don't answer this, it'll add more confusion

vderpderpderpderpderpderpderpderp (sorry Hina, that's supposed to be your words)

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Thats disputable.


^ My assassin partner in the quest to destroy J. Biebs.

< Might die of this god damn cold before the quest even begins.

V Nyuunyuunyuunyuunyuunyuunyuu

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Why, it's Riku in itune version of course, apparently it isn't darkmoon tenshi in the sight, I don't know how two-words name can show up ^.^lol jkjk

^Is super humble

vIs super, I think that's it...

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