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KHUX Question about latest Japanese update "Omen"

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This is the new update in the game. Now my question revolves around how many "worlds/worldlines" exist. From what I had understood, there was the real world, where the Keyblade War happened and to avoid having everyone killed, there was a Data World made where we currently are. Now my problem is which world is real and which is not. The new 5 leaders can come in and leave the Data World (just how they got us) and thus, they could alternate between the real world that the war had taken place and the data world. I further assumed that their headquarters (the tower) were in the real world still, because they met in the real world's graveyard initially (actually, I don't remember, how did they meet there for the first time when the graveyard was created once the war was done?) and for various other reasons, but I now think that everyone is inside all the time, right?

However, I read this comment on "Omen's" video: "Parallel universes are a thing. That's what the characters are talking about when they mention world lines. The Dandelions avoided the keyblade war by jumping to a different world line where the keyblade war never happened." This isn't true, right? There's no different world line, people just relive their lives in a Data World without the keyblade war, right? And in this Data World, there's a different darkness involved, which will cause eventually Brain to create a 2nd Data World, but the real world is still the same one, ravaged by the war and the one they will eventually bring the light back to, right?

And for a 5th time... Right? Thank you in advance!

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22 hours ago, Maffy said:

This is the new update in the game. Now my question revolves around how many "worlds/worldlines" exist. From what I had understood, there was the real world, where the Keyblade War happened and to avoid having everyone killed, there was a Data World made where we currently are. Now my problem is which world is real and which is not. The new 5 leaders can come in and leave the Data World (just how they got us) and thus, they could alternate between the real world that the war had taken place and the data world. I further assumed that their headquarters (the tower) were in the real world still, because they met in the real world's graveyard initially (actually, I don't remember, how did they meet there for the first time when the graveyard was created once the war was done?) and for various other reasons, but I now think that everyone is inside all the time, right?

However, I read this comment on "Omen's" video: "Parallel universes are a thing. That's what the characters are talking about when they mention world lines. The Dandelions avoided the keyblade war by jumping to a different world line where the keyblade war never happened." This isn't true, right? There's no different world line, people just relive their lives in a Data World without the keyblade war, right? And in this Data World, there's a different darkness involved, which will cause eventually Brain to create a 2nd Data World, but the real world is still the same one, ravaged by the war and the one they will eventually bring the light back to, right?

And for a 5th time... Right? Thank you in advance!

I could be wrong, but I thought them jumping into a different worldline simply meant another data world or the real world? This makes things even more confusing.

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As I understand it, the JP browser game, Chi [X] took place in the real world and ended with the first Keyblade War. Your character almost died but was taken into the data version of the game that had been created by (or discovered by, who knows) the new Union Leaders (Ephemer, Skuld, etc.). This is where KHUX starts and where we are currently. There's no real guarantee just yet, but it seems like the Keyblade Graveyard is located in the place where Daybreak Town used to be (or it could be a ways away from Daybreak Town: again, not clear just yet). For the most part, Daybreak Town in the real world seems to be gone. This would explain why the new Union Leaders are meeting in the data world clock tower. Meeting in the real world that one time was probably just for show on the game designers part (probably had a greater narrative effect than having them meet in the data world as though nothing had happened).

While parallel worlds could in fact be a thing, we still don't know enough about them just yet. That information will probably come into play as the game progresses, though. You're correct in saying that all of this is happening in a data world. Whether Brain creates a 2nd data world is up in the air, but we seem to be able to ID him as the "virus" that Luxu referred to in the KH3 Secret Reports (he even called himself a virus).

Right now, all we know is that the real world is in ruins and needs to be revitalized by "the light in the hearts of children" or something like that. Everyone currently resides in a data version of the world that existed before the Keyblade War which is now developing new scenarios (since the war didn't happen in this simulation). Brain plans to do something to this world and has taken on the role of a virus. Finally, something is going to happen that ends up sending Ven, Lauriam, Elrena, Demyx's Somebody, and Luxord's Somebody (and probably Skuld) into the future with no memory of their pasts (I'm assuming this). Could have something to with world lines, could not. All we can do now is wait and speculate.

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On 3/1/2019 at 4:41 PM, Mkucherina said:

I could be wrong, but I thought them jumping into a different worldline simply meant another data world or the real world? This makes things even more confusing.

Thank you, that's what I thought too!

5 hours ago, hawk222 said:

 There's no real guarantee just yet, but it seems like the Keyblade Graveyard is located in the place where Daybreak Town used to be (or it could be a ways away from Daybreak Town: again, not clear just yet). For the most part, Daybreak Town in the real world seems to be gone.

This brings me to the question I made in my parenthesis, how did the new union leaders meet for the first time in the graveyard when the graveyard itself existed AFTER the war? The data world first existed before the war, because they were already taking dandelions there. When they took our player to the data world, it was during the war, so there shouldn't have been a graveyard beforehand. Was there any explanation that I missed/forgot or no info yet?

But yes, that makes sense. Seeing the glitches happen both inside the tower and outside was an obvious sign that no one was in the real world. I had just understood some scenes wrong and came to the conclusion they must have been outside to be able to maintain the data world.

5 hours ago, hawk222 said:

While parallel worlds could in fact be a thing, we still don't know enough about them just yet. That information will probably come into play as the game progresses, though. You're correct in saying that all of this is happening in a data world. Whether Brain creates a 2nd data world is up in the air, but we seem to be able to ID him as the "virus" that Luxu referred to in the KH3 Secret Reports (he even called himself a virus).

Phew~ It's confusing to always be sure of whatever happens. At first they only mentioned worldlines so I had assumed they had changed a worldline, but when they started specifically talking about data, I changed my opinion. So, seeing some comments like that shake my beliefs since they tend to change easily with every new piece of information, haha. I'm glad I was still on the right track.

Thank you both for answering!

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6 hours ago, Maffy said:

This brings me to the question I made in my parenthesis, how did the new union leaders meet for the first time in the graveyard when the graveyard itself existed AFTER the war? The data world first existed before the war, because they were already taking dandelions there. When they took our player to the data world, it was during the war, so there shouldn't have been a graveyard beforehand. Was there any explanation that I missed/forgot or no info yet?

I'm not sure if you've had the chance to look at the video footage from KHX (Chi, the browser game) yet, but all of the endgame fighting (the Keyblade War) takes place in what we now know as the Keyblade Graveyard, just without all the abandoned Keyblades sticking out of the ground as they eventually would. So the location of the Keyblade Graveyard already existed, but it wouldn't be called a graveyard until after the war.

Before the war (battlefield):



After the war (graveyard):




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21 hours ago, hawk222 said:

I'm not sure if you've had the chance to look at the video footage from KHX (Chi, the browser game) yet, but all of the endgame fighting (the Keyblade War) takes place in what we now know as the Keyblade Graveyard, just without all the abandoned Keyblades sticking out of the ground as they eventually would.

I have seen the difference, but that's the thing. When the new 5 union leaders first met, there were already numerous keyblades sticking out, hence it must have already been the Keyblade Graveyard. How did that happen?

Edited by Maffy

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19 hours ago, Maffy said:

I have seen the difference, but that's the thing. When the new 5 union leaders first met, there were already numerous keyblades sticking out, hence it must have already been the Keyblade Graveyard. How did that happen?

Ah, didn't realize that's what you meant. From what I've seen, it looks like the union leaders and the Dandelions had all been moved to the data world so that they didn't have to be part of the Keyblade War. Ephemer and Skuld came back to grab the player character, and then they must have gone back (or stayed there) to the Graveyard to meet up with the others. It was probably something Ava told them to do, like "the five of you will meet up at this place after everything is done and figure out what to do from there." There are some gaps in the story, so it seems we're left to fill them in ourselves.

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4 minutes ago, hawk222 said:

Ah, didn't realize that's what you meant. From what I've seen, it looks like the union leaders and the Dandelions had all been moved to the data world so that they didn't have to be part of the Keyblade War. Ephemer and Skuld came back to grab the player character, and then they must have gone back (or stayed there) to the Graveyard to meet up with the others. It was probably something Ava told them to do, like "the five of you will meet up at this place after everything is done and figure out what to do from there." There are some gaps in the story, so it seems we're left to fill them in ourselves.

Ahh ok, I was sure I had missed or forgot something, since it seems pretty major, haha. I confused the event of Ephemer and Skuld saving our player as an act of the union leaders, so it didn't make sense meeting later for the first time. But yes, now it's clear! Thank you very much for help :D I can't wait for the new world and story updates to come forth and confuse me once again, haha.

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