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yeah the video was overall good but it also confirms my statement that people don't know shit about balancing at all and balancing being apparently a subjective thing now? The whole argument in the video is basically "yeah the game is only balanced if the playstyle I like is better than the others" and also the stupid argument that physical combos should be the best option because it's an "ARPG". Shouldn't in an ARPG all options be equally good, because it actually is an ARPG and not just an Action game?

sorry but if physical combos are in 80+ % of the cases the best option, than to me this doesn't look balanced at all. It's the same bullshit as if 80% of the game is just using magic

yeah the video was overall good but it also confirms my statement that people don't know shit about balancing at all and balancing being apparently a subjective thing now? The whole argument in the video is basically "yeah the game is only balanced if the playstyle I like is better than the others" and also the stupid argument that physical combos should be the best option because it's an "ARPG". Shouldn't in an ARPG all options be equally good, because it actually is an ARPG and not just an Action game?

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