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I hold the conspiracy theory that KH4 could* have come out late this year early next year but *something imo happeend

Something most likely Square Enix and Disney shaped.

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Please not the same situation as in KH3 again.

We switched engines durign development.

Even though a change from Unreal ENgine 4 to Unreal Engine 5 will not take as long as the KH3 situation.

Even though a change from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5 will not take as long as the KH3 situation.

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There were trailers but did it really help that much?

In some ways retroactively it almost made the wait worse cause I just wanted the game more and more- it never had time to breathe or leave my mind.

KH4 didn't really become a thing I think alot about until about 2, 3 months ago lol



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Waiting for Disney to sign stuff is probably why the games take longer then they otherwise would have.

Not really the same as KH3 since on top of that they had to work with a whole new engine while building it. KHIV is still gonna come out sooner just a matter of knowing what is and isn't OK to put in.

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Yes Star Wars world is inevitable. I was against it but it's inevitable

It's fine I guess I was just worried it would be cringe. That's why I was always against Star Wards in KH

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