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The ^<v game

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^ Buenos noches me amigo

< Does not want this thread to die like "Flirt with the person above you."

V Also hates the death of forum games?

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I'm an introvert in most cases, so I guess that is kinda true, xD, I kid.


^ Hates people

< Ate a Chocolate Orange (How's this possible you might ask?)


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No I'm actually a weapon used to destroy demons

^ate a chocolate orange (no clue how that's possible)

< is a weapon

v is also a weapon

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Yes :3


^ Wonders how it's possible to eat a Chocolate Orange.

< Knows that a Chocolate Orange is a ball of chocolate in the shape of an orange that you slam down on a hard surface where it says to, then you unwrap it, and eat the individual slices that look like parts of an orange almost, that taste like chocolate but kinda tastes like an orange as well, but not really.

V Want's a Chocolate Orange now?

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No, I'm not in that good of shape.


^ Needs to get a Chocolate Orange.

< Finished the Chocolate Orange.

V Also wants a Chocolate Orange? (If you are not Felicitas)

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