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I think Riku from Kingdom Hearts is the strongest character because he basically faced two past versions of himself with Riku Replica from Chain of Memories and Dark Riku from 3 and not die from cringe.

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Data Battles for KH3 on Critical begins, did Young Xehanort today, and gonna go for Luxord next tomorrow.

had some practice on Luxord its not bad just can be fidgety with how attacks work in this game, have to be careful with how you handle it.

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kh1 sephiroth isn't actually that hard at high levels if you have second chance, leaf bracer and mp rage the fight is a joke

hell even without leaf bracer it wouldn't be too hard

i don't think

if we are talking about og kh1 non final mix

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I probably shouldn't even be saying this honestly. Be careful everyone. There's a new 4chan rumor about the current status of KH games (Missing Link and KH4). It was posted on GLAR (Gaming Leaks and Rumors reddit). Do whatever you want. Read it. Don't. If you do... it's not great. But it's 4chan. Which means that there's a 95% probability that it's fake. Anyway.......

goes a weird dance to the cool LAL Near Future battle theme

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when will kh4 and missing link release?

like dead slient for 3 years almost now

another thing is the fact it doesn't make sense for kh4 or kh5 to be the last kingdom hearts game

if kingdom hearts 4 is going to be like a new beginning for kingdom hearts

then why have it end on that game and or kh5

that sounds very redundent

also another thing

we bascially waited the same amount of time for kh4 as dream drop distance to kh3

think about that

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