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Think Pink

Veterans Day (What Did You Do?)

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^ Do in remembrance, honor, to celebrate those still fighting or those who are retired?


My school hosted a chapel, and though my dad wasn't there to see, I got to sing a solo for it (America the Beautiful) being part of SLT. They read poems, sang some more songs, ect.


So what'd you guys do?

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I ended up going to a Veteran's Day program at my school. We ended up having a pretty good turnout. We had the mayor say a few words and had a good guest speaker.

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veterans day... it's meant to be rememberance day DX


veterans are people lucky to be alive, purely up to chance, but it doesn't mean they should get more respect than the people to died for their cause


It honors those who were killed as well as those still alive.


I hate how some schools do nothing. >.< They should give their respect.

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veterans day... it's meant to be rememberance day DX


veterans are people lucky to be alive, purely up to chance, but it doesn't mean they should get more respect than the people to died for their cause


._. It's to honor them both, but it's just called Veterans Day here.


We had ... Monday off for some reason.. xD But other than having a moment of silence and then a short video they had us all watch, our school really didn't do anything. D;

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veterans day =/= remembrance day, koolkingdom.

..and kaiso. xD; <3

remembrance day is when we wear poppies to remember those lost in wwi, the poppies symbolizing how life can grow on where battles were once fought. veterans day is from armistice day, which is to commemorate the veterans alive. though it as well started from wwi, now its mostly to remember wwii and vietnams veterans. memorial day would probably be a little more like remembrance day, though i dont think that started from wwi at all.. i digresssss. xD hopefullythatmadesensebutw/e

leetssss not debate bout that thooo, kay guys? P:



my dad works in the states, and on veterans day they brought a veteran in from the vietnam war to speak.

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