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I think light and darkness have to coexist. There just has to be a perfect balance.

Too much darkness is bad. And too much light is also maybe bad?

We do not have that much information about light as much as we have information about darkness so far.

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Light offers clarity and great strength but comes with restrictions, and focuses more on control- which leads to a sense of elitism, and bigotry against darkness. Less room for creativity, but more stability and structure.

Darkness allows for more freedom, but is easily corruptable, and volatile. Making it easier to give into less than virtuous inhibitions. Allows for more creativity and rewards curiosity, but can run wild and consume.

Thats always been my read on the two anyway- in the context of specifically the way Kingdom Hearts utilizes the concepts, that is.

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my thoughts on the future of kh4,5,etc is that we will see Light is also an enemy

theres Original Darkness, that also means theres Original Light

Original Light could have had a utopian complex which is often more harm then good on how to achieve it

likewise. Its never stated Darkness can only be bad in KH. So its possible we eventually see an original darkness that is actually neutral or just wants to exist peacefully

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anyone else still think rikus new keyblade should've been the Kingdom Key N

The kingdom key of the realm of nothingness

Considering Mickeys keyblade in kh1 and 2 he used was the kingdom key D

the kingdom key of the realm of darkness

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by the way is my game glitched. i'm playing bbs on my psp

and finished all the stories with getting all the xehanort reports but i am unable to play the final story

oh i just found it there are some xehanort reports in the mirage arena

oh i just found it there are some xehanort reports in the mirage arena for terra

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