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Plus, how the hell was he supposed to know that Xehanort wasn't on the good side? All he knew was Xehanort being best friends with Eraqus and a keyblade MASTER

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He did not look like that when he was younger.

Young Xehanort (not the one possessing Terra) looked like an ordinary Kingdom Hearts character to me

Young Xehanort (not the one possessing Terra) looked like an ordinary Kingdom Hearts character to me.

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darkness didnt make him go bald

even khdr didnt really give much reason just that xehanort did it intentionally apparently

only bit we got was his chat to the mirror

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i mean, yeah he shaved his head for like something about determination. Let say he started that after being obsessed with darkness. if he remain a nice guy till the end, i assume he wouldn’t give other reason to go bald.

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to an extent he still had niceness in him*

ultimately his ideals originated from care for others

he just went a different route in the later years


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