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Favorite Game: 2FM and 3RM
Favorite Character: Roxas
Favorite Villain: Xemnas
Favorite Song: battle - All for One. not battle - Roxas
Favorite Boss: Xemnas (KH2)
Favorite World: Twilight Town (KH2)
Least Favorite Game: all of X
Least Favorite Character: HEAL ME STUPID DUCK
Least Favorite Song: both from Beast Castle
Least Favorite Boss: Xaldin (KH2)
Least Favorite World: Beast Castle

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Something I didn’t mention on mine is that while I heavily dislike Monstro as a world, I love its’ theme music that plays out of combat. It’s kind of a similar thing with Beast’s castle. The layout makes no sense, and I despise the enemies there, but the music is actually pretty okay imo.

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l reaIIy Iike Monstro's music, l think the KH1 one is fun.... but onIy on PS2
idk why but l hate that worId outside of the PS2

as for the DDD variant
l don't even remember anything from it



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I’m sure most here are aware of it, but I figure I’ll share it now while we’re talking about music.

Halloween Town in KH1 has an entire alternate version of This Is Halloween that only plays in the seconds between you arriving in the world for the first time and when you go through the gate to the square. It’s speculated that this was the original theme for the world before the rights to the actual This Is Halloween were secured. Take a listen:

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