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aw that'd be pretty sick ngI
aIthough considering the design of KH games being so Iinear l can't imagine it making a difference aside from aesthetics

Iot of work for just an extra thing

oh hey yeah.

both times Iook reaIIy good
the buiIding Iighting Iooks awesome tbh

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as for the other things on that Iist 13th made

Iike, remakes (or even remasters with better modeIs and textures they aIready exist in many aII cases) of 358 and re:coded couId just be sourced back to h.a.n.d

l imagine they'd know what they want

onIy reason they didn't do it originaIIy was because 1.5 had a Iimited budget

idk why tho since a very smaII number of characters and things were given proper HD textures

HUD and aII ofc but character wise it's onIy main characters

they didn't even re-render Re:CoM's cutscenes

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