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Once I get my Roxas and Xion bring arts, I'll give that Kingdom Key to Sora, while I give Xion the Oathkeeper while Roxas keeps his Oblivion

Keep in mind, Roxas had Xion's keyblade and turned it into the Oathkeeper

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I actually wanted to get the Nendoroids. But the fact that Xion is not part of that line nor Ven or Terra. No thanks

I refuse to get the SeaSalt Trio if Xion is not there

From Nendoroid

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I mean, I’m always used to Roxas and Xion with their Organization black coats, same goes for Axel and maybe Saïx (and yes, even as normal people, I still call them by their nobody names cause I’m more used to that)

As for the rest, it depends

The rest of the Organization

And let’s be real here. Replicas are no different from human beings

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The replicas used for KH3 Xion, Roxas, and Naminé are indistinguishable from humans. The replicas used for the original Xion and Riku were “prototypes” and might’ve had flaws had they continued to exist.

That said

The prototype Replicas were real enough to grow hearts of their own

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