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was xehanort actually possessed by one of the true darknesses?

MOM you need to stir up emotions to bait them, with strong hearts you can trap them

maybe the dark road saga, was building up to that moment, and then one of the true darkness goes into xehanort

and after sora defeated him in KH3, one of them is dead now?

i lost track of where are the true darkness at the moment

so 7 is with MOM and the legendary keyblade masters.

1 is in ventus

another 5 trapped in that gaming world? or data world?

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Unless Nomura pulls something out his butt later on Xehanort is just immersed by darkness the raw force and not one of the "Darkness" beings

Like how Ansem injected Aqua who didn't have a keyblade to defend herself with a presumably considerable amount of darkness to make her fall

The only other example would be the union members in the mobile who fell to darkness, lost the ability to wield their original keyblades and had those red fingertips with the rings on them like anti aqua had

Can't remember their names off the top of my head

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they had names? i thought they were just those noice npcs, victims for the plot lol

so that means ventus still held the true darkness inside him.

i feels its vanitas but…i dunno, its too vague to make assumptions now

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Yeah, it's 50/50 if T.Darkness is Vanitas or if they're seperate beings but it could go either way depending on how Nomura spins it.

Could be that Vanitas is a

mix of Ven and True Darkness, but True Darkness is still inside Ven as the Re:Mind cutscene seemed to imply


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Not individual names I meant the state of being they were in has a name like the different heartless do, not to say they're heartless though


Nomura is holding out on giving us that answer but I think that might be the case, Darkness gave up their physical forms to infect people to do their bidding but whichever one that ended up being Vanitas probably went about it differently in an attempt to conceal itself



what it who he'd be trying to conceal himself from is anyone's guess. Maybe MoM


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An interview by HMK with Young Thug's (Y.Xehanort) voice actor confirm

that the Master of Masters' real name isn't going to be a returning character like Sora, Demyx or etc.



So he's a complete anomaly and an original character


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