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Ruins the whole game

That being said this video was most likely made before the DLC. You’d be shocked how much the DLC improved the game

Kinda like KH2 too in fact

Vanilla KH2 kinda bad
But Final Mix improves it a surprising amount

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i am going to guess this guy is either a diehard cod fan or someone who really really enjoys the dbz games

update it's an edgy anime "reviewer"

thick as hell quotes on reviewer

we'll put that in the same species as "diehard cod fan"

bro has the six year old maturity level

and a mild case of npd

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Okay but tbh, I didn’t like KH3 at launch

In fact I still have a ton of issues with it

The DLC did fix a lot though don’t get me wrong.

But I mean come on, the game not saving between zones in KH3 is really stupid

“Oops you died to a group of enemies right before the end of this 20 min long room, gotta start over also non of your experience saved”

On proud mode it’s barely noticeable but on CRIT? It’s just a dumb gameplay snafu

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Not for me, that made me so mad on my first crit playthrough

Like bruh just make it auto save after fights

90% of all rpgs do that now

If strangers of paradise ff origins can auto save character data better than kingdom hearts, there’s a problem

Wasn’t a fan of flowmotion in kh3 ngl

Felt kind of awkward a lot

Not gonna go much further than that though since me or anyone else complaining about kh3 tends to devolve into a mess of nit picks

Probably could make a laundry list of them really if I wanted to

But I’m also tired so I’m gonna hit the hay

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hey now snake

…nvm I can’t reaIIy defend DDD because I just don’t Iike pIaying it

even on an actuaI 3DS I just can’t ignore it’s issues and the fact it’s FoV is somehow worse than KH1’s

for such massive rooms the game sure wants it to feeI smaII

oh speaking of fov

we Iike a IittIe bit of gaming

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