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...that's just

the onIy other time this render is visibIe is Iike, on the save menu (different sprite ofc)

do the others have portraits Iike this 👀 ?

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actually that could be where they are actually used. the game can just crop these textures if needed
notice how riku has some more detail that is not seen on his levelup

this engine can apply effects to these textures on the fly
change transparency, add/remove color filters, etc

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iirc ff characters only have renders in save menu. and these are their only textures in the whole file system. everything else are voice files and scripts from remind


looks like all the portraits in menuface are used for save files and for levelup (when possible)

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Is there mod a to remove party members from team when freeroamjng and run solo

I have reactive lighting by the way

If not I finally have a new mod to make again lol

Would love to run solo in these with Donald and goofy being there they kill hog to much lol

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🎶 Uraaaaaanium fever has done and got me down
Uraaaaaanium fever is spreadin' all around
With a Geiger counter in my hand
I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
Uranium fever has done and got me downnnn 🎵

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