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still none of those options should make him use it 3 times
especially since the first cast already leaves him on mp charge. check his bar in the video

and i repeat he only started doing it on this world. almost like he had a different ability set just like sora, but this one is not visible in camp menu

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Oh wait, I actually just remembered that happening to me a few times in that world when I played on PS4

Once I healed and then he immediately cast heal on me twice. I thought it was a bug

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i chose wand and got rid of sword

im literally getting 2 shot by first boss and the minions before it

like im having more trouble fighting this first boss than i did fighting most bosses in elden ring

i chose proud mode but idk if thats why

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ig ill just over level and get 1k for obsidian ring for more dmg

i didnt think the hard mode for this game would be: get 1 shot if you mess up once in a boss fight while having to hit it more than 30 times without taking damage

waiiit that might also be why riku was so hard to beat...

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This is ur first time with kh1

I recommend playing on normal

Me personally i found kh1 REALLY hard attimes on normal

And i played through it twice

Just make sure you use everything in ur arsenal


If ur not too far into the game

And feel like the challenge is a tad bit much

You could always restart

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well to be fair i just unlocked my first one which is the stun ability

i unlocked it at like level 6 i think

but potions were mainly the issue i didnt know i had to equip them first to use them i thought i was just out of pots

now i have donald and goofy in my party so game should be easier hopefully

also thanks for all the tips i didnt realize how hard this game was so knowing them at beginning will help a lot

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Bro is doing a lv1 critical speedrun on his fist playthrough laughsinnomura

You definitely want to play on Standard if it's your first time. It's possible to play on higher difficulties, and more power to you if you enjoy that, but I'd recommend saving Proud/Critical for your second+ playthroughs

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